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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Hmm. I go by my middle name (my parents decided this when they named me) and use my first initial in front of it. It has been an extra step all my life, from having to explain it each year and in each class in school, all the way up to now when I have to order plane tickets using my first name so I don't get flagged by TSA. I like my name/s so I have not changed them, but it has been a little bit of a hassle. If that first name had emotional baggage for me it would be upsetting to have to encounter that each time it comes up.
  2. For me I found onions do not bother me as much if they are very fresh.
  3. It's hard to generalize because my friends w/o children are so different: 1. friend whose fiance left her for another man, she is still recovering from this 10 yrs later, never married, no children----> sad 2. married friend who had multiple miscarriages--->sad, but takes pleasure in being an auntie 3. friend who had a hysterectomy early in life due to cancer, married, no kids---> seems perfectly satisfied with her life 4. friends who never seemed to wish to be married or have kids ---> seem happy with life I also think that a level of sadness seems to change after the childbearing years are over?
  4. Zoobie, the Cpa we had for one year made that exact mistake -- having us pay& file under my name, while we had been paying estimated quarterly taxes under DH's name, so we got a scary letter from the IRS like you did. But I solved it by calling the IRS and they figured it out in about 1 minute, so that was a huge relief.
  5. Georgia, absolutely, but it might be too hot for you so I would check on that. St Petersburg will not be too hot and they will be just over White Nights.
  6. Honestly, once I get all the documents ready and everything counted up-- I might as well just plug that info into TT instead of paying someone else to do it. I do our taxes every year-- the only year we had a big mistake was the year I took them to someone else and paid. At times TT is infuriating, but really it's ok. I get it cheaper through our credit union.
  7. Consider carefully what your prices should be, have them clearly marked, and don't change them partway through the event. :)
  8. Back to OP again: I would think that either 1. the owner agrees with the statement, or 2. the owner is clueless. We all make choices about where we shop based on how much we like the place, and many things may factor into that, including our perception of religious and political views. I think that is perfectly reasonable and not hateful at all. I also think that is completely reasonable for a business owner to use a place of business as a platform for their own beliefs, and many do, on many sides of many issues. Why not? They are free to do so, and the rest of us are free to choose to shop there or not. Recently DH and I were sad because we decided we wouldn't patronize one of our favorite coffeehouses anymore... it was a nice place, and the folks who work there are lovable characters... and the food is organic and gourmet... but they have put up a bunch of cartoons near where you order which were very offensive to us-- think Charlie Hebdo type thing-- against our religion. I was so shocked I actually teared up. Some time before that, we had not had a pleasant time there because a waitress was loudly discussing her private life using all kinds of bad language, (and it's a small place so there was no way to ignore this) but at that time I spoke to the manager and told him politely why we were leaving early and that we enjoyed his place and we'd certainly be back another time. He said he'd ask her to tone it down. But I kind of felt i had used up my chips complaining. It seemed to me that these cartoons, from their placement, did represent the opinion of the management. I don't object to them having different opinions that me. That is their right. But having that stuff right in my face makes me unhappy and so I can't enjoy my nice coffee. I might someday go back and say something, but for now I felt that any comment might provoke a rant which I'm not interested in hearing. I felt disappointed that the place we liked, actually is not welcoming for us. So I think that there must be a way for business owners to express themselves without driving away their customers, unless of course they want to drive away certain of us.
  9. When I was little, my mom would have cake & ice cream for all the neighborhood kids, of whatever age. Everyone came.
  10. For "I want to go to there", try googling "The linguistic legacy of 30 Rock." :) It's "a universal expression of longing." :)
  11. I wouldn't at all mind if someone is expressing "this is my religion." But I think OP means that the message was more: "I know what's best and you don't." Am I right?
  12. Are you thinking of mentioning the offensive message to the manager, OP? I think that would be a reasonable thing to do... see the PP above whose manager told her to not to wear the same shirt... any store-owner doesn't want to drive away customers... unless they WANT to cater to only a certain population... but that wouldn't be a really successful business...
  13. Just read your update. The OB is incompetent. Go elsewhere, immediately. Like I said, let the new practice get the results and the records for you. They will have them the same day, I am sure. Abnormal GTT is not something to mess around with. (Speaking as someone who worked as a CNM for 10 yrs)
  14. I would change to a different practice. If you stay, You could just have the receptionist schedule you only for the midwife and PA, but what if something comes up which needs an MD? Then you'd be in the same boat you are now. And what about the delivery? Then you are stuck with the MD. You need to be at a practice where you feel confident in everyone. You don't have to explain anything. Just make an appt elsewhere and that new practice can request the records. If you see the MD around town and she asks, just say it was more convenient. You are the patient and you should not have to worry about the Dr's feelings.
  15. Here's what I don't understand: I know the prosecutors want to ask for the death penalty now. But how do they know how the trial will play out? What if a defendant suddenly decides to cooperate and gives a lot of evidence implicating other criminals and in return gets a life sentence, or a reduced sentence? In that case they'd have a jury that was selected for the wrong question.
  16. This might be a really simple question, but how does he sleep if bedtime is much earlier? I noted that you said that occasionally he sleeps 12 hrs, from 7p to 7a. What makes the difference on those nights?
  17. I think it might be important to look at what the actual Catholic reaction was to Charlie Hebdo. Unless I am misinformed, I believe that the RC church had a couple of lawsuits against them. I am not at all familiar with the cases, though. But that would seem to be one appropriate way to address the situation. Not the same thing at all as a 'punch.' CH's shtick is offensiveness, and I'm sure that they meant to provoke people. I don't mean provoke to violence, I mean to provoke them to think, or to be disgusted. I've no doubt they are/were very clever. I've been offended (regarding: my religion) multiple times by media here in the U.S... and I am an inveterate writer of letters-to-the-editor. The New Haven Register published one of my letters years ago. The New Yorker has heard from me many times. The New York Times, once. The New Yorker wrote back to me saying they were not trying to please ME. Kind of a snarky response actually. The NYT editor passed my letter on to the particular journalist, who wrote me a very polite and apologetic letter, which I very much appreciated. I love to read both publications, though, and I would never say that they should be stopped from publishing, and nothing that bothered me rose to the level of needing a court case. But I don't mind letting them know, politely of course, of my reaction. Not sure if this is a digression or relevant, JMHO.
  18. Theoretically, it seems very interesting, but we had a friend who died inexplicably while scuba diving, so, no. :(
  19. I wouldn't use such a service, but I'd like to sign up with you as a Professional Listener. I've had lots of experience and I can provide references. I'm very good at it. In fact, I spend a lot of time as a Volunteer Listener and it would be nice to get paid for it, just for a change! How much can I charge per hour? j/k :)
  20. I am really bothered by bad writing. I really don't like it when an author creates a scene which has inconsistencies. For example (this is real), in a bestselling book, a well-known writer describes this scene: a man has collapsed while sitting behind the steering wheel in a closed car, and his arms are outspread in a cruciform gesture on the dashboard. Ok, how could that be? The steering wheel is on one side, not the middle of the car. One of his arms could be stretched out straight, but the other could not be-- there wouldn't be enough room between him and the window, which was expressly stated to be closed. His arm would have to be bent. ??? I completely lost respect for that author and now I can not bear to read her at all. Or another author: here is the scene: a detective climbs into a treehouse which is supposedly dangling from a branch by a single nail. The treehouse is stated to be five feet away from the trunk. The detective is scared of heights, so while he is sitting inside the treehouse, he grabs on to the bark of the treetrunk. Hello! How could he reach it? It's 5 feet away. On the back cover I noted that this author has won many, many prizes. ??? come on!!!
  21. After you talk with the salesman, they come up with an offer. Feel free to reject he first offer, because if you do, they will come up with a better offer!
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