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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. My kids like TS Eliot's Practical Cats poems. Also the poetry in Alice in Wonderland.
  2. Our school district takes great pride in supplying everything for the kids. However, I do see local charitable societies still asking people to donate 'for school supplies.' I also see stores like Dollar Tree urging their customers to buy extra supplies to go in a donation box-- why?
  3. Such a crisis on the part of a young person can be immensely anxiety-provoking. In addition to the above suggestions of apologetical reading, I would concentrate on our relationship and making sure he knows I am there for him, and I would also spend time together and make sure we talk about other things as well.
  4. I have the keyboard/folio from Logitech. It was about $80 from Best Buy. The case folds closed but it doesn't zip shut or look pretty or anything. I use it all the time for writing. Mine stopped charging for some reason and they are shipping me a new one for free-- it's nine months old, came with a two year warranty-- from Logitech. The keyboard is a little bit cramped but I got used to it.
  5. Nothing helpful to say here... But just wanted to give you a ((hug))
  6. It's a provocation-- an attempt to stir up conflict. As for Putin, you can not believe a word he says. In fact, if he makes a statement, you can be pretty sure that the opposite is true.
  7. Have you read Come be my Light? It's Mother Teresa's letters. For years, she was filled with a terrible feeling of emptiness, but she certainly had a deep relationship with Christ. Sometimes in certain church circles we get taught that we have to be all happy all the time. We don't.
  8. It's very good that this is being recognized as a phenomenon. I definitely had this as a child/teen.
  9. We've been watching on the nbc olympics app. There is not much commentary, they show what seems to be all the heats, and the commercials serm more limited. The commentators seem to be Englishor Australian. You can get this app free if you have cable service. We could not get tunnelbear working.Hth
  10. In addition to the above, my MIL pretends that she likes my cooking, even when she doesn't. :)
  11. I don't agree with any of you! :) I say NEECH and always have, and that is what people around me have always said, as far as I've ever noticed.... just in the past couple of years I have started to hear people say Neesh and it seems Frenchified and artificial to me. BTW I am from New England if that makes a difference, but I live on the West Coast now.
  12. Mine were asked to be in a wedding when they were 18 months and 3 yrs old. I thought it was a terrible idea and declined. But the whole family begged me to let them. And you know what it turned out just fine. We have some beautiful photos of them-- photogrpher posed them as if they were hiding under the bride's veil.
  13. I like the past participle: backslidden. :)
  14. Moxie, I missed your original post about the m/c. I am so sorry for all that you've been through. ((hugs))
  15. Our family just went to a bday party where items for the animal shelter were suggested. I have no problem with that. We brought Meow Mix and there was a big tub of things people had brought. Some had bows and ribbons on to make them festive. It was really nice! I think if your DD wants to, why not? The only time I would object is if a parent were forcing this on the child.
  16. Christ our God, bless the food and drink of your servants, for you are blessed, unto the ages of ages, Amen.
  17. When you say "public" do you mean that this was run by the government, or that it was open to everyone? And, what is the content of the prayer? What did it talk about?
  18. Are these the same people who told you not to thank the firemen? I am not sure that these people are worth listening to. :grouphug:
  19. If I felt sorry about the situation and hoped to do better and solve it, I would go to communion.
  20. Best wishes for your journey! Have you looked at the Crossing the Tiber social group?
  21. ((hugs)) I don't think it's automatically wrong for a pastor to know about the amounts people give. It's how he uses that information.
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