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Everything posted by YaelAldrich

  1. I'm in Boston and if you are coming to this area (and yes, you will have to fill out the form and follow the rules) we have several sites throughout the city that you can do walk up or drive through testing. If it is relevant to you, PM me and I'll get you the info.
  2. Waxing works but gives me ingrown hairs that look terrible. Sugar waxing doesn't nor does threading. Since I am not going maskless, I sugar wax myself. I tweeze the chinny chin chin hairs that pop every like clockwork.
  3. I'm guessing you don't want to hear that my daughter is doing Corona Nannying for families who are very careful in their physical distancing like us. She has one family in the morning and one in the afternoon. She wears a mask and the kids do too. Then when she comes home she works out in our home gym and calls her friends. Once or twice a week she will go to a distanced visit with a friend.
  4. Well I have been making masks, buying groceries for people who couldn't leave the house and playing board and card games with the family (we never do that). But now with my leg broken I'm the recipient of groceries and meals every day. G-d wants me to learn how to receive with grace. But in watching all the pandemic schoolers, I'm decided two weeks ago to put together a Jewish homeschooling conference in August. I haven't done it in four years and honestly thought I might not ever make another, but G-d put on my heart. He obviously wants it to succeed! Over 30 speakers volunteered and a bunch of people will write essays too. I have gotten over 100 requests for information So this seems to be needed very badly. I'll take prayers for its success please.
  5. I should add my husband never received his results but they said if you don't hear from us assume it's negative. 🤔
  6. My husband has. They did a high nasal swab. No symptoms, but needed a negative test to travel. We are in Boston.
  7. Drinking a cappuccino in Jerusalem. Getting ready to walk with my family to the Western Wall and talk to G-d and then getting a sumptuous meal nearby at one of my favorite restaurants. Or even better doing that with my best friend and his family.
  8. Today's questions have been, "My cousin lives in MA and she can't find any homeschool groups." REALLY?! And, "Does homeschooling cost money?" Yes, Margaret, feeding the kids and keeping them in clothes as well as gas to get to the library or whatever to find curriculum will cost money. Dear G-d, so many people, so few who really need to educate their children.
  9. I got that on my bingo card yesterday. You better believe I told them what most homeschoolers think about that! On a good note the one woman who has been bugging me about how to form a pandemic pod (mini school) finally got on our state's HS support group FB page. She saw my post about her 😏 but she realized homeschooling in our Commonwealth is pretty darn easy. So she's going the DIY route! Yay!
  10. Totobobo.hk@gmail.com This is the mask we've been wearing since March. It is equivalent to an N95 mask. Totobobo site
  11. Oh golly! I am so very sorry for your FIL's death. Is there anything you can do to get this service outside? Even to hiring a tent to be put in the parking lot of the funeral home? I would move heaven and earth to honor a parent but not endanger my living family.
  12. My husband and I are still married only because of EFT marital therapy. Really. I was so ready to leave him. I am forever grateful to the therapist! She brought us together and explained to him (and me) that he was never trained to be an emotional support to anyone and she (and his personal therapist) worked with him see the need for it. She taught us how to talk openly and in a vulnerable way to each other in a safe space. You do want someone who has been extensively trained in this style as there are a lot of people who've done the lightest amount of training. And of course you'll both have to mesh with that person. If you're in the Boston area I have two wonderful recommendations. One takes insurance, the other doesn't. Please feel free to PM for more details.
  13. In most of my Japanese homes (even apartments), they had a pull up door in the floor of the kitchen that was for putting root and other vegetables and fruits in for storage since Japanese kitchens and refrigerators tend to be small. I couldn't figure it out at first then I asked my neighbors why there was a box under a door in such an odd place!
  14. I'm less fearful only because Massachusetts' R0 is less than 1. We've been masking since mid-March. I only wear gloves when shopping or doing yucky stuff. I don't wipe down groceries or mail. But I just changed out one family member's Totobobo filters from f96 to f94. I'm saving the higher level ones until the fall.
  15. I'm so sorry. It really sucks on too many levels.
  16. My DH's school (Northeastern) is moving ahead with its NUFlex plan (simultaneous hybrid/in-person/online classes with some of the students back on campus). He's been fielding calls from fellow faculty talking about how few want to go back in to teach in person, calls from his many foreign undergrad and grad students as to whether they'll even be able to come back (NEU has gotten their hybrid programs certified as in person classes so they should have no problems), as well as his risk assessment of what is smartest for him (his main need is the gym WITH a locker room on a daily basis; if it isn't possible (safely) he thinks he would rather teach synchronous classes from home or at most go in to teach from his office (not in a classroom) and come home for the bulk of the day). I'm already doing the work to outfit him with a small office alcove in our bedroom by the end of the summer. we don't really have the space and we had hoped the current situation would be short term but we are really over him using my laundry drying rack as his standing desk! If this is the plan I have to flesh out our home gym as well (I did a great job getting it to where it is now because of the Hive, but he wants another cardio machine and some more free weights).
  17. She's a US citizen and so are her children, so thank goodness, this isn't an issue.
  18. I call my MIL, MIL (pronounced mill) and FIL, FIL (pronounced Phil) and very occasionally Dad. That's what they asked me and SIL to call them (we married only a year apart). She'll never earn the title of Mom and my FIL barely so. My DH calls my Mom, Mom all the time as she treats and loves him like a son. My dad was Mr so and so for many years. My father finally respected and liked him after decades and now calls him son and my DH mostly calls him Dad.
  19. If you do buy it, I'm happy to be on your renter's list. Just came back from Duck!
  20. What is it with Polish bras?!?!? I bought a fancy shmancy "lady of the night" kind one from an online lingerie store. Most comfortable bra ever and I look thinner and and the bOOks look gravity free (38D cup). I have gained some weight so the band is too tight now but I still wear it. I need to get other ones. But they were not cheap...
  21. I wore my Totobobo mask throughout the 1.5 day emergency room visit and surgery (I hope - I was out!) due to a fall in which I broke my tibia and fibula and ankle (and dislocated my ankle) last week in NC while visiting my parents. In a hospital it was so easy to wear. That reminds me to change out the filters (but there were no COVID-19 patients there - too small of a hospital). It is cool because you can change out the filters thereby reusing the main mask. The filters are 92%-100% depending on which filter sets you buy. My family has been wearing these masks since early March. I have gotten a bunch of people to wear them but most have reverted to cloth masks because they do get condensation inside them. It doesn't bother me at all but my husband and kids just pinch the nose part or tip the mask off their chins and wipe them out with a clean tissue. I really think they are terrific and will be wearing them until we know we can stop.
  22. We just got back from a trip to NC for precisely those reasons. Try using grocery store bathrooms. They were clean and if you pick the fancier ones more people will be masking. Good luck and thank you for supporting your husband through this. My husband immediately made our plans once we knew what my mother's trajectory looks to be.
  23. There was a 7.4 earthquake in Oaxaca Mexico today and the effects were felt all the way to Mexico City so this is already on the list of what ifs. My husband is supposed to be working with their government on bulking up their resilience plans but this will likely put a hold on it (and they haven't gotten together the payment schedule and the UN won't let them start until it's ready).
  24. This is where we are as well. Except I assume you don't have many other choices in parishes in your community. We are losing friends and community. It's painful. I'm no saint/tzadik, but shaming and blaming are not Christian/Jewish values at all and should not be lauded (as they have been by members of the community) by leaders in those faiths. G-d's blessings on you and your families.
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