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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. Already having children in your home and age do not preclude you from domestic adoption, although it may mean the wait is longer. I have a friend who has 5 other children and placed 2 years ago with a white newborn. I know 50 + single women who are getting placements. Be prepared for a wait but if your baby is coming through adoption then your baby will come regardless of age and number of children in the home.
  2. China has stopped issuing waivers for cancer and basically said uf you had cancer you cannot adopt from china...other countries are less strigent about it.
  3. I just made 10 busy bags for our friend who just turned 2. I also love putting together art kits for kids birthdays.
  4. I would love to be a tester too...so if anyone else needs some friends I would love too...I know if I get picked I will pick others from here as my 4.
  5. The frog princess by Ed baker is the inspiration for princess and the frog
  6. So here is my thoughts as a buyer for how ever little that is worth: Price your items to include paypal fees and shipping (most people say ppd to show that the price includes all of this) You can use media mail to ship books but if there is something other than books/dvd/cds it needs to go 1st or priority, which both cost more. I think some sellers weigh their items before they list so they have an idea of how much shipping will be. Paypal puts all the onus on the seller to ensure that their items arrive, that means it is the seller's responsibility to get Delivery Confirmation and it is encouraged to get insurance. If the item is not received proven by Delivery confirmation there is a chance that the buyer can go to paypal and get their money back. I think that paypal offers delivery confirmation with their shipping labels for way less then the post office. Hope some of this helps, I have never sold but I have bought quite a bit and have even had to use the paypal protection with a scammer once.
  7. Hispanic is not a race it is an ethnicity, techniquelly. Hispanic people are the mixture of native peoples and either white or black. So saying he is white Hispanic means he is a white person who is ethnically hispanic...kind of like saying I am white German, I am a white person who is ethnically German. Again this is technical and why you see a race question on many questionnaires followed by the are you Hispanic comment.
  8. I think that you can still read the bible without having to subscribe to someone else's interpretation...I think the advantage to leaving organized christian religion but still believing in God and Jesus is that you can make up your own interpretations to the bible that fit your personal beliefs and then find a place (whether church or home) that fits your personal beliefs.
  9. One of the biggest things for me is to make sure that my family and children are around black adults that can help to guide them in things that I cannot. We are involved in a college group that does a playdate with the children of color in the community every week. When the children get into middle elementary age they do a big brother big sister thing, it is amazing. They make sure that they have black males at the activities almost every week. I love that my son sees intelligent, manly, men that are black because the stereotypes still active in the US is one in which black males are punks, disorderly or in poor Treyvon's case suspicious.
  10. We do both, if I can make it safe I will and many thing I just substitute butter and milk for earth balance and soy milk...but things that I can't sub like Mac and cheese I make something else similar so elbow noodles. I do require breakfast snack and lunch are safe always and dinner is the only thing I make 2 meals if necessary.
  11. Welcome to post racial America were a black young man is killed for walking in a white neighborhood while black and nothing is done. This is an example of systematic racism in which the cops did not investigate because it appeared open and shut black man white neighborhood of course he was suspicious and self defense had to be used. Not to mention it has taken a month to get into the media. It is sad and scares me that many people think racism does not exist systematically in the us because we voted in a black president.
  12. I think a mix of apartment style with some individual homes would enable the best of what people would like. I also think that individual kitchens that are small and basic with a large communal kitchen would appeal to me. It think the advantage would be the private space can be smaller basically bedrooms bath kitchen maybe small family room so that people would want to use the communal space for interaction and their homes for privacy.
  13. So my ds has been doing the same thing!! The current solution is he is only allowed a 2 hour nap, which is occurring earlier in the day...then he is woken up. I also make sure he is woken up at 7 am everyday regardless of how little he slept the night before. This appears to be working!! He has not woken up multiple times at night for almost 2 weeks now...even while sick! So it might be something to try.
  14. Pretty much! In order to use pinterest according to the TOU things pinned need permission from the original poster of the picture. That isn't such a big deal to me because a simple comment with response isn't to far out of the norm...the concerning part is the part where the TOU say they can sell or license material posted on pinterest which I feel is not fair to the original copyright owner and thus why I have stopped pinning :(
  15. This sounds promising! I am really hoping that it will change soon and I can feel comfortable pinning and repinning again.
  16. So this and some other issues that's have read from other bloggers has made me stop pinning....until there is a more definitive decision made regarding the issues. I love pinterest but for now back to bookmarking old school.
  17. I would stop him and say did that make sense...no go back and say I slowly. He needs to start noticing for himself when what he says doesn't make sense and go back and sound it out correctly.
  18. Lds family history centers have free access to anscestory.com while using their computers in ther building and you do not have to be lds to go and use them.
  19. The problem is that a black child regardless of their family make up will not be able to join the white culture, because they are black. There is a history in this country of racism, prejudice and white privilege that a black person, even raised by white people cannot overcome based merely on their parentage. While many advances have come and many more are coming this country is still very black and white with regard to race. There may be less overt racism but prejudice and institutional racism are still occurring...white parents are only good when they are around but when they are not their child is like any other black child in most people's eyes good or bad. Reading books like the pursuit of happyness and the color of water and life is so good and other biographies I have noticed that black parents teach their children how to function so as to not draw attention to themselves because the culture just 30 years was highly dangerous for blacks, a white parent would not know how to do it unless they educate themselves and are willing to step outside their comfort zone.
  20. My dd still prefers not to wear undies...although she is finally wearing them more regularly now that she has boy brief cut undies. She potty trained naked and preferred that. She couldn't remember that she didn't have a diaper on when she was wearing panties because they landed in the same place but without panties she would run to the potty and go. I guess all this to say she just may not like panties so try other styles of underwear (I love the boy undies they fit dd perfectly! way better than girl undies) or just let her go commando.
  21. Last summer I was talking to a director of an adoption agency in Utah at a play group for transracially adopted children. At the time they had 2 or 3 harder to place babies (black, male, drug/alcohol use, mental illness) and while they were considered harder to place she told me that no baby that is placed for adoption does not get placed with a family. There are so many families searching for babies that are open to more than the perfect, white, female (the most sought after according to said director). So yes a myth but it is still harder to place African-American children then Caucasian babies. I think the reason that transracial adoption is discouraged is because if a family hasn't really thought about what it means to be transracial, if they haven't actually considered the effect of a black child being raised outside of the black community by people who do not have even a small clue about what it is like to be black, it can be much much harder. You can't just adopt a black child and say they are in my family now so I will raise them like a white child because the rest of the world sees them as black. I have heard many stories of security guards following black teens in a store...but walking away as soon as white mom shows up to said teen. Teen wasn't doing anything wrong except shopping while black. Or the recent story of the black teen walking home from the store to his house in a gated white community that was shot dead by the neighborhood watch person for being suspicious...because black kids don't walk around that neighborhood. Black children getting put in the noncollege prep track in high school...until white parents show up. These experiences are still happening and white parents have to be able to prepare their black child for racism when many white parents have never experienced racism. Black parents for the most part have and they pass on the things that they have learned ie from a friend of mine when a police officer pulls over her husband he makes sure to place his hands on top of the steering wheel at all times because he is black. I know that is not in my driving lessons. But they do that because it is safer for them because sadly people think that black men are more violent and may pull a gun on the officer. All that said...I am a mom to 2 black children and we are in the process of doing it again. I will never ever want a white child to join my family (mostly because I never want to have a stupid person come up to my family and say Oh are they adopted while pointing to my black children when all of my children are adopted). I love my transracial family. I love the new world I have entered into where I am more aware of race and racism but also more open to knowing people of all cultures and races than ever before. It is an incredible thing but it is not and probably will not ever be the easiest thing in my life.
  22. I am just hoping that if one of the ladies on here gets the invite maybe they would be willing to invite me...I really want to try this software out! It looks really good. :)
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