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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. DS is in 1st grade. We just finished Singapore 1A and are starting 1B. I was surprised to find out we'll be starting multiplication and division already! Should I stop and make sure DS knows all the math facts for addition/subtraction up to 20? He has done well but doesn't know them all cold. I'm afraid of piling up new concepts (and facts) on him unless he is solid on what he's learned so far. He knows the concepts though. Or, is it not reasonable for me to ask a 1st grader to know all these facts?
  2. :grouphug: Every parent has days like this but we so rarely talk about it. this is real. :grouphug: I agree with the lady who said: " I'm not sure I'd challenge your son so that he feels you've won and he's lost " and sometimes it's best to walk away. And... in our family I try not to let DS play on the computer anytime near bedtime, because it does make him irritable.
  3. We got both, but stopped using the workbooks because we did not like reading snippets of stories, DS wanted the whole story! So we decided to use the principles in the textbook, using our own reading: literature or history or science. Also, the writing in the workbook was more than DS could handle and it was very frustrating.
  4. Hi Simka, it sounds like they might be a bit controlling! i wonder if this carries over to other aspects of the group.
  5. DD saw the iron and said, Mommy, what's that?
  6. Yes, I first made my own but then bought to get exactly what I think works best! Put 4-2 on one side then 4-2equals6 on the other. Then ds can see problem and solution which I think helps memory. And punch a hole in each and keep them on a ring. Otherwise they end up everywhere. Oh and I also like Games With Math for practice.
  7. I found this list of ideas for activities for little ones while you homeschool: http://mothersruleoflife.com/free/ActivitiesforLittleones.pdf I like having her long list, it makes me feel like I have options if one thing does not work = less frustration.:001_smile:
  8. You could look at the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill website nami.org (I know ADD is NOT mental illness, but these are the people who can help find a good doctor) and check for your local chapter. This is a community of family members of people with various brain disorders, and the leader of the local chapter is someone you can ask for recommendations. There is probably one in your city, wherever you are. A parent (or child) of the patient will always be able to tell you how good the Dr is and may even have some back channels to get a Dr to agree to see you even if you are a new patient, etc. Good luck!
  9. To me it's a very specific guilt -- not having chosen to become a nun! (I was brought up RC)
  10. OP, if you have not read Holly Pierlot's A Mother's Rule of Life, I really recommend it. You might really love it.
  11. DS 6-- Singapore 1A, almost done with it. This has worked well for us. The short lessons, colorful pictures are good for DS. Only problem: not enough practice. DS theoretically knows add/subtraction up to 20, but can't always come up with the answer if you ask him. We are supplementing with flashcards for math facts, and Games With Math. I chose it because a friend who is a math teacher recommended it. We plan to continue with Singapore, with supplementation for practicing math facts.
  12. Making labels-- even just one word-- for the pictures he draws. Thank you notes. Make a treasure map with labels/instructions.
  13. I sympathize with your feelings, since I was in the same place years ago. I wanted a church I could continue to grow in, not just conversion and that's it. I have also found great help in the church fathers. Also try Anthony Bloom, Beginning to Pray. And Mother Theresa's book, the one based on her letters. I was worried when I read your post at first that you were losing your faith altogether. Thank God that's not what's going on. :)
  14. :grouphug: Hi, we have moments of being just where you are. I just have a few thoughts: 1. you need a break. I hope somebody can give you even one hour to take a breath, alone. 2. some dedicated time where DS does really get the attention he wants, each day, so he knows it is coming. 3. immediate consequence that could break the cycle of: him misbehaving, you threatening, repeat ad lib. I recently read Parenting Your Strong Willed Child and their system of time outs helped. I have always said time-outs do not work for our family, but I took a deep breath and tried again and it is working!! You probably have already tried this but just in case you haven't. It really helped us. 4. Hang in there!!!:grouphug:
  15. Hi! DS6 is using Singapore 1. We've never used any other program. It has been very easy to use. We just look at the textbook & workbook and it's all there. I don't do any preparation at all. I don't even look at it before our lesson. This is probably different for higher levels, but I have not read the teacher manual at all-- if there even is one for 1A and 1B. :001_smile: I don't know if there is or not. Haven't needed it. I am supplementing with Games for Math.
  16. I just got a flyer in the mail that says the local Safeway delivers....hmmm... sounds appealing...
  17. I had this too. Excruciating pain down my arm. I wanted to chew my arm off. The pain burned itself out after about 8 weeks, but left me with residual numbness & tingling if I get stressed. Here's my 2 cents FWIW. 1. Take the pain medication as prescribed. Don't try to be brave or think you'll get addicted. Taking the pain & swellling away actually makes it get better faster. 2. Go to the pain mgmt specialist appt. Hopefully it will be just one appt. and really worth the inconvenience. 3. In my case it's also related to TMJ/teeth grinding/tense neck muscles, maybe this is true for other people. 4. Try Physical therapy, because you might need just a couple of appts. 5. BE VERY CAREFUL OF ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS! because I went to Cranio-Sacral therapy and it made it MUCH worse-- plus DURING the treatment I started having sciatic pain as well which has persisted one year and is at times VERY severe!!! 5. It's worth learning to relax the muscles in your neck. Best wishes & hope you feel better!
  18. Great thread. We are very serious Christians, and I have started HSing this year, DS is 6 and in 1st grade. I began with WTM's plan of mythology this year. Some of the myths did give me pause, but overall I think it is a good plan. I think the reason that many Christians do not think it is a good idea is that they do not want to hear their kids making statements like "I think Jesus is a fake god too." Which my son said. I was a little taken aback by this, and no doubt some Christians on this board would say I was nuts to pursue the WTM plan. I think some Christians might be really thrown for a loop by this. I mean, you expect doubt/rebellion/questioning in the teen years, not age 6! I just said, Hmm that is interesting, why do you think so? But I do believe that it turned out OK (as far as our family's Christian faith goes) because DS was testing out this idea, and as we read and studied more: Bible, Church, Mythology, and everything, he came to the conclusion in his little mind & heart that there IS a difference between Jesus and the false gods. I found him explaining this to DD4 one day. I think that it really did him good to have this struggle now, with Mommy at his side, teaching but never forcing, rather than shelter him til he is older. It seems to have cleared the air for a while. I am under no illusions that this will be his/our last struggle with faith, though. But I think it is a good foundation for future learning. And, I also think DS became LESS fearful overall since we studied mythology-- he is much less nervous and anxious than he used to be... it is as if he needed to see and name evil in stories... to see that not every story has a happy ending... as I said above, with Mommy at his side, so that the darkness is seen in context with the rest of life, not like a child alone & fearful in dark. What a long post! Hope this helps answer the question.
  19. Hi! I have been hsing for much shorter than you, but here is a link to a page I have found helpful for arranging things for the littles to do while you hs the older ones: http://mothersruleoflife.com/free/ActivitiesforLittleones.pdf
  20. If you worked there but explained carefully to the customer what their choices are, I think it would be OK.
  21. Well... my kids could be those kids-- sometimes when I am choosing groceries I am oblivious to them blocking the aisle for a second-- but I would certainly perk up if the other lady said to me, excuse me. I would make them move lickety split. You can't always expect OPK to respond to a polite excuse me, but you can say it to their mom. Global sorry to all the people at Trader Joes that my kids have blocked with their little carts! :001_smile:
  22. :grouphug: It's hard now, but I'm sure in a few months she will be making up for lost time!
  23. Again, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill has free support groups and classes for family members who are in exactly the same situation you are. Did I say free?
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