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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. I am so sorry, but I do not believe 90% of that story. If you feel moved to do so, give some money to her church and let them handle it.
  2. crushes, peer pressure, feelings about your looks, regular devotions... I would also inquire if the organization has any suggestions, and what did the girls hear about last year? and, whether the girls are "young", sheltered kids, or are up on all the latest trends, etc. Then you can gear your talk to their level. Have fun! When you are talking to this age sometimes you get a lot of blank stares, "I'm too cool for you" looks, but don't be put off. When you ask for questions, wait, because it will take them a few minutes to get brave enough to ask. Then the floodgates may open.
  3. I find it at Whole Foods, but some supermarkets also have it. If you have some kind of Mediterranean grocery nearby, they will have it.
  4. Well, after your description I'd be surprised if Cousin will let her stay!
  5. Tahini is good. It gives a nice nutty flavor. It cooks up a little differently, so you may have to adjust your own recipes, but overall I use it for Lenten vegan baking as an equal replacement for shortening or butter. and it is good. Chocolate chip cookies made that way are good!
  6. Getting a family counselor to see the family is right on. Make sure, sure, sure that the lying behavior is documented and that school and pediatrician are aware of it. I don't want to scare you but I knew a family where CPS removed children from the home on the basis of what a child said-- unfortunately a dramatic child who often lied to get attention and manipulate. It was very hard for everyone to sort out what was real and what was lies. In any case she & sib were gone from the family for several months. This was a terrible experience. I think that if school had known about the habit of lying, the situation would have been handled much differently. :grouphug: Some of the PPs have said to cut off access to the child... I sympathize with this idea, but I have to point out that this would not necessarily keep your own family safe, because she could always lie about something that happened in the past when she WAS with you. Like it or not you are connected. Best wishes to you as you all cope with this. :grouphug:
  7. Oh, OK I guess. I am putting off the afterschooling til they get adjusted to PS. Maybe 1 or 2 weeks more. It has been a bigger adjustment for me than them! DS also comes home needing time alone-- fortunately he learned this about himself and likes to go quietly to his room for Lego time after school. How insightful of him! I recall when he went to private K he used to come home completely wound up and neither I nor he really knew how to handle it. DD starts PS Monday.
  8. I am really in the minority here, but I would not ask or tell anyone about what is in our will re: guardianship, unless DH and I were in very poor health. Why should the potential guardians have that hanging over their heads when most likely it will never be an issue. I am sure that if something tragic happened, the people we named would certainly step up and nobody would mind.
  9. I think the grounding for a week was way too harsh. I wouldn't have put any consequences at all. But I agree with your general approach. Imo Cousin has forgotten what it's like to have littles and she doesn't know what it's like to have more than one. So I would discount about 90% of what she said.
  10. It makes me really angry that a teacher would abuse a vulnerable child like that. The man needs to be held to account. I would document everything and send it not just to the principal but the district superintendent as well and the PTA. I know your focus is on helping your son, and you are right, but I am sure he was not the only child affected or who will be affected by that guy if nobody says anything.
  11. I think you were totally right and glad it worked. But I think I understood that you said he had to do his chores by midnight (did I read that right?). So, I don't think you all got much sleep last night! I was up very early and happened to notice your update was pretty early. I wonder if you could make his deadline earlier, like 8 or 9 pm.
  12. For EO I think this term is confusing, because in some ways we are Archconservative, but in other ways we are very flexible. So, how I use this term depends on what company I am in. Sometimes I just use it to mean: "we are really serious about our faith."
  13. Update: One reason I was reconciled to coming to this PS was that they had a foreign language program-- I heard at my first PTA meeting that it is not happening this year! :001_huh: Guess who volunteered to take it on and get it restarted. :001_smile: :tongue_smilie: Fortunately I have a ton of confidence based on my short life as a homeschooling mom that I can do this-- find a teacher and get it funded. Lesson #1 (for me): Don't go to any more PTA meetings.:001_smile: Lesson #2 (for the Hive): Somebody slap me if I volunteer for anything else.:tongue_smilie:
  14. I heartily agree with you about religion in schools-- I had a similar experience and it was not right. I understand what you say about socialization and how it can be warped. But to me socialization means the ability to relate to people, to carry on a conversation, to read social cues, and to work together. You could be well- or poorly-socialized as a PSer or HS er, IMHO.
  15. Thanks again everyone-- Today was DS's first day of actual school and it seems to have gone well. DS was cheerful and had a lot to tell me about. More things I had to find out for myself, though: where to pick up my child (outside), and I just happened to notice a sign outside DS's classroom that it is a peanut-free zone. I do think it's not safe to have that information not clearly communicated to the parents in advance of when they make their lunches. They won't know since they met their kids outside to go home. (Today we got the teachers' emails, so I have made use of them to communicate--politely & briefly!-- with them.) DD had her 'kindergarten readiness' meeting with her K teacher. This teacher is excellent. Very good information, good structure, truly interested, well-organized. She had her assistant test DD for while she talked to me. This was a night&day difference from yesterday. I spoke with the principal (briefly), told him a few of my questions, and volunteered to make up a school handbook, which they don't have-- this is why nobody knows what is going on. He was extremely pleased with this idea. It will be some work for me, but I guess that one reason I wanted to be at PS, to be helpful. The handbook will make things not just easier and more welcoming for parents, but also safer-- in terms of managing allergies and emergencies.
  16. I learned on this board to ask about "materials" instead of "curriculum." I found out what our school uses by making an appt with the principal and grilling the poor man.
  17. Just don't put on tin foil by mistake. My Mom did that and a big spark jumped out and melted a hole in the front of the microwave oven before I ran up and unplugged the thing.
  18. Thank you all-- you are right, it would be best to leave specific concerns about DC for the individual conferences-- that is good advice.
  19. I like public speaking. I feel flattered to be asked and I'm glad to have something to say. I also love to hear the sound of my own voice. :001_smile: And if an honorarium is involved, that's great! HOWEVER, in the 5-10 minutes before I get up to talk, I wonder why on earth I ever agreed to do this and I wish I were anywhere else in the WHOLE WORLD. :001_smile:
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