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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. Thanks, I got some more official information in the mail today, it is epilepsy officially...we are scheduled for an MRI next Fri (they are squeezing us in because our insurance deductible restarts on Oct 1). From there we are getting weekly follow up phone calls from our primary doctor and an office follow up in 1 month, unless it comes back abnormal. They are not doing the blood test mainly I figure because they are not sure if she will cooperate with a blood draw. So I will keep on top of everyone to make sure that we can get in sooner...and hopefully this will have a very happy ending right.
  2. Thank you...sadly the first neurologist appt we can get is in Jan :( Thankfully the dr we are seeing for child development was savy enough to order the overnight EEG and insisted it get done quickly because of insurance stuff. So now we are waiting...but we are on the wait list for the neurologist and can be there within an hour if they have a cancellation. We have done a genetic screen and the neonatal panel and sadly have no birth history :( I am really hopefully that my daughter will have a positive response to the Keppra. Thank you, I believe the Dr said that it was in the temporal lobe...which could honestly explain the odd behaviors that she has...so we shall see. It is good to see that this is not an unusual thing to happen although unexpected. I am grateful that it appears with medication it can have a very good prognosis. Thanks to everyone who answered.
  3. Honestly I am not really even sure what kind of seizures they are, dd was in the midst of a MAJOR meltdown...the word epilepsy was not used in describing it. Basically the Dr (not the one we went to see) walked in and said we need to put her on seizure med, that she had spikes on the EEG that indicated that she was having seizures mainly while asleep. Mind you they didn't even read the report (from 2 weeks ago) until this am so there may be more information forth coming but so far not a lot. Right know they have put her Keppra? And we are suppose to set up an MRI to rule out other things causing the seizures. So I am just trying to learn what I can with the limited information we have right now. Thanks
  4. Thank you so much! I am glad to know that it was a very positive thing and that it was not something he was on forever. I am still very surprised that she has seizures but hopefully the medication will be successful and that it will end up so positively!
  5. Does anyone here have experience with sleeping seizures? I just found out that the EEG we did thinking we were ruling out 1 reason for dd's odd behavior just came back positive for seizures while she was sleeping. I wasn't able to get a lot more information from them because dd was throwing a fit...they said they will call later but I am curious about experience here. We are starting her on anti-seizure meds but one of the side effects is bad behavior...so we will see what is going to happen. Basically I am looking for more information and it will be ok stories. TIA
  6. Rotorua, Aukland, many of the beaches are fun....as for 10 days I was there for 6 months and feel like there was so much that we could have done.
  7. If you are very careful you might find an agency that "rolls" funds...but they are usually more expensive...because they offer all the support/payments/counseling for any expectant mother considering adoption but the adoptive parent only pays money to the agency, possibly at match so yes before placement, but if the match fails then the agency "rolls" the money over to another match until there is a successful placement at which point the remainder of funds are paid in full. This takes care of the paying women to have a baby but only if they place thing. But to have an agency do this they cost more because the adoptive couples are paying for all the women who get help but don't place along with the support of their adopted child's birthfamily.
  8. It appears that basically everything is open except for JcPenney's (and surrounding stores) that got inundated. Water has gone down thank goodness! Now it is just time to clean up...I really feel for the families that have lost their homes though.
  9. 100% infertile...dh is sterile...we wanted children (plural) so the only option to parenthood was adoption. Now we have 2 AMAZING children but dd is amazingly special. Ideally we would like 4 because that is what we have always wanted before we learned of our infertility...but we don't know if that will happen because dd is a handful and dh isn't sure he could handle the pressure of another baby. That said I love the way Resolve (national infertility organization) says that adoption is NOT a cure for infertility only a cure for childlessness. We have been cured of childlessness but not infertility. Sometimes we still ache for the children that may not come into our home whether through birth or adoption and yet we pray for the opportunity to be parents again however that might happen. Oddly enough family planning is a very private matter that people seem to think they should be able to comment on no matter how appropriate it is.
  10. The problem with not getting attached is that many birthmothers get worried if the adoptive family isn't getting excited. It's a fine line to walk of getting excited for the potential baby but respecting the fact that the birthmother does not relinquish her rights until the papers are signed. With our contested adoption we were there after birth in the hospital and the nurses expected us to room with the baby but we said every thing was up to birthmother until she signed but we had to be committed to the placement or it wouldn't have happened because the case worker messed up in so many ways. So it is a very very fine line.
  11. Numeracy is merely knowing and using numbers and their patterns....so things like fact families, the "tricks" like doubles, doubles plus one. It's being able to use numbers fluidly. Mep looks like a strong numeracy program...don't know any of the others.
  12. Doctor's are not always the brightest and may not realize that a child has a food allergy unless the parent tell them flat out that the child is allergic to the food and needs to be tested, because the parents were talking to others who know about food allergies who said it was probably a food allergy...and then they tell the parent that when the results are negative the next step...to turn around and 2 days later call and ask how fast the parents can be there to get the epi-pen because the results where so high...yeah so others could really help educate parents to fight for their kids regarding food allergies. Just like after my dd was diagnosed I told my sister, for 2 years, that her dd had food allergies too...and she was recently diagnosed with milk, egg, and peanut allergies!!
  13. The flooding is catastrophic! Crested at one of the highest ever 29 feet (flood stage was 18). Covered bridge in Quechee gone, Simon Pierce underwater, the main shopping district in west leb was closed yesterday as the water rose don't know how damaged it is. Many many people evacuated to the High School to wait. Thank goodness the rivers crested this am and are going down but the damage is saddening. The hurricane produced no dangerous winds but the rains caused an incredible amount of damage. :(
  14. If you pray please do...I live in a town that is at the crossroads of the conneticut and white rivers both are flooding and expected not to peak until tomorrow. Homes, bridges are being washed away and people have been evacuated. The rain appears to be done but the water will keep rising. We are quite high up and are safe but I am worried about a number of friends who are closer to the river on both sides.
  15. And I just saw pictures of another town in our township and the water is rushing over a bridge that we have driven across before...so the flooding is the real scary thing here...we are on high ground so not a problem for my family but a tragedy for a number if other families and we won't know the full extent until it peaks tomorrow.
  16. I am in VT on the border with NH, upper valley area, and it appears a rather unevent...Lots and lots of rain which is causing some localized flooding and supposedly the river that divides the states will start flooding today and into tomorrow but the wind has been pretty nonexistant, and only a comparatively small number of people are out of power here. So overall looks good, although we have a few more hours till it is officially past us. Have read about really bad flooding in other towns though like Brattleboro a town we drive through a whole bunch.
  17. Yet another myth you are helping to break! Birthfamilies are not people to be feared they are people to be loved and thanked. The 2 woman who placed their children are INCREDIBLE. They didn't always make the best choices but this time they made the VERY BEST choice for them at that time. I am sure it was hard and is still something they each deal with often but they are the most amazing women and I am grateful to share our children with them. I will say regarding open adoption, we were not open when we started but then we met my dd's birthmother and I was ready to be as open as possible. She choose not to be open. So with my son we have a very open relationship, texting, visits and it has been one of the most incredible parts of adoption. She gets to see the child she loves and get her questions answered and I got to know from her own text message and talking with her that she does not regret her choice to place her son in our home.
  18. People chose their own routes toward adoption for many different, very personal reasons. That said that the stats are not in favor of adoption in the US. According to the National Council for Adoption 3 million children are born every year in unplanned pregnancies. Of that 1.3 million will be aborted, 1.2 million will be raised by the biological family, and only 18,000 will be placed for adoption. From the agencies I have talked to every baby they get will be adopted there is no lack of adoptive families for a baby born in the US that is placed for adoption. Regarding Foster care adoption sadly the process is broken and has been for years for both biological families, foster and adoptive parents. So many of the millions of children truly are not available for adoption and will end up aging out of the system. :(
  19. Well as all of you finish up it looks like we in New England are startingish....it is raining right now and there appears to be a lot of rain already. Suppose to get worse as the day goes on. Hoping to get released from the hospital before it starts to ramp up. Really hoping we are as lucky as everyone else and it is just a noisy but safe night.
  20. So I am starting to worry...hurricane is suppose to hit tomorrow...right now I am at the hospital with my dd (just testing nothing serious) and we are suppose to be released about the same time it hits...I am scared of having to drive home in the wind. Do you think we need to get the basement ready to stay in over night or just hang out in the first floor?
  21. My kids love ABCMouse.com...my daughter is mostly independent (as long as there is nothing else on the screen) and my son gets excited when I sit down and do it with him.
  22. Its hard to know how worried we should be because we are so far inland (vermont) but currently there are tracks saying it could hit us directly...I am suppose to be getting out of the hospital with dd about the same time the storm will hit and the idea of driving home in it even if it is just tropical storm strength scares me a little.
  23. Karen Purvis!!!! The Connected child amazing info about adopted children and some of their special needs including spd.
  24. I know for my ed program you where kicked out if you got a C in a class...but none of the classes where curved they were all points based so if you did the work you got the grade, with minor differences as a result of tests or a paper.
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