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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Hi there! I just returned from Meet & Greet with my second grader at his new school. I was really mystified by a lot of this experience and I wonder if anyone here can give me some perspective on it? First, the principal gave a talk about a new program they are implementing: the kids as young as 2nd grade will be rotating classes to get the teachers who are experts in math, reading, and science. He was very defensive and unclear. The title of his talk was "Questioning Tradition" and he said this is what we all have to do. really??? This was the extent of his talk. He never mentioned where to drop off kids, where to pick them up, what time the doors open, whether you can send peanut items in lunches, where to go in case of emergency, etc. No map of the school was given. Then he finished his talk and we were to go to the classrooms. But no parents had been told which classes our kids belonged to. So everyone hung around. I went and asked the secretary and she was very snarky and got out the lists. Finally I figured out where to go and the lists got posted. When we went to the classrooms the teacher said he did not really know how the new program would go so he could not really answer questions. It seems like the teachers are not in favor of this program. That was the extent of his talk. But that is all the parents wanted to talk about. They were up in arms and very angry about it! Many criticisms were aired. This is with the kids all waiting, bored. After a long time I asked if he could tell us a little about himself. He spoke two sentences and then another mom interrupted, "He's a great teacher, we all know him well" and then it was back to the new program. This teacher is to be our 'homeroom' teacher and he is a specialist in math. So, deciding to be THAT PUSHY HOMESCHOOLING MOM, I told him we used Singapore and asked him about his approach. He said they use TERC and his approach is problem-solving, not math facts, but that DS will have no trouble if he has been doing Singapore. Well, I don't think he'll HAVE any trouble, rather he will MAKE trouble if he is bored! I'm sure his class is fun but I think we will be afterschooling more Singapore. I have a funny feeling we will. Then we visited the "Literacy" teacher. I told her that DS is way ahead in reading, but she gruffly assured me she "has books for that." I hope so, because he is 3 years ahead of his peers. This was awkward because a lot of other moms were listening and I felt completely prideful that I was boasting about my son, but still, she needs to know where he stands so she can teach him. The science teacher was so nice. She was pleasantly interested to find out that we homeschooled and was impressed with what we had done for 1st grade and said for me to be sure to tell her if there was anything she could do. I had to remind myself why we are doing this. I have a ton of reasons for PS+afterschooling, so I need to dig in and be brave. I do not like to be pushy, but I think sometimes things have to be said. I'm afraid I have already gotten on the wrong side of the secretary. I don't care in the least what new program they all have in mind, but it bothers me that that is all that was talked about. Aaauugh!!! any thoughts? are your PS like this?
  2. Simochka, I am a less experienced mom than you, but I just had one idea... I wonder if each of them needs a regular special attention-time with their parents, and then they would be able to let these aggravations slide or deal with them more easily? Maybe 6 yo could have a special set time doing a grown up activity with Dad? I mean a regular time that they could depend on. Maybe you already do this! But I think you have had a lot going on lately and I wonder if they are just overstressed. Nyssa
  3. John Steinbeck redid Malory's Mort D'Arthur as "the Acts of King Arthur & his Noble Knights". Although I do not care for Steinbeck's own fiction, this was well done. His Intro and the letters he wrote to his publisher are included. He did a lot of research and his views of Malory as a novelist are very interesting.
  4. Not prosecute-- but do complain! And write a review someplace.
  5. I love the Fr Brown stories and the Man Who Was Thursday-- although I have to say not everyone likes that one-- the ending is what some dislike. I also like the Napoleon of Notting Hill and the Club of Queer Trades.
  6. Maybe a very long shot, but occasionally girls get knee pain associated with their hormones starting to cycle-- water retention in joints. That would explain why it's at seemingly random times, sometimes. For me this began when I was 10 and nobody knew what it was until DF came at age 12. For me it is still one of the symptoms of DF.
  7. I don't think I would let an emotional moment decide it. I would take it into account with all the other important factors, though. My Ds is also going to PS for the first time next week. We have good reasons for this and I feel content with this decision. But I do expect that both of us may have some difficult moments, and I will constantly be evaluating how things are going.:grouphug:
  8. Yes, that is what I wanted to say-- why isn't there an adult advisor for the teen group who is helping them with this? Why are they left to figure it out on their own?
  9. There's a book called Feeling Good which I recommend. I forget the author, but it's about using cognitive therapy principles.
  10. I know a lady who is a "community navigator" contracted with CPS to help families connect up with resources. This is in Wash. State. She does a great job.
  11. I have no answers for this question, since my mother, a schizophrenic, died before my kids had a chance to know her. But I would have had the same issue, and I would have asked people at a support group for advice-- look up Nami.org for a chapter near you. It's the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, made up of families who have been affected, so they are bound to have good advice on this one.
  12. We're leaving our vacation in New England and flying out tonight. Because we had to change our flight to avoid a change of planes right in Irene's path, we now have 4 separate middle seats for our family. I really hope we can change them at the gate or that 2 kind people will switch because my kids are not old enough to sit next to strangers. ETA rainy at our airport, plane on time. Jetblue agent was able to give us 4seats together in the front row for free, bless him!
  13. Hi Simka! Sometimes I feel like that. What helps me fall asleep is mental arithmetic or spelling. I play Kenken or Boggle on the Ipod in bed. I shut my eyes between each 2-minute boggle session and before I know it, they want to stay shut.
  14. I had this done once. It did not help-- in fact the problem worsened -- nerve pain-- and started up in a new place during the session. I had to go back on round- the-clock meds for 10 days. And the issue has not resolved. So, I believe there must be something to that CS theory, or how would that person have been able to mess up mine so perfectly? I highly dis-recommend them.
  15. I think you're right to be upset by this, but I wonder if the girls' hair could be put up so it's out of the way?
  16. I like the New York Times and its website because the news often appears there quicker than on other sites, and the articles are more detailed and thoughtful.
  17. I used to be in this position too. Then ds finally saw an asthma specialist who got him on the right meds so that the attacks don't happen. I dont know why our ped tried to manage it on his own for so long. Things will change for your ds once he gets on preventative meds. I also had a lady from the American Lung Assoc come and inspect our house & she gave me a lot of good tips, and it was free.
  18. I liked her book, Sink Reflections. She really helped me a lot, but I don't look at her website much except sometimes the q&a. And there is a section of the website called Flying with Homeschoolers which I found very helpful too.
  19. I had them & they got infected. I had a round of antibiotics and saw an ENT. He said tonsillectomy is risky in an adult because tonsils bleed a lot & he wouldn't recommend it except if REALLY necessary. Said just to gargle a lot. So far they have not come back.:001_smile:
  20. I think I would wait and see what's in the letter before I decide this.
  21. Also, you need to make sure all repairs are done safely and "up to code". Sometimes work is done by volunteers who are not well-trained, although kind and willing, and for example wiring might not be safely done, and the house might not be earthquake-proofed etc. But the key thing, to me, is: what are your own boundaries as far as your needs vs the church's financial situation? Will you be able to request, directly but politely, for what you need, or will you never ask for anything because you realize it's people's pennies in the collection plate? What are your real needs vs wants? Will you live in a dilapidated house happily or will you have a martyr complex and be resentful? One thing I would ask for is one dedicated person on the parish council who will be on-call in case of emergency, and a list of pre-approved repairmen such as plumber.
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