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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. Sister #2 needs to talk with sister #3 and find out how if she would even like an invite. Then make it very very shouted from the rooftops clear that regardless of if #3 comes or not everyone loves her and will not think anything of not coming. Then tell anyone else who asks why #3 is not there say it was too far of a drive on a bad day for her.
  2. I actually don't know...we live in New England but our families are in WI, AZ and UT so I love knowing that even though we don't have a culver's here I can indulge everytime I go on vacation. I will be getting custard in 2 weeks!!!!!
  3. I had this flavor for the first time driving out to WI (sadly I know where the first culver's on the trip is and we stop going to and from everytime). The Chocolate eclair was AMAZING... PS they have built a couple of Culver's in AZ and a in UT by now...so its not just a midwest thing anymore!
  4. Condition, Condition, Condition...condition right before getting in the pool...and then when showering off condition and then use a leave in conditioner when leaving the pool. But you don't need to be using shampoo a lot more often than normal...just lots of conditioner.
  5. Yes this is why I am so disappointed. Dh doesn't understand. Yes, which was known on thursday and I asked 3 times if they would cancel the class because I was the only one and was told 3 times that the class will not be cancelled. That it would just be one on one. It's a new Joann's that is trying to get the word out that they do classes. Of course this is not the way to do so, cancelling day of.
  6. Last Saturday I signed up for a Joann's quilting class scheduled for today. I called on Thursday to verify the class was still going to happen. Of course they didn't know and never called me back. So I drove down to verify and pick up the needed fabric. I talked to a manager type person who said the class would occur no matter what. So I bought what I needed and started getting excited about the class. Well I showed up this morning and the instructor never showed up. I told another manager person who called the instructor but didn't get an answer. So basically I was told too bad. They did refund what I paid for the class and the fabric but I am still really disappointed. There were other things my family could have done today but I turned them down because I had already signed up for this class. I feel so let down.
  7. I understand why the owner is mad...someone easily could have been killed...it was beyond possible. Therefore the show and range need to be able to prove that they will be even safer than they have been. That said the hope would be that damage + personal effect + proven safer model for range and mythbuster would occur without having to file a lawsuit.
  8. We borrowed from the Halloween stash for candy. Got a buzz and woody pez (one for each child) and then a mini doodle board. The kids loved it!
  9. I would look at services that would be more available with the diagnosis...in my state a child on the spectrum gets free medicaid regardless of parent income, they also get up to 35,000 in behavior help via private insurance. In addition they qualify for social groups outside of school, a special group that works only with children on the spectrum to help them outside of school. The diagnosis opens doors that otherwise wouldn't be...mind you this is only in the state I live in but I would check your state to see if they have similar options only available to those with the "right" diagnosis.
  10. Sadly there are more people that have reported the EXACT same thing either through blogs or other twitter so it does seem to actually occur and it does seems to be something that occurs not regularly but often enough for this to be a true story. Especially since its not like she can sue and get any money from TSA for it so there is no incentive to make a false complaint.
  11. Couldn't she have said something like "Many people believe Santa and his workshop are at the North Pole but every time someone goes up there no one has found it." and let the children pull from that how they may...along the same lines of "Many people believe that there was a Creator but so far the evidence points to evolution as a form of creation of the earth." and many other things that people believe but science has not proven.
  12. Thanks! I was trying to figure all this out yesterday on Mozilla and found a couple of choices like no tracking cookies but couldn't find how to block 3rd party stuff.
  13. This is how I think about it. Having taught in PS a variety of ages there is something about that 3rd/4th/5th grade jump. It is so incredible to see the change that happens in those grades. That said 1st and 2nd graders are jumping at the bit for "fun" facts. I think WTM is a large idea kind of things but then it must be tapered for developmental needs of the child. Also I think to advantage of WTM is that it is developed to be used with multiple ages of children so that you can combine easily history and science which is what the true advantage of the 4 year cycles is.
  14. If you are going to the airport with her you can get a gate pass that will let you help her through security. My husband has done this a number of times to help me when I had babies even if he wasn't flying. Just make sure you get in line at the ticket counter to actually talk to a human being and they can issue a gate pass. You will need to show your ID ect.
  15. I was a huge fan of Dawn...so sad she is off now :( I hope Ozzy comes back and wins...but I think it will end up Coach at the end because no one is willing to do anything big in this game.
  16. Yep have to be an advocate...dd was in the hospital for some testing...she has a severe milk allergy no milk products not even baked...I go to order her dinner and the person on the other line say pizza....I said are you kidding me that has cheese she is allergic to milk...the response yes I see that but the computer says she can have pizza....my husband brought her dinner that night and breakfast the next morning...couldn't trust that the hospital could give her food that was safe. I was shocked thinking the hospital would be the one place that she would get a safe meal...but I guess not. Showed me how vigilant I have to be all the time.
  17. Perhaps an intense nature study with a follow up of the beginning of Genesis. I just think every time I go outside that this world was is not random that it was planned and you can see that in the symmetry and asymmetry of nature. There has to have been a Creator involved and once that is accepted then a study of our Creator.
  18. There is an e-book out called montessori at home. I have found it very very helpful.
  19. I love mealplanner...basically you enter recipes online then you can add them to the week and it will generate a grocery list. I love that I can have more than 1 meal a day on my planner so I plan breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, and dinner for every day of the week and have just 1 grocery list. It is not a menu mailer you have to find and input your recipes but once you input it then you have it ready to add whenever you want.
  20. Give your sister some credit please...while she may be the root of the problem she may not. I had a young dd who was violent....very violent, extremely violent. It started very young and there was very little I could do about it. It turns out that said child has seizures and the seizures were in her temporal lobe and caused her brain to be in a constant fight or flight mode...for her it was fight. Since anti-seizure meds she has had 1 semi violent melt down versus 1 month earlier where we were being violently attacked daily. Honestly it had nothing to do with me but just parenting this child was exhausting and disheartening. She did not do discipline...at all of any kind no matter what. She could not learn cause and effect. I felt like I was constantly being judged as a bad parent, in addition all I heard was to be more consistent and to force time out which never worked until her medical needs where taken care of. In addition because she is an adopted child, at birth, I am always looking over my shoulder for RAD. I know it can happen and my dd was exhibiting similar symptoms, thankfully she is able to attach when her brain isn't stopping. So take the time to help your sister and encourage her to find help somewhere.
  21. negative feedback left for the person who left negative feedback...usually including phrases like liar and awful person, there is space to chat out the problem but that I believe is only visible to the parties involved so all everyone else sees is a negative ETA: but even if retaliatory feedback is left at least no one else will be scammed by that seller again or they will know to be cautious when dealing with them and be ready to file a claim.
  22. Woke up at 5 this am headed out to Kohls, got a parking spot right next to the handicap spots (so pretty much the front) and headed in. There were a ton of workers and not very many shoppers. Went over to get what I wanted everything I wanted was in stock. Got to check out where the workers were waiting bored for someone to come up. Check out and was done. By 6:30 I was headed over to Joannes where I wanted to pick up pinking shears with my 25% off. Got in and out waited like 5 mins in line to check out. Was home by 7 am. It was actually really nice. The interesting part was that both of these stores only opened this week for the 1st time since they were flooded at the end of Aug so they were beautiful and well stocked but not packed.
  23. Sadly retaliation does occur...but the hope is that the moderators would take care of it especially if the seller shows a pattern...but by not leaving feedback others get put in a situation where they are taken advantage off...in the situation I had at least 1 person before me had a problem but didn't leave feedback...I left feedback but even still 4 other people ended up having problems. But if the first had left negative feedback I would never have purchased in the first place so it is really important.
  24. The Old School House is doing a buy something get a bunch free thing.
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