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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Liberty is a beautiful name. I also like the Greek for it, Eleftheria or Eleutheria.
  2. Hi ladies, can you all please help me understand the situation at our dance studio? This is the first year DD has been taking ballet/tap. She is almost 5. I've been surprised and dismayed about the studio, but I'm not sure if I will have the same issues at any studio? Here's the situation: DD had a recital. Costumes cost a lot, $50. We were told where to take our dancers beforehand, but it was nearly impossible to find where DD was supposed to go, because the scene was chaotic, signs were illegible, and there was noone to help. Finally we found the little ones in a dark room in the bowels of the theater. Some were crying. There was absolutely nothing for them to do there and the parent volunteers were clueless. Later on they were allowed to go in a big room with the other kids and watch the stage on TV. The actual dance was cute because the children were so cute in their costumes, but they were not able to put 2 steps together. It got a little tiresome seeing class after class just stand there, especially when we had paid for the dance lessons and recital tickets. The older girls did dance nicely, though. At intermission we were told to pick up our dancers from the stage. A lot of little kids were standing at the edge of the stage, crying, because they could not see their parents and their was such a crowd the parents could not find their children. One little one was screaming, "I'm too high up! help! help!" but I could not help her by taking her down because how would her parents ever find her then? And, Nobody told me that it was only the dancers from the first half who were supposed to be picked up this way. After I blundered around for a while I realized I should go get her in the other room, and there she was, looking scared. In general, the studio has not communicated well with parents about anything-- I finally found out that there was a white piece of paper in a pile on a desk in the hall which had the info we needed, like when is picture day, when is the rehearsal & recital and about ordering costumes. Actually, picture day and costume purchase took me totally by surprise because I had no idea about either until they were asking me for a check. We are not allowed to watch classes, and there was no "open-house" on the last day. The only place to wait is a tiny, moldy-smelling hallway with uncomfortable benches. Is this the way all dance studios are? Do I need to make a change to another studio or make my concerns known? BTW this studio is supposed to be the best in town, has the best reputation, and is the most expensive! Thank you if you've read this far and for any advice!!
  3. Tell her it will cost $50,000 for him to get his hair cut!
  4. I would expect that at VBS the kids would learn about sin/repentance/forgiveness and that we are called to believe and to respond to God's love. But I would not want the kids to feel pressured at all by the staff or the other kids to respond, immediately, in a certain way. That would be really unhealthy. But I think you would be able to tell by the community, beforehand, which kind of people they are and what you could expect.
  5. Well, this is not a bad outcome, just a mistake: When I worked as a nurse-midwife at a hospital, we received a transfer patient from a home-birth midwife. The lady had been pushing 4 hours with no baby yet, and so the home-birth midwife brought her in. When I checked, mom was only 3 or 4 cms dilated. [=not nearly ready to push!!] She went on to have a fine labor & birth & baby was fine, but that was a big mistake for the home-birth midwife to make.
  6. 1. Beauty of nature 2. Personal sense that the universe doesn't make sense without Him.
  7. The fetal cell lines should not be used to create vaccines, because it is a moral issue. I can't speak to this research because I have no idea how reputable the scientists and/or journals are.
  8. :lol: I have been wondering what kind of titles you need to give a thread to get people to look at it-- now I know!
  9. I would go to urgent care now, if there's any chance you could be pregnant, because it could possibly be an ectopic pregnancy, which can present with odd bleeding and pain, and needs to be dealt with immediately. If you have a negative pregnancy test at a clinic (not a supermarket one, they are not sensitive enough), then you could wait til you get home unless the pain becomes severe. Please keep us updated!
  10. Well, I think probably PPs are right and this is very suspicious... but on the other hand, I think there are often areas that some dentists will 'watch' and others will move to fill right away... I did get a 2nd opinion for my own DS, but the 2nd dentist actually agreed with the first!
  11. I just read Ramona the Pest to my 4 & 6 yr olds. We are working our way through Beverly Cleary's books. I certainly would not consider Ramona twaddle! My kids love these books. Good writing, good moral lessons-- what else could you want?
  12. Well, maybe it will get loose and eat the rats that should have been on the trap!
  13. Can you have your lawyer (or any lawyer) write them a letter, citing some relevant state laws? that worked for me when my landlord withheld a security deposit.
  14. What curriculum do you like to teach Arabic? For elementary ages? thanks!
  15. Well, I know someone who owes $30,000 in student loans, since about 1995, and keeps on not paying it, but no one has ever harassed him about it! It seemed like the loan agency had just written it off as uncollectable. I've often wondered about why he was just let off the hook. That's what makes me doubtful about this story.
  16. Well, we went to see the Liberty Bell and DS admired the Roman numerals on it.. a teaching moment... We went to see the Philadelphia Mint-- I think they had an exhibit of old coins when we went, but otherwise there was Latin & classical architecture on a lot of the coins & medals on exhibit. I know this is not exactly ancient history! :D but it relates & DS was able to see how the classical world influences our American history.
  17. My DK have some friends who are in foster care, and we see them for playdates often. The kids will be transitioning home very soon. I am so impressed with the job the foster mom has done. It is such a hard job, I think especially because a foster parent may be met with fear and suspicion from the biological parents. Also, the parents may not be allowed to contact her afterwards, to thank her, nor the child either. You have taken on a child, cared for them, knowing that you would have to say goodbye. God bless you for this work. It is truly a 'holy deed' as we EO say.:grouphug::sad::001_smile::grouphug:
  18. Also, why couldn't she say to the people she was sitting for at night, I'm sorry, I can not stay since I have another job the next morning at 9 am?
  19. She doesn't seem to be responsible enough. What I don't like is that she promised to call you and did not. However, lots of teens & even college students are like this, and then suddenly they grow up & realized they are accountable for what they do. If you explain to her that you always need a firm commitment, and you require 48 hours notice to cancel, and because of that you will not need her services RIGHT NOW, she may learn something, and in 6 months or a year you could check her out again and see if she would be a better sitter. I mean, if you like her overall and she is good with kids.
  20. We use the modern Greek pronunciation-- and the breath marks don't make any difference to our pronunciation. There are a few words which have different meanings with different marks, but not that many. For now, I am not teaching my kids the marks, FWIW, but my kids are still pretty little-- they'll have to learn them someday, though.
  21. I, also, would consider family counseling. And, I don't think you are being mean to keep your daughter to a reasonable standard. :grouphug:
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