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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. :001_smile: I found a lot of good ones at the local consignment store.
  2. Russian: Moscow does not believe in Tears Burned by the Sun Norwegian: Kristin Lavrandatter The above are not for kids. For kids: Totoro (Japanese)
  3. We haven't had any drain clogs, but we did have an unusual object blocking the garbage disposal. Small, and round, and two of them. It was Luke Skywalker's head, and helmet. I had wondered why he was lying around the house with no head! When I reattached him I noticed he now has a permanently surprised look on his face. Escaped the trash compacter, to find himself in the garbage disposal, LOL.
  4. I used to get calls all the time for a Willie Mae. I actually could have put them in touch with Willie May, because she was a patient at the health center where I worked, but I could never do that because of strict patient confidentiality rules! Poor Willie Mae.
  5. Our rented house has a beautiful Bosch which I like very much. I think they may be pricey though.
  6. Google this: NAMI eating disorders You will find information, resources & online forums there. Good for you for realizing it & reaching out. :grouphug:
  7. I think older teen. Also, if you are religious, there is a very cynical attitude toward faith which you may not like.
  8. Dream-Posting = Posting on the WTM boards While Asleep and Dreaming (I did this! I dreamed I discovered a revolutionary new way to wash dishes and posted it here. I was really happy when I saw there were 20 replies, other moms saying how much they liked my idea and that they were going to institute the same in their own homes. Then there was a poster who hated my idea. She said it was cr*p and that there was enough cr*p on the boards without me adding any more. Also she said I spelled the word "elementary" wrong. I couldn't remember where I had used that word in my original post and my sleeping brain went back and forth "elementAry? elementEry? elementAry? elementEry?" til I woke up.) :001_smile:
  9. We used D'Nealian, as did DS's kindergarten teacher, who was amazing. That school had tried HWT and she found it not to work as well for her kids.
  10. A while ago there was a thread about a member here who was treated very badly at Whole Foods-- accused of shoplifting and banned from the store. She had been getting a treat for her kids to eat while she shopped. I remember she was going to contact their corporate headquarters and complain about this. Does anybody recall what happened? I can't find her thread again. Thanks!
  11. :grouphug: Can you leave DH at home and take just one of your kids each week?
  12. Postscript: I told the principal I would not volunteer for anything more. So he asked me if I would volunteer to be on the District's parent advisory committee whic meets every month for two hours. Good grief! I said No thank you.
  13. Good point, Simka. :001_smile: I will think about the "render to Caesar". I wonder if this is different, though, if you live in a democracy. In ancient Rome regular people had no influence on how things were run. We live in a democracy-- if we have a change to influence legislation, shouldn't we do it? and, if the other side wins, democratically, I think that is their right.
  14. Voting about gay marriage does not mean voting for or against other people's right to do what they want. People will always choose for themselves who they are going to enter into a lifelong committed relationship with. It means voting whether your tax money is going to be used by the government to provide the same benefits to gay couples as to straight couples. Voters On either side are taxpayers and have a right to express their beliefs democratically by voting.
  15. You want it to be "you" so why not tell them about life as a SAHM? That might be one career choice they don't hear about too often.
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