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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Yes, Mouse! The weather has just changed again to rainy here in the last day or two and I am headachy, tired, and just dragging. That's why I was on here so much this morning! couldn't get myself together to do anything else.:001_smile: Tylenol, Motrin, Claritin, rest, fluids help.
  2. Yes, I agree that young people should start on helping in their own families first, then their own local community, before they go abroad. They should also learn the language, culture, literature, and history of that country before they go. When in college, I went on a 'missions trip' with [well-known college Christian fellowship]-- it was a wonderful trip, but not really missions. The local people had no idea who we were or what we were coming to do or what our skills might be. They hoped for mature missionaries who could inspire their churches and bring in a lot of new people, whom they would disciple once we were gone. But we were just young & shy students who hardly could speak the language. It was a very valuable experience, nonetheless, but it was a 'cross-cultural Christian experience,' not a 'missions trip.' We learned all the things that PPs have noted above. I have a dear friend who is a priest in Africa. He emphasized to us that the churches there need to mature and be able to support themselves without relying on handouts. Is it possible that missions trips are keeping the churches from that? Or, are they helping the local churches mature? We Americans need to think about this.
  3. While the dream is still fresh in your mind, invent a happy ending for it.
  4. Prayed. I was there years & years ago in Antigua Guatemala, so my heart is with you.
  5. Yes, a subject to be approached with great discernment! On the one hand, one does not want to support charlatanism/showmanship or the view that you are just not as good a Christian if you don't have this gift. Or, even worse, people feeling pressured that they have to come out with something. That is just wrong. On the other hand, one does not want to quench the Spirit. A dear, close friend of mine heard someone praying in beautiful high-flown French during a prayer meeting. Of course she told him I don't know you speak French! And he said, I don't know French. That was tongues. I do believe my friend so I trust this story.
  6. Where we used to live, if you called 911 a recording said something like "press 1 if this is an emergency." It just took a second after that to get to a real person, but I guess they were trying to weed out accidental calls.
  7. I chat a lot about how the kids are growing so fast and getting so tall. :001_smile: Then next time GPs/ILs are buying clothes, they think to ask about size.
  8. "Yes, I did know about it, and I encouraged her to tell you."
  9. It's a safety issue! I would have a mechanic take the car apart until they find him. Then your kids can keep him as a pet if you like.
  10. Plus, OP, didn't a friend of yours recently say that your braininess should place you in a particular church? :001_smile:Just kiddin ya.
  11. Mila, do you have AAA (also known as Triple A or the Auto Club)? I went through them and got a much cheaper quote than Allstate, which is what we had before. We have Travellers now. What I like is having AAA be the mediator for me if I have a question. What I don't like: Travelers charges you $5/ month if you want a paper bill, $1/month to pay by automatic deduction. There is no other choice. But it's still way less than Allstate. I don't have any experience with them and claims, though.
  12. Oh dear, I do not know what half of those items are. But best wishes in your search!
  13. About this one, I would really have to ask a priest about it. I would tell Ds that their moms would talk with the priest about it. I do know that there is something special about Communion-- for example, I do know a person who is a recovered alcoholic and he can not drink a speck of wine, anytime, because it will start his downward spiral. Yet he can have communion (at our kind of church it is wine and bread mixed together) with no ill effects. HTH and don't be embarrassed, it's not a silly question. :001_smile:
  14. Maybe you could arrange to work for them temporarily until they find someone. Then you could see how it works, and even if it does not work out you would have earned a little money. ETA: Oh... got it.
  15. I read the article in the NYT today-- it's an interesting thought, but I would prefer to be taught by an expert at the college level. I don't really like the idea, honestly.
  16. Mine are not as chatty as yours... but we do have several things to work on too. I decided to take gradual steps and right now we are just working on not interrupting.
  17. I second the recommendation for For the Life of the World.:001_smile:
  18. Maybe DD needs to learn that grownups can be sad sometimes because they miss someone, and still be OK. I lost my mom 4 years ago. I think what you have is normal twinges. And, when I have those, I like to share, because I want Mom (and my grandparents, and anyone I have known) not to be forgotten. My own parents rarely spoke about their grandparents, and I wish I knew something about them. Stories and memories like these are treasures to pass on to the next generation. :grouphug:
  19. I always ask houseguests before they come, what kinds of things do your kids like to eat? Then I could be sure to have something they could nibble on even if they did not like the main dishes I provided. On the flip side, I know people who expect houseguests to go grocery shopping and provide their own food! I would never do that. I have to laugh because I remember travelling with my parents to Germany as a child. I was 5 and I was so upset they did not have my favorite brand of cereal, I refused to eat.
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