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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Well, I was on here for a while before I realized there was a 'search' function-- silly me... Also, the Search function is good to use if there's something you want to know about but are too embarrassed to ask!
  2. I would define a low post count as less than 40. But I wouldn't really notice unless the person were saying something highly unusual or controversial.
  3. Test or don't test--I have no opinion on that, but the environment sounds abusive & I would go elsewhere even if it's 1 hr away.
  4. This is so awful. These people actually live near us- I was just in their town a few days ago. Like Astrid I am creeped out by the thought that I may actually have seen them at a park day or county homeschoolers' meeting. :confused::(
  5. Cam you explore the local PS -- I've been pleasantly surprised by ours-- Maybe it could be a good experience--
  6. I agree that teacher should not yell at or belittle students, and also that Ds should do the work-- clearly there is a problem with the teacher. Does the school have a policy about this? At our school you are supposed to address things with the teacher first. I would meet with her first, althiugh that might be unpleasant. I would want to talk to her without DS so I could say something like: I know he has not been giving it his all and I want your help in working on that, but it is inapprpriate for you to yell at him. Then if nothing changes you go to the principal. :grouphug:
  7. Thanks again... Principal thinks Latin is a great idea and said go ahead to put it together!
  8. What's actually happening? I would make an appt and talk to the teacher in person.
  9. I agree with Legos and some outdoor time, even if it's cold. Also, if it's not too draining for you with your little ones, a weekly playdate helped us-- maybe there is another boy around his age who could come over to play?
  10. I see the things she likes are in the afternoon. Could she go just for the afternoon? Also, I think I would talk with the teacher or program director before withdrawing her, in case any changes could be made.
  11. Dear ladies, some of you might recall that via the local PTA I took charge of promoting foreign language education at our local public school... It turns out that tomorrow is the day I will meet with the principal-- among other things, I am wanting to recommend a course in Latin-- can anyone direct me to research about the benefits of Latin? I can make a good case, but I will need to back it up with data. I have found a lot online, but none with attributions that I can really cite. Does anyone know of any academic references I can give him to back up my case? Thanks!!! -- Semper Idem, L. Nyssa
  12. I've been to one or two because: 1. I felt sorry for the party-giver 2. I thought it would be fun to hang out with friends 3. I thought I might buy something One children's toy/game party was kind of dull --until our hostess brought out a huge pitcher of vodka lemonade! After that we had a good time socializing, but ordered more items than we intended to order, and they were not that great quality. I said to myself, Never again, unless it is a product I am really interested in (without any adult beverages on board) and I would bring only a certain amount of cash. I would go to an Usborne book party though, if they have parties. I see they hire reps and sometimes I wonder about being one, if I ever had the strength to do anything more in this life!
  13. As a young teen I read books off the shelves that filled me with dread and anxiety. I would never let my kids read these until they are older: The Bell Jar, Lord of the Flies, Fear of Flying, Brave New World, Chocolate War, I am the Cheese, Time-Life books about the Holocaust, Waiting for Godot. Of course, close adult supervision would have made a big difference. But personally I still would not go there until they are older.
  14. I think DH tipped each guy $50 and the driver $100. We gave sodas & water but no snacks. General advice: don't leave before they are done. Our movers left a window open when they left, and they packed up some garage junk that I had told them we were leaving behind. Hope you have a good move! One highlight about our move: the movers, who were from an urban area, were delighted when, at our new place, deer just wandered up out of the woods and watched them unpack. They guys were taking photos and texting them to their families at home.
  15. Hi Nadia, as a nurse-midwife I can tell you, you don't have to attend home births if you are a midwife. I have only worked in hospitals so far (I'm not against home birth myself, that is just the jobs I have had so far). There's also birth centers as a happy medium. And, the training to become a midwife is much less than 7 years! A few years ago I went through a period of wanting to define myself, like you... I also thought about getting a PhD/DSc. I researched it online and went to an orientation at a local university. I arranged specially for my kids to be taken care of all day while I was gone. It was a long day since I had to take the bus/subway to get there. I met with the instructors & asked a lot of enthusiastic questions. But I found at the end of that day, I had to laugh at myself, since I felt very satisfied and happy. I had had a day off just to think about me and be by myself, with grownups. It turned out that that was all I wanted, not a PhD. :001_smile:
  16. I'm posting again just to update-- in fairness I am glad to say that two of Ds' teachers are great so far-- very willing to meet Ds where he is and teach him the next step-- very engaged with the kids and playing while they learn. Also Dd's K teacher is excellent. The only thing I'm not sure about yet is the English teacher. And-- secretary has been very polite & friendly!
  17. My DD is chubby and I have an awful time finding clothes for her.
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