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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. I was listening to a story on NPR about keeping resolutions-- one suggestion was to make a list of possible roadblocks that might come up & think about how to address them beforehand. Also, I would keep a little healthier choc in the house so you don't have to ask DH to go on a candy run! I mean, make some choc-dipped apricots or nuts yourself. I wouldn't waste time blaming DH.
  2. Yes, 10 mins per grade is the norm here too. Of note, I met a mom of twin girls in my DD's class-- she had insisted they be in the same class particularly to avoid those discrepancies in homework, field trips, etc. I never thought of that myself (my brothers who were twins were always placed separately) but that was this mom's idea.
  3. Awww, it looks cute! I can sympathize-- a friend cut my hair too, several months ago, and like yours she cut it shorter than I wanted... both she and I were horrified! well, it grew back and after it grew just a little I like it this way better. cheer up!:001_smile:
  4. Thank you all! I appreciate everyone's suggestions & advice!:001_smile:
  5. I don't think panic attack, because you didn't start off feeling worried. You felt ill and then you felt scared. It sounds to me like some physical cause (bad sausage?) or heart. Rest up and if you don't feel better call your Dr.
  6. I might do this, under certain conditions: if it were a small store and I could see where she was, if I were parked at the door, if it were a store I often frequent. I especially would, if I could stand in the doorway (while about 6 feet from my parked car with sleeping baby) and yell in "I'm sending DD in for the tortillas! Can you have my usual order ready? Thanks!!" But I would not send her into a huge supermarket alone, no.
  7. I felt the same. I described it as feeling "grossed out" all the time, but I was rarely actually sick. What helped: ginger beer from Whole Foods (can't stand it if I'm not pg), grapefruits, lemon juice in water, and avoiding sweets. I would be so hungry I would just eat whatever I saw, like a doughnut, and then I would be, oh yuck! When I learned to eat less hi-carb sweets I felt better. Also, follow your cravings-- whatever you want to eat, eat it! Plus, whatever you eat, lay down a layer of potato chips in your stomach first.;) Hang in there!!
  8. Nothing-- DH is a Californian! meaning, whatever we hang there could shake off if there was an earthquake and fall down on us.
  9. Some of you might remember that I recently happily learned to use the sewing machine-- I've been playing around with it and sewing all kinds of things that I invented on my own. Doll clothes, costumes, and mending things... but now i would like to really learn how to sew according to a pattern. Can you please recommend an easy pattern, or brand of patterns, for a beginner? I went to Joann yesterday and was really overwhelmed! I thought I should start with a jumper for my DD5, who is chubby and would need a 'plus size' pattern. Thanks!!! Nyssa ETA if there is a good website you like with pattern recommendations, please let me know! thanks!!
  10. Well, I was struck by your remark that if you leave it in, the conflict over the ring may spare you a lot of worse conflict during the cruise, over other issues that are more important to you.
  11. Hope it went well! Mine went back in Sept. School starts for us tomorrow. :grouphug:
  12. Also, I don't think you have to minimize the amount you eat. I mean, chicken wings can be teeny. I'm 1 day behind you! and doing OK, not shaky, but I'm not nursing.
  13. Happiest Baby on the Block, and a book about sleep. I forget the name of my favorite, but it has bands of colorful stripes horizontally on the cover. I woudn't give Protecting the Gift. It is a great book, but parents of newborns are scared enough already and I don't think it would be that helpful in those first few months.
  14. I have a blog, but it's really about my DC. It's really for the grandparents-- I'm sure nobody else would be interested. I have it closed so that only family can see it, and only the grandparents have signed up-- they love it and check it religiously.
  15. I would consider it if I knew all about the program: where he would live and who would be teaching, who would be in charge of the inevitable tourist activities, what structures are in place so that the kids would be safe and not goof off. I would want there to be responsible adults that I know personally. I was an exchange student myself for 1 semester, and though it was a life-changing experience for me (how would you like to be caught up in a revolution?-- I'm talking former Soviet bloc), that had nothing to do with the program, and I was exposed to danger which I shudder at today. The program was pretty thin. I didn't learn much academically. The profs really had no idea why I was there, and I was taught alone, separate from regular students' classes. I was isolated and lonely. I suppose I should have advocated for myself, but that is hard to do in a foreign country when you are only 21. YET, this program was touted in my college's publicity as the greatest opportunity ever...
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