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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. I would wonder if some of the groups that are continuing are not official church groups, per se, but groups that were started by individuals in the church as their own private groups, and they happen to have many church people in them because they are their friends. Or perhaps a woman who was actively leading these groups died? or retired? or left the church? or was involved in some scandal? or decided she had done her part but nobody else had stepped forward to continue them? (yet) I would want to know why they were suspended. Were they suspended or are they no longer allowed? It isn't necessarily some kind of patriarcal oppression-- I would wait to judge that til I knew more.
  2. As a PP said, people who don't have babies/kids yet often don't understand about sitters, and you can't necessarily expect them to. You've gotten some good suggestions, but I just wanted to mention one more-- do you know a lot of people going to the wedding? Maybe there is a friend who is also going to the wedding but not the rehearsal, whom you know from when you lived there. Perhaps that person could spend some time with your family in the afternoon and then watch the kids at night-- that way they would not be a complete stranger to the kids, since they'd been with the friend in your company. If that friend also has littles, all the better. Or you could go a day earlier and socialize with any families you know there.
  3. Dear Muslim ladies, I have another question... could you tell me what is the usual response to a Muslim converting to another religion? Would it be seen differently if a person converted to Christianity or Judaism, vs Buddhism or Hinduism or Zoastrianism or Bahai, or other? What is the traditional theology, and what is the response that might be seen culturally nowadays in the various geographical areas? And what about if a Muslim became an atheist? Or, if a Muslim stops doing daily prayers and the other important aspects of the faith, and if you ask him, says something like "Oh, I don't believe anymore,"as you may occasionally hear someone who used to be Christian say? Thank you very much for the opportunity to ask this question-- I have always wondered about this, and I apologize if the question seems offensive or provocative. That is not my intent, because I would genuinely like to know.
  4. I missed what the actual object is, but you could visit your local community health center and ask if they could use it (donation). There is also a group called ReMedy which accepts donations of medical equipment to be sent to hospitals in other parts of the world. I have seen it associated with Yale Medical School, but I don't know if they are the ones who run it.
  5. I suppose if there are any Australian saints you'd definitely include them, but a quick search hasn't revealed any. Carry on!
  6. Also, the astronomy stuff is awesome, but who knows what the rest of the experience is at that private school? Perhaps it is filled with rich spoiled brats! It might be truly harmful and not fun.
  7. I'm so glad you are thinking of fixing things. I would write, and make the offer to take the next step, whether it is visiting, holidays, facebooking, phone calls-- whatver level your relationship was before--or reading & posting on his Caringbridge site-- since he has been so sick maybe he has one? Also one thing stuck out in your OP: you need to be stronger in yourself, so that even if people 'judge' you, you won't care because you are at peace with yourself & God. Then you can relate to them as you think right, without getting bogged down in what they might think of you. Hugs.
  8. Rosechka* what a great idea for a project! Have at it & have fun!** *i just gave you a nickname in Russian. ** if you really want to experience saint/holy days, I would visit a local family and/or church, specially during Holy Week or on someone's name day.*** ***yes, there is another wrinkle- people usually celebrate the feast day of the saint they are named after, as well as birthdays. As mentioned above, we are hobbits.
  9. Another rant! Oh goody. Actually I agree with you, OP. But what I'd really like to know is... You mentioned a Starbucks in the same plaza... Was there a Fedex too? Was there a snooty looking lady at the Starbucks glaring at said doggie and who probably has the Health Department on speed-dial?
  10. Chiming in late to say... has nobody noticed the post upthread in which a policeman gives a child a coupon for a free CUPCAKE? Really, people!
  11. I don't think it's the greatest name, myself, but in this country we have the freedom to decide these things for ourselves. I'm sure the ruling will be overturned.
  12. I like FL. Her website has a section called "FLYing while homeschooling" which has a lot of helpful suggestions different HSing moms sent in to her. I didn't find it condescending at all.
  13. Either keep one's mouth shut, or else say it with a joke that makes him laugh. That can work.
  14. I think many people think that if you say 'no gifts' it means you actually want money instead! Here's one idea, we had a themed birthday party with a new dollhouse we gave DD for her birthday-- it was an invitation to the doll's housewarming. It is a while ago so I can't remember how I worded it, but somehow the invitation indicated, bring things for a dollhouse housewarming. So DD received items for her dollhouse from her friends. That way the gifts fit into a small area (the dollhouse) so they did not take over the house, plus it was an idea DD really liked and friends/parents were glad they knew they were giving something she likes. I imagine you could have many other theme-type parties as well that work the same way? I think the donations is a nice idea, but I think it depends on your guests, whether they like it or not. They may bring a small gift as well, and then those who did not will wish they had... it's complicated!
  15. You may have already thought of this, but this is us: My kids whine when they are hungry, tired, hot, or their day is unstructured, or they are disappointed about something. If they are well-fed and well-rested and their day has activities to look forward to (even simple, at-home ones) then they can roll with things much more easily and they don't whine. I also find that I perceive their behavior as not so bad when I myself am well-rested, well-fed, and feeling competent. So I try to take care of these basic needs of myself and the DC, and things go a lot better, and I am better able to cope with any whining that does occur in a more constructive way, as PPs have recommended.
  16. You might look up one of those weather sites that tells you how many days of sunlight per year there are in Seattle versus where you live. You might find that the difference is not as much as you fear! And, the quantity & size of spiders depends on the house you are living in, IME. We moved from the East Coast to the PNW, and I find it very nice.
  17. (hugs) I'm sorry this happened to your DS! The boy has moved away, so that is beyond your control, but what I would be wondering is: what are the general neighborhood dynamics among the boys? Specifically, is the friendship with C a good and healthy one, or are there things to work on there as well?
  18. I think it makes a difference whether this is a good friend with one blind spot, or an acquaintance who is stepping over the line to interfere in your life. Which is it?
  19. yep-- neighborhood group! we had a local police officer come and we had games & food. It was nice.
  20. Swan boats in pond in Boston Common. Duck boat tours. Harbor cruise, especially to George's island where there are forts. Lunch at the Top of the Hub. That is at the top of the Prudential building, one of two skyscrapers in Boston. If you go up to their viewing area, it will cost nearly as much as lunch, so you might as well go up and enjoy the view while you eat. Be sure you insist on a window table. Harbor cruise. Do not bike in Boston, or drive, unless you have to. (We) Bostonians drive in our own particular way and we think that the laws of space and time do not apply to us. Don't risk it. Be very careful if you are pedestrians. Be prepared for lots of honking too! Take the T instead. Do not go in summer. Sometimes it is crazy hot and humid. Go in Sept-Oct, or May. ETA We read the historical novel Touchmark as background (in addition to SOTW & biographies), by Mildred Lawrence.
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