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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Our bank notified us our card was affected and is sending us a new one, but thankfully no fraudulent charges have shown up.
  2. If some of these people are good friends of his, I would have him focus on the friendship while he tries to fend them off. "I really like being friends with you, but I only go to church with my family, so it makes me uncomfortable when you keep asking." "I really like playing together, but your talking about your church all the time is getting in the way." If they are just out for his spiritual scalp, that will scare them off, but if they are interested in him as a friend, they should be able to get over it. I have a dear friend who I tried to evangelize for years... she is from a Buddhist background but religion is just not very important to her. After a while she explained kindly to me that she was not interested and talking about it made her uncomfortable. But, we have been very good friends anyway since then. We don't talk about my church anymore (except as it might come up in casual conversation), but we have had perhaps deeper and more meaningful discussions, since then since we are both interested in learning from each other. We like each other so we want to like what makes each other tick. And, I have learned a lot about behaving like a Christian from her. Just posting so you can see how this looks from the other side, but I hope I was never as rude as it sounds like some people can be.
  3. My DD 7 has an easy bake but we never use it-- because it is made in such a way that you can not see the things baking. There is no window. You poke the little pan in with a plastic stick, then you get it out the other side when it is done. To me that's boring. This was a gift from just a couple of years ago. Is the one you are looking at like that? If so, that's no fun. Explain to DD that with the toaster oven she will get to see the things baking through the window and watch them rise, brown, etc.
  4. Are there some kind of diapers for dogs that you can put on him until you figure it out?
  5. The Last Remake of Beau Gest, at the drive in. I can't recall anything of it though, and the movie itself seems to have faded into obscurity. I think that was the first movie I saw, but I do remember seeing Star Wars and Fantasia the same year, and I remember them quite well & loved them.
  6. Disney with a 4 yr old and 4 month old? To me that sounds like a horrible experience. You were kind to treat them, but they probably didn't realize how difficult it would be til they were there. They were unkind not to say goodbye, but they were probably having a rough time.
  7. What about talking with the parish priest and asking for a dispensation? To quote: "In the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church, a dispensation is the exemption from the immediate obligation of law in certain cases. Its object is to modify the hardship often arising from the rigorous application of general laws to particular cases, and its essence is to preserve the law by suspending its operation in such cases." (Now that is from Wikipedia, obviously not a Catholic source.) Here is another source talking about dispensations, which seems to come from the Catholic Encyclopedia: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05041a.htm I do not know whether a parish priest has the authority to give this kind of dispensation, you Catholics may be able to say whether this can be a possible course or not. All I want to say is that perhaps it is worth talking it over with one's priest.
  8. When such thoughts occur to me, I quote Tolkein to myself: "Now all those lands lie under the wave, and I walk in my own country, in the land of [fill in my location], where the leaves lie as thick as the years..." The long-ago might-have-beens are all gone now, and the memories might be beautiful, but that's it. I'm here now. Hoping this is a good quote for a Rivendell Mom!
  9. I just also wanted to point out that it's not just Catholic ladies who run into this difficulty: I think we have had some threads started by Quiverfull moms who are just worn out and also questioning. So you are not alone Moxie, not at all. :grouphug: and just to remind you those first months of pg are very emotional and can be ambivalent even in a very wanted pregnancy. And, if the pregnancy does not go well, it would NOT be your fault because you've had these feelings. OK?
  10. I just came back to read the rest of the thread and wanted to give you another :grouphug: , Moxie.
  11. Well, the holidays are supposed to be joyous and all that, but more than that-- they are supposed to be about kindness and giving. I would go, because it will make the ILs happy. That's your gift to them. Just call back and ask for the address and if there are any other details you need to know, as one PP mentioned above. I'm not talking about being a doormat. I'm talking about doing this of your own free will, from a position of strength. You could go late, and leave early, or have another invitation elsewhere for dessert, or just come for dessert, or whatever. You don't have to have any deep conversations, just smile and be pleasant. (Of course I don't know the details of your disagreement. I'm assuming for the sake of argument that it's nothing life-threatening.)
  12. I don't like Princess Bride. The girl is such a ninny. I enjoy scraping snow and ice off my car. :)
  13. Yes, see Hagia Sophia, but I would recommend seeing it with a guide so you get all the historical and architectural detail. The Blue Mosque which is nearby is also very pretty. If it interests you, go to see the Phanar-- the tiny Greek area. The head of the Greek Orthodox church is there and there are one or two historic churches. Be careful of people who address you on the street-- I was pursued & harassed by people who wanted me to buy a carpet! The fellow seriously hollered at me and berated me and it was very unpleasant and a little scary. On the other hand, I had some very nice interactions with people in the marketplace who chatted with me and told me all about their wares, which was interesting. Also, do not visit these beautiful sights until you are well-rested! There is a big time difference with the US (if that is where you are coming from) and I was so sleepy I barely remember!
  14. The only other possibly helpful way I can think of it is, that during football season, the usual rules don't apply= watching football with Dad doesn't affect your screen-time quota. I actually would agree with you, but if I were in your situation and wanted to think about it in a somehow more flexible way, that is what I would come up with.
  15. What is the Disney College program? Is it an enclosed program where she will not be able to have much contact with him? I hope she will make some great friends there and forget about this one. I agree with everyone that the situation is strange and not good.
  16. Great idea! except do you have an alternative to Claire's? DD had hers done recently there and three pairs of the earrings we got for her fell apart. Cheaply made.
  17. It's not just about clergy who are wealthy and own big homes. It's about the part of clergy income which is designated housing expenses being not taxed. That income is used for any housing expenses, which could be rent, mortgage, utilities, repairs. I think that this was originally because the government felt that clergy provided a benefit to society and should get a tax break for that reason. But we need to expect that as our country gets more secular, these benefits may disappear. We'll manage somehow.
  18. 1. be very specific when you describe what is wrong with his behavior, so that she can't say "oh you just don't like him." Point out very specific instances like, he stole your debit card, he made you change your phone. 2. get her with groups of family/friends who are nice and normal so she can see the contrast. 3. suggest a plan for how to get him away. She might not want to go through marrying him but she does not see how she could get him away from her. Pay for a ticket for him to go home for a visit. That would be expensive but so worth it. I am not sure how that would work out. I am familiar with a VERY similar situation which could have been avoided if girl's family had just made him leave their (parents') house for a while. 22 is not necessarily old enough to act like a grownup. 4. remind her of goals and hopes she used to have for her life. 5. find a way that she can give up on this relationship without having to admit that she was unwise. That can come later. For now, if she feels like everyone is going to say "I told you so!" she will hold on like grim death. She needs to be able to leave with her pride intact. 6. If there is anything illegal going on do not hesitate to call the police. 7. Stay in touch with her no matter what she chooses to do and make sure she knows you are there for her.
  19. I don't use a special recipe. I just add some pumpkin to my usual recipe, and some cinnamon and nutmeg, and replace the white sugar with brown. It turns out fine!
  20. I would be a little taken aback by the absence of alcohol-- but to the same degree that I would be disappointed if there were no coffee. Perhaps less so. :) But to complain about it publicly, especially when volunteers have put a lot of work into the event, that is just plain rude.
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