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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. What is the most significant thing you have done this week to provide a better future for yourself? What about for other people that you are not related to?
  2. I have gained about 30 pounds since marriage, due mainly to my wife's cooking.
  3. We don't do it at home. We are anti-socialist, and the pledge was written by a Christian Socialist. I think they may do it and the Christian pledge at AWANA though.
  4. I am familiar with it. I used to be huge into fanfilms. Troops has a sequel. I recommend checking out Pink 5.
  5. Did you find any studies? I am interested in this as well.
  6. I can only hope. I think the sentence is too lenient, but that is just me.
  7. I like the Cowboys, and I like the Patriots for the AFC.
  8. We have traced our history back to the 1400's, and some of my ancestors have been in the United States and Canada since the Mayflower. I have some native American ancestry, and have ancestors that fought in the Revolution, and and one that signed the Declaration of Independence. I know I have ancestors that fought on the Union side of the Civil War, and I may have had some on the Confederate side as well, but I am not sure.
  9. I am a huge Star Wars fan. My favorite is The Empire Strikes Back.
  10. Best answer so far, considering I am very interested in both. ;)
  11. On Thursday Aug 11, the following choice presents itself: 8:30 ET - Dallas Cowboys 1st preseason game (against the Denver Broncos). 8 CT - GOP Primary debate I would watch either online, which should I pick?
  12. I try to buy value, regardless of country of origin. I am for the free market, not protectionism.
  13. This sounds ideal to me. I am a Young Earth Creationist, but want my children to have a solid working knowledge of evolution as well. Bringing it up in the logic stage (in depth) makes sense to me.
  14. It depends. Do you want to eat a feral cat, or one that has been specifically bred for its nutritional value? I recommend not doing it this way: You will want to take the fur off. Luckily, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
  15. I was going to recommend this one! And yes, that Bible is excellent! ESV is very readable and accurate, and the study notes and information in there is very good. I have the personal size version of that Bible, and I really like it. There are a lot of good resources available on the website for it as well.
  16. I've bought those items for dw on occasion. Heck, I even bought some once for a female friend who was in dire need, and her boyfriend was too embarrassed to do it. There isn't a lot of explanation required, just get whatever she asks for. Between me growing up with a sister, having mostly female friends, and then dating my wife who has 2 sisters and an outspoken mother, this stuff was always talked about. No big deal to me.
  17. I am sorry, I did not intend to offend anyone. I did say in general, and that is based on my time in the police department. There are definitely bright spots in the profession, and I assume your child is one of those. I am not sure how anything in my post could be construed as condescending. Again, I did not intend to offend.
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