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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Hi Jane, don't be afraid to ask your question! Do you realize how many threads say "sorry, LONG" in the title? and we all read them and often write equally long posts in reply!:001_smile:
  2. I second the "ask the priest/pastor" idea, & tell him it would really help you if there were child care. And, that said... I have often been tapped to provide childcare for meetings like this-- I drag DKs to a night meeting so they can play with whoever comes-- then the families who said they were coming do not show up. It's a "holy deed" to provide childcare for a church meeting, but sometimes it's a thankless job & one gets discouraged & doesn't want to volunteer again. Sorry, vent over.
  3. How long? Two years seeing regular pediatrician-- then one visit to a specialist! Btw we had behavioral changes with Zyrtec, but Singulair has been fine.
  4. Missing everyone from the Exploring Orthodoxy and Orthodox Homeschooling groups!! Hi!!
  5. Well, my advice is a bit different, that's for sure! I would make sure that you have your housekeeping under control in terms of clutter/cleanliness/organization at whatever level you feel happy & functional with. Also can you cook well and easily? Then, make sure you are working on kids' behavior, so that you will set good patterns for limits, manners, how you will rein them in when they don't behave, etc. (I'm not recommending any particular style of parenting, just whatever works for your own family.) And, know your own limits: how much sleep you need :lol:, how much time "off" you need. And, make sure you have regular time for DH so he gets some attention too. Having these things in place will make whatever kind of homeschooling you want to do, easier & more fun.
  6. Yes-- if DS works cheerfully, he gets 10 minutes Ipod time after HS is done. Everytime he grumbles or throws a pencil, I take away 1 minute.
  7. I like this: Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child : Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries [Paperback] Robert J. MacKenzie Ed.D. (Author) and: The Happiest Toddler on the Block
  8. Here's where we are: DS is in 1st grade, finished OPGTR about a month ago. We began SWO after that. He likes it. Of course it could be seen as "basic" but SWB says it is good foundational work to review the basic. My DS is the kind who likes workbooks. Also, we are doing handwriting (D'Nealian) practice, but we don't do them on the same day-- SWO has plenty of writing for DS.
  9. I think it's great that HS'd kids love learning and want to learn & teach. I doubt that your kids are weird! That said, I have seen HS kids who will buttonhole other kids and tell them lots of information, in a way that I would consider unusual. When that happens, the HSer is spouting off information, not having a conversation. The other kid is taken aback but does not know how to get away. The HSer does not know how to relate to another child or take into account the other person's point of view, or even think that the other person might have different interests. The HSer is not engaging the other kid, but talking at them. I have seen this several times with HSers and it troubles me. (I'm not talking about kids who might have a developmental disorder-- I'm talking about perfectly healthy kids who love learning but do not know how to relate to other kids.)
  10. Anyone else enrolled through a PPP/ALE in Washington? Found out yesterday that the Washington House has passed a bill #2065 that will make certain changes that will pretty much gut the programs: no more reimbursement for parents unless things are done "exactly as they are in the PS", (whatever that means) and requiring an hour of teaching from a certified teacher each week. We had thought they would cut funding, but this is extreme. The Senate is considering the bill now, so we have a chance to contact our state senators to encourage them to change it. You can see the bill here: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=2065&year=2011
  11. Look at the assessment tests I had DS take at the end of the year, the same test the PS kids take. It showed him 1, 2, or 3 years ahead in every subject. I think I'm qualified. (that's just one of many answers I could give...)
  12. I'm still working on a way for DS to memorize the people & events from SOTW 1. Does the CC memory work correlate? CC itself is too expensive for us, but I could buy the CD alone. Do the Veritas Press cards correlate? I really would like DS to have some quality memory work, but not to learn a whole lot of extra people/events at this time in the year. Thank you everyone!!
  13. Well... we stopped doing the reviews early on. And, I have to confess we never did any of the games or songs. We did start partway through when consonant digraphs started. We finished this year & DS always liked it.
  14. My grandma used to say that breaking up a household after a death in the family brings out the worst in everybody. After she died, and my uncle started his bad behavior and I tried to reason with him, my aunt said, "you've got to realize... he's only about 5 years old right now." So I think I would also cut her a bit of slack. That said, I don't see why it would be unreasonable for MIL to contribute a little to household expenses, if she were able, so that accusation would not bother me. Seems like your SIL is just feeling really guilty that she does not want MIL herself, and is taking it out on your family. :grouphug:
  15. I'm not sure I would recommend these books at all. I read them in college 20 yrs ago. I think it was good for me & my friends at that time because we were just waking up to the idea of spiritual warfare and it was good for us to think about. However, I think overall Peretti's approach is not mature enough or well-grounded enough to expose my kids to, nowadays. I would say college-age, if at all.
  16. Has anyone found or made up rhymes or poems or doggerel to help DK memorize the people & events in SOTW 1? I am about to compose some & don't want to waste the effort if there is one already out there? DS can memorize poetry really easily, so I want to take advantage of this-- the names are not staying with him otherwise. Thank you Hive poets!!!
  17. Don't worry, it's not selfish. You need to take care of yourself. You know your own limits. At one point in our family life I determined that I needed 10 hours off per week in order to function. (I am sure some moms will think that is way too much! but that was me. Nowadays I don't need that much.) Anyway, are there other trusted adults who could spend time with him? DH, grandparents, other moms for a short playdate with another child? I also liked to find a coffeeshop with a play area, then I could sit for a few minutes while he played nearby. Then I could take a breath. The classes you mention are also good. And, the important thing is that this will not go on for always! And, as they get older there are more opportunities for them to do things they like while you are nearby but not hovering.
  18. One thing I read in a book something like "your strong-willed child", or perhaps it was "the happiest toddler" (though both yours & my children are older than toddlers) has been helpful: avoid that moment when you are glaring at each other, and you are watching to make sure she obeys. It's hard for a kid to resist setting you off by disobeying at that moment of heightened tension. So, I tell him what to do, then I turn my back. It sounds counterintuitive, but I'm much more likely to get obedience that way.
  19. We do a narration page with a labelled illustration each day that we school (4 or 5 days a week), from any subject we happen to do that day.
  20. Well, one strategy I like is saying: "We're just trying it for a year to see how it goes." That way you are not stuck with anything. You can share your successes, and not feel pressure if in fact there are challenges or you decide eventually it won't work.
  21. Hi, we are using IXL math-- it's more practicing skills than doing games, but DS really likes it.
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