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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Recently I found out that Costco has some organic things. Today I bought eggs for cheaper than I've ever seen organic eggs. Also, I'm keeping a notebook to compare prices around town.
  2. The lateness and billing questions make me wonder if this is a quality counselor. But that's a separate issue from whether you are done for now because of your own situation being improved. I would just call and leave a message cancelling the appt and saying you are done with therapy for now but you will call her another time if you want to meet again. You don't have to pay for an appt just to say Bye. And then watch yourself and don't be reluctant to seek out a different counselor in future if you need it. I think sometimes people need a several visits to work through saying goodbye, but it sounds like you are pretty much done from what you describe.If you feel like you are spinning your wheels with her. :001_smile: ETA i ought to say I am not a therapist, but I am an RN with experince in the mental health field.
  3. Pulling a tooth might seem easier, but I've been told that over time that will cause your jaw to lose bone mass.
  4. Take care of yourself by eating right, sleeping right, taking time to rest-- so you will be ready to cope with the situation in best way you can. Plus pray.
  5. How bad is his asthma? I'd ask his Dr if it would be significant for him.
  6. We had snacks during the "marketplace" time, so we're all together. This was using the "Group" VBS, which I highly recommend.
  7. I hope you can talk to the head librarian. I also wanted to add, a friend who is a librarian told me that there are those who become librarians because they prefer books to people, which means that those particular librarians may not have the warm & fuzzy people skills.
  8. I think there are plenty of opportunities-- from personal experience I am not sure that studying abroad is 100 percent a good thing. Some programs are more like tourism than educational. Sometimes students are sent with inadequate education and preparation and so are easy marks for unscrupulous people. Sometimes kids only hang out with other Americans. There's an attitude of "sink or swim" which of course can make someone brave & resilient, but sometimes I think it would be better to have our young, impressionable, naive, idealistic students stay here until they are alittle older and wiser.Just my 2 cents. I learned a lot from my educational experiences, but I think I coukd have had a much richer experience if I hadn't been left on my own so much.
  9. I guess he "appointed himself" so he would not have to be accountable to anyone. In that case I don't think I'd have any qualms about giving the reporter info. I hope the reporter will take into account the abuse, though.
  10. I have no help except :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: sleep, baby!!
  11. I had a tub for DD's in-hospital birth, but to my surprise once I was in labor, I didn't like it... it didn't work for me. I wanted to be UPRIGHT, and the tub only covered me if I was sitting or laying back. I got out. It's different for everyone of course but I can't help thinking that more depth might have been good.
  12. I've lived in post-Soviet-area countries too... you are very brave!!! keep trying to see the humorous side. You will have a lot of stories to tell one day.:grouphug:
  13. Is he sorry for what he did? If so, forgive him. But he should not be a leader IMHO. Who decides who gets to be elder? Is it the present elders, or congregational election? If it just a few people, who are in charge of appointing him, or managing the nominations, it would be worth telling them in confidence, "you need to look into this person's record." I'd be hesistant to tell the whole congregation, because that might wreck his family's life, and maybe he is sorry & trying to start over...
  14. This is terrible! WF charges so much, the customers should be entitled to a little politeness!!! Write to the headquarters immediately, a paper letter. I bet they will apologize & reverse the banning. If not, let us know. Maybe the WTMers will boycott!
  15. Here's one cultural difference: most of the music used in the services will be different, reflecting a different national style. The theology will be the same.
  16. I really liked it... but then I had no choice about getting through it, because it was for Spanish class in college. The original Spanish version. I enjoyed it very much but it's true it was long. When I read it years later in English i was amazed how much faster it went--- then I realized I was reading an abridged version. Maybe you could find an abridged version. But I would definitely read the ending. When I read it first, I did a class presentation in which I compared DQ with the life of a person of faith-- what we see vs what we believe and the difference between them and how we choose to act. (I got an A+ so it must have been good!) :) Now, as a mother, I see more the pathos in DQ-- him living in a dream world-- while my children will eventually leave childhood and fairytales behind, and that is necessary and right, although sad, but DQ tried to stay in that world... that world which is beautiful but also deceiving and you have to realize at some point that you are no longer a child. My point is, DQ has been percolating through my mind all these years (20) so it must be a classic!
  17. I found this one in the Treason of Isengard, the history of the Lord of the Rings, part two by Christopher Tolkein, pp 85-86. It is the earliest version of the poem that developed into Earendil was a Mariner, which Bilbo recites in Rivendell. This is the earliest version, which is not the same as what is published in other volumes or on line. I love this poem because it is such a pleasure to read, and very cleverly made. Enjoy: Errantry by JRR Tolkein There was a merry passenger, a messenger, an errander; he took a tiny porringer and oranges for provender; he took a little grasshopper and harnessed her to carry him; he chased a little butterfly that fluttered by, to marry him. He made him wings of taffeta to laugh at her and catch her with; he made her shoes of beetle-skin with needles in to latch them with. They fell to bitter quarrelling, and sorrowing he fled away; and long he studied sorcery in Ossory a many day. He made a shield and morion of coral and of ivory; he made a spear of emerald and glimmered all in bravery a sword he made of malachite and stalactite, and brandished it, he went a fought the dragon-fly called wag-on-high and vanquished it. He battled with the Dumbledores, and bumbles all, and honeybees, and won the golden honey-comb, and running home on sunny seas, in ship of leaves and gossamer with blossom for a canopy, he polished up and burnished up and furbished up his panoply. He tarried for a little while in little isles, and plundered them; and webs of all the attercops he shattered, cut, and sundered them. and coming home with honey-comb and money none-- remembered it, his message and his errand too! His derring-do had hindered it.
  18. We got it thru charter school for $20/year & like it very much!
  19. Maybe you could go once in a while just to please them-- they are doing a lot for you. Who knows, you might get used to it.
  20. Wonderful book! There is a TV series based on it which is not bad, also. It is unlike Nesbit's other books, which I adore, in that there is no fantasy component.
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