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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. I don't understand what they are protesting? Can someone explain what the bills are that they are against? I don't have time (or brain power right now) to google or try to figure out legalese.
  2. 3 more people have been rescued from inside the ship...a honeymoon couple and a purser with a broken leg.
  3. She is in OT already because she has SPD. She is the odd man in the ASD world because she is very strong/athletic...just mildly klutzy, most people don't notice unless they have been around her a lot and see how much she ends of falling, and the fact she physically can't stand still. We have done ice skating but the lessons here are really really basic with a lot of kids in them. We have not done vision stuff but I am writing that down to get checked! Sadly there is only 1 gym within 1 hours drive :( We have done classes there before 1 session last year that worked pretty well and 2 sessions when 2 years ago that were a disaster. I have found someone who teaches dance/gymnastic combo and does mommy and me classes that I am hoping might do a time that dd can do (we don't do stuff on Sunday and that is when the mommy and me class is).
  4. Thanks for the book recommendation I plan to check it out. She already has a milk allergy that was diagnosed at 2 no other food allergies but a whole bunch of enviromentals :(. We have talked about going gluten free with her to help with the ADHD stuff. Thank you I have been looking into these. Yes, this is a big thing I have been realizing...she didn't wake up differently than she has any other day now that we have a label. She is who she always was and now I have some information that will help me be the best mama I can be for who she is. I love the gymansticsdoctor site...my dd wants to do gymnastics but everytime we have tried it was well...hard. Do you think if I email him he would help me help the local gym so that she can participate?
  5. Thank you, I live in New England and from what I have heard one of the best school districts for mainstreaming special needs....but a good school district doesn't mean that my dd will have a good sped or regular ed teacher... What private therapy providers should I be looking for? Thank you! We are blessed to have her and just want to be able to help her be the best her she can be. Thank you so much for the links! I was able to start looking at them and have found some good information. Even thinking that dd might have autism I am still reeling from the dr actually diagnosising it. Now it really is real. We do have an Ipad and dh just bought another so that I can have 1 and the kids can use the other and it has been really great for her...during the testing she was bouncing off the walls but as soon as they were done we pulled out the ipad and it helped her calm down a bit. What apps have you found are really good for your son?
  6. Domestic adoption average for a Caucasian newborn is about 30000. A good agency would use that money for counseling, birth expenses if not eligible for Medicare, legal except finalization (so termination of rights), and any living expenses prebirth for the expectant mother. Some agencies will "roll" money paid to another situation if the expectant mother chooses to parent but not all. Many domestic adoptions are expectant mothers picking the family so wait times are hard to determine and are changed by openness to drug use, race, gender, and ultimate openness with birth family. The longest waits are for Caucasian baby girls with no prenatal problems including drug use and completely closed. Less than 1% of women with an unplanned pregnancy will place for adoption in the us. Adoption can be hard but in the end when you have the baby that was meant for your family it is wonderful.
  7. We just had a neuropsych eval for my 4 yr old dd. The diagnosis was provisional high functioning autism...they have 1 more test they want to do in 1 month to confirm the diagnosis. In some ways it is good to have a name for what my dd has, and I know there are more things available to ASD children than ADHD, but at the same time it is Autism. That is a big deal! We have thought maybe but to have it confirmed, by a neuropsych+child pysch+child development doctor (yes 3 drs were involved in the evaluation) is still shocking. So what do I do now? What services should I look for? What accomadations are good for little ones? What information should I look for in the big diagnostic packet they are going to send me in a few days? What about public school offering for ASD kids, they talked a lot about getting the school district involved and what the school district should be doing for dd? What ways is homeschooling different with a child with HFA? TIA for all the help.
  8. I have used both...paperbackswap i organized according to FIFO and all books must be in really good condition, bookmooch is free for all book conditions can be listed so that something not postable at paperbackswap is postable on bookmooch and you get .10 points for every book you list...so each time you send a book it is worth 1.1 points. Bookmooch isn't moving very fast for me right now...but neither is PBS.
  9. This afternoon ds fell. Since then he refuses to put walk. He will put a little weight on the outside of his foot and gimp but he refuses full weight and only does it when forced too. He appears to only have pain when I pull his foot back opposite of pointed. How long should I let him gimp before taking him in to be seen by a dr?
  10. Thank you! As soon as I checked my email and saw I told my dh i get to go shopping!
  11. I love one of the books that you checked out Martin's Big Words. I think it is a great way to introduce some of the ideas of the Civil Right without too much weight. I also enjoy Happy Birthday Martin, another book written for the younger age group.
  12. I would love them...my name is Amber on there...but I can send you a friend request if you let me know your name on bookmooch. ETA: I found a user on bookmooch with your user name here and same town, so I sent them a friend request...hoping it is you.
  13. In adoption girls are preferred to boys. It is always harder to place boys for adoption and many agencies don't let couples pick gender because of the imbalance.
  14. Every one does and says stupid things...get over it quickly and don't dwell on the embarassment....................................................................
  15. This is the big problem. The school refused the epi-pen. Also most schools keep the epi-pens in a locked cabinet in the nurses office...so a child having a reaction must get to the nurses office were the lock will need to be undone the correct epi-pen removed and then administered. In a severe quick reaction this is too much time. Additionally the nurse wasted time calling the mother to have her pick up the child and the mother told the nurse to call 911. I am sure they had a plan but if the nurse had never had to deal with a reaction then the reactions would be slow...and sadly it resulted in the death of this little girl :( While homeschooling a child with an allergy is the best option it is not always an option. Schools need to be prepared for food allergy reactions, even if they have separate tables, signs, no peanut ect. They need to be ready to administer the epi-pen IMMEDIATELY and call 911. Its not about how the reaction happened but what happened between the allergen getting to the child and the ambulance getting to her.
  16. Regarding the grammar logic rhetoric stage thing...I love how parents mag has a spot on the table of contents that tells what age a particular article fits best....the your/our magazine could have something like that to lets parents know what articles would best fit their child's level
  17. Yep did Target (don't have one where I live so it is always a stop when I am with family) and Penneys (ours was under 6 ft of water in Aug and hasn't reopened). I got 4 bOOkshelves, 3 pairs of jeans, 2 shirts, and something cute for me to wear for dh for under 100 dollars because we had 10 off of 25 coupons, 3 10 off anything, and 15% off all day shopping. The best moment was when I paid for 4 shirts and was told I saved over 100 dollars...payed 15. I never go shopping for myself so it was really fun, Merry Christmas for me!
  18. I use My Digital Studio which is the Stampin' Up digital scrapbooker. I am enjoying it...They do have a print service that will just print loose pages or you can do a bound book...your choice. Or you can just print at home or at a local place.
  19. Prayers! My nephew has Leukemia and there is a lot known about it and a lot they can do now. PM me if you want, I can give you my sister's info for your cousin if they want someone who has been there, doing that.
  20. Today while watching a cartoon my dd (4 yrs, diagnosed ADHD) asked us "why is he (character) sad?" DH (who was in the room) said "he is not sad" DD said "He is making a sad face". Said character was making a confused/huh face. How do I teach my child to distinguish this? Is it to teach her facial emotion, or just more with emotion? She knows mad face, sad face, and happy face for sure but obviously has confusion with other faces.
  21. I have a queen...but we really want a king...dh is long and there isn't room to share with small children should they come in during the night
  22. I don't know much about courtship vs dating...but something that I was taught as a young girl was to set my standards in stone before I got involved. For instance deciding if I want to kiss before marriage, hold hands, what areas of my body a man was allowed to touch (before marriage) IE my knees, thigh, back, arm over shoulder ect. This way I had standards that I could stop at or before. It helped me feel more chaste and virtuous. Perhaps helping your daughter decide what she wants her standards to be will help her without having to do a contract.
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