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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. We also have seen a lot-- one gorgeous turquoise one which was dead so were could examine it closely-- according to Wikipedia it was a Blue Emperor, which are native to Africa & Europe. That could be incorrect of course but the markings were quite striking.
  2. Hmm- at first I thought you meant he took the entire computer and threw it out.:001_smile:
  3. I have enough things on my plate. I have run myself down doing too much. I have made a long list of all the things I do. :tongue_smilie: Now I am making a preemptive list of things I will not do. I will say No! I will not take on another project at Ds/Dd's school. I will not take on the Christmas pageant. I will not organize and teach a class. I will not be the only provider of rides to church for college students. I will not be the only organizer of VBS. I will not lead or co-lead a Girl Scout troop. If you ask me to do anything else, I won't do that either. That is all.:001_smile:
  4. DH took the kids to a birthday party while I rested, and I finally think my cold is getting better.
  5. Fwiw, my children will also say they didn't learn anything-- but when I look at their work, they really are. So I wouldn't go by that.
  6. Of all thing things mentioned above my favorites are, for Tolstoy: War & Peace, and for Dostoyevsky: The Idiot.
  7. I enjoyed the linguistic approach in Lipson's books, available from Slavica. They are also very funny. I guess they would be dated now (Soviet period).
  8. This might be off base, but the first thing I thought of is: do they give snacks to the kids, and is it possible she is eating something there that is giving her the stomachache and making her not feel like doing anything?
  9. I said go to through the school first. I would assume that the school would then contact the other parents. The parents should certainly know about it, but I would not want to confront them on my own. This is not because I automatically assume that the parents are not teaching their kid right. It is because I am thinking that there is a POSSIBILITY that 1. the parents may think this behavior is fine, and 2. that the parents may become enraged at me. It is because I am thinking of the worst-case scenario in that confrontation, which is physical violence directed at me or DH or repercussions for my child.
  10. Aside from seeing a Dr, I think the best thing you could do for her would be to help her get some time off: take her kids for a few hours a week, or arrange something fun for her like "mom's night out". Then she could get a little time that's stress-free.
  11. I think I would confirm with the school district that this is so, before I look elsewhere.
  12. Haha! That's a great joke... I mean, that's actually a good idea.
  13. I don't think you can force it... Just share a little bit more of yourself and see if the other person does as well. Sometimes I instantly bond with someone, sometimes it takes time, maybe months or years. We moved here 1year ago and I have been working on making friends- now maybe I have 1close friend and several less-close and many acquaintances. :grouphug:
  14. My dd is the same. This might be out of the budget, but my idea was to have this party at a local dance studio that had a little dance class & music for the kids. That way they learned something & got healthy exercise as well as being princessy.
  15. :confused: I hope it's a mistake! I've interacted with that system a little thru a family I know. One thing I was impressed with was how many misunderstandings and miscommunications there were.
  16. Depression decreases interest in drinking teA. Ergo, treat the depression & you should see some change in that department. I don't know if that's what you're taking it for though.
  17. Well, I have had a post deleted. That is the first time that has happened. I cbjected to something in one of the PPs, but I would like to say that I did not and would not post anything offensive to persons of any religion who cover or do not cover. I think this is an interesting topic & I'm glad to see the responses especially from the Muslim ladies. Sincerely, Little Nyssa
  18. We tried watching recently too but stopped after the 2nd episode. It's very well done though.
  19. Well, maybe these were never friends, but acquaintances who like to hang around with like-minded Smurfs. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as everyone knows that's what's happening. Or, the blue ones might have truly shocked by the greenness and not known what to do except withdraw. Whichever it is, :grouphug:
  20. My kids learned to like ham because of Ponyo. Such a sweet movie: "I love all the Ponyos" :001_smile:
  21. Talk to the teacher & give her a chance to explain her plans. There may be more going on in class than yr son reports back?
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