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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. Yes she can give give retaliatory feedback....there is a report feedback button but I don't know if it gets looked at. It does appear that if a pattern is established retaliatory feedback will be removed but it might take a while.
  2. I think another piece of this puzzle is that while I do believe that discrimination, in particular curtailing of freedom of speech under the auspices of separation of church and state, is occuring. I think that being Christian still has a privilege related to its long standing history especially in the US. So for many non-Christians its hard to talk about Christian discrimination because many things are still based on the Judeo-Christian tradition of old when there are others, including but not limited to religions, that are experiencing major issues including injury and death as the direct result of discrimination (GLBT suicide as the result of bullying comes immediately to mind, or the black boy that was shot close to his gated white community home by the community watch leader who has not even had charges placed against him). Yes, it is harder to be Christian now and there are many who are prejudice and discriminatory to Christians but many Christians in many areas still have many privileges merely from being Christian in America.
  3. My 2.5 year isn't sleeping. He has occasionally slept completely through the night but it is off and on and has never been consistent. Last night he woke up at 1 am and did not go back to sleep, regardless of what we did. We have a very consistent bedtime routine that starts at 7, lights are out by 8....most nights around 9 we hear a little voice out in the hall playing. Then he wakes up anytime between 1 and 7 am and WILL NOT go back to bed. We have laid with him, we have let him scream, nothing worked. He does take naps anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours 5 days a week. The days he misses naps are awful he is cranky, whiny and his sleep seems to be worse at night. What can we do to help ds get a good nights sleep consistently? And before family bed is recommended the problem is that once the child is awake he will not go back to sleep. This will still be a problem with a family bed except instead of 2 people losing out on sleep the whole family would.
  4. Era level 16 is the most common expectation for the end of first grade. So your child is more than good :)
  5. Contact paypal!!! Of course if they sent it media mail it could take up to 6 weeks to show up...but if they are not answering emails or pm's then I would be super super concerned.
  6. I am also looking for HWOT kindergarten or Pre-K, the mats, slate, wooden pieces ect...it is the program dd's OT recommends for her.
  7. I am loving Book Crawler...it is easy to use and simple to search. I love that I can put multiple tags on a book so that I can use it for multiple thing...something excel made very difficult
  8. From a former ps 1st grade teacher I would be impressed with what he did. He is hearing multiple sounds in words, which is not common in 4 yrs usually expected mid kinder. He knows long and short vowels and for the most part is using them. He also hears constant blends and vowel diagram PBS. That said I would be concerned about ending sounds in multi syballic words. He has some odd ending sounds that he is hearing. But that could be language or the act of saying a word slowly that is tricky without lots of practice. Personally I feel his writing indicated a high level of phonemic and phonic awareness that in public school would be middle kinder to early 1st grade. You also have a great platform built to really teach the spelling rules because he is already trying them out.
  9. We had an appointment with the infertility clinic...so I also added my female yearly to that since they want that current. Well basically the only way to get me pregnant, assuming I can get pregnant, is to use donor materials :(...then they wanted to make me a pincushion and take blood to check for thyroid and other stuff...Took 3 different stabs on 2 arms in 3 different spots to get any blood out...then they had to fill 3 vials. Then off the wonderful womanly exam where she told me my uterus was enlarged and sent me off to get an ultrasound...but not the tummy kind. Of course now I am finally home 4 hours later and get to wait to see if there is something wrong or if everything is "normal". I hate going to the doctor :( ETA: Posted and thanks to Murphy's law of forum posting...the doctor called me back and the ultrasound came back normal so now I just need to pray that the thyroid comes back normal too.
  10. Nope not you just letting op know that spring hill suites is the half wall not real suites that she is looking for.
  11. Springhill suites is usually the NOT REAL kind of suite with a half wall that seperates...at least the ones we have stayed at.
  12. I just started An Assembly Such as This by Pamela Aidan it is a series written from Darcy's point of view during Pride and Prejudice.
  13. I love the idea of it...and it is so easy and true...BUT as with anything there are limitations to it. It did not work with my child with special needs...she was not able to handle it, choices sent her into a tailspin, having to think was to hard for her, she never adjusted to the if you are calm the door will stay open bit (from the early years book)...it just didn't work for her. She needs more time to process situations and warnings even though we don't get them in the real world.
  14. there is a fabulous OT in Sunapee NH...I don't know where you are in NH but this one is GREAT!!! and they don't have a waiting list. ETA: now that I have read the whole thing...I agree it does seem ridiculous...we had the same thing happen...Neuro said thinks its High Functioning Autism but wants ADOS done....ADOS person gave module 1 (for nonverbal kids) and says she has no idea why neuro said HFA and its just ADHD...so we paid all that money to be back at square one with no information and a child who needs help but can't get it.
  15. Comcast has a digital economy package that includes Disney for like 30 a month.
  16. DD started Keppra in Sept...with the warning that it could make her more aggressive...but within a week of uping the dose a second time we went from child who attacked us violently daily to a child who melted to the floor crying. So yes it did change her behavior...one of the other side effects is tiredness so I could see a child being a little slower which could equal less impulsive. I personally also think that in my dd's case that based on the location of the seizures she was having that stopping them has caused behavior to change, the behaviors before were a result of her brain having seizures.
  17. I have been having the same problem lately...most recently right after I changed the batteries...I wonder if it is an OS problem...hmmm
  18. I started my dd on ADHD meds at 3.5 yrs. it was a very had decision but it has helped dd so much. She is actually able to learn and play things she couldn't do then. It also unmasked things that are not part of the ADHD that need to be treated. We don't ask should I medicate with other diseases we just do it why is mental illness one where we worry so much...especially if we have already tried other things and it is still a problem.
  19. Pp said some of it but also good agencies use the money to counsel any and all pregnant women who are considering placing regardless of if the woman does follow through with an adoption plan. It can be expensive but personally I prefer agencies that do that because I know a woman who has placed had a full range of counseling about her choices and really wants to place. Also good agencies will counsel a birth mother for as long as she wants after placement even years and the potential adoptive families pay for that up front. Adoption is expensive but good agencies roll fees until an adoption takes place so if a family has a failed placement aren't stuck with the fees from that and then trying again....that said not all agencies roll so some of the high fees you hear are families with multiple failed placements where they paid expensies per placement and lost it all and still don't have a baby. Also for reference ivf is typically 5,000 to 10,000 plus including meds to try for a baby and there are no guarantees for that either. And for some of us even ivf would require a medical miracle to have a baby.
  20. Have you done the overnight video EEG? That is what we did and found out dd had epilepsy. It was a shock to us because I didn't see the episodes but they were there on the EEG but it took a full 24 hour of eeg to make sure.
  21. So we have had 13 babies born in the last 6 months...with at least 5 more due in the next 6 months....we have a mother's room with 3 some what rocking chairs and a changing table...but announcements have been made recently that mother's may nurse during the women's section (relief society) and that during the 2nd hour (sunday school) there is another classroom with no one in it that can be used...So I selected cry room.
  22. It is a great idea but there is always a trust issue with food allergies and food others make. How can you be sure the right non dairy butter was used unless it canbe proved? How to ensure that the spoon stirring their chocolate frosting was no also used to stir the dairy free rice crispy treats? As the mom of a severe food allergic child these are questions that have to be asked when others bring food and unless I can guarantee that it is 100% safe then I can't let her eat it. In the case of individual snacks the idea of thing to substitute is great but for sharing it's just not safe enough. :( I wish it were.
  23. I stopped posting there because I just read fluff or children's books....but I have been keeping track and last year read 56 books but this year I am already up to 16. So it definetly gave me an incentive to read more than I was 2 years ago.
  24. Thanks, I think that is the route to take...don't know where to go because I only know the hospital guess I'll be on the phone today. I just want an accurate picture of my child with no preconceived notions to know if she really could be on the spectrum or not and it's hard to feel that way with the report we just received. Do you know if using module 1 vs. 2 would change anything?
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