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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. We switched to 1 pm....which means dd (who at 5 still needs a daily nap) took a 30 min in the car but was AWFUL during sacrament...had to be removed in which she started attacking me in the foyer so ended up in the car. Not excited for 1pm church with her :(. DS thought is a new Sunbeam and LOVED it! and we only had 4 kids in Nursery which made it really quiet (used to have 17). It was funny because all our nursery kids were super active trying not to fall asleep so we may start instituting nursery naptime lol.
  2. Finished: More Mudpies to Magnets, Flute Practice Books by Trevor Wye (a lot of interesting things I didnt' know about tone technique ect), Mixed Bags by Melody Carson, Slow and Steady Get Me Ready by June R. Oberlander. Currently Working On: Downstairs: The Promise of Enough by Emily Freeman Upstairs: Big Boned by Meg Cabot Kindle: Forever More IPhone: Stealing Bradford by Melody Carson Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows WTM: Don Quixote IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada) Total Finished in 2013: 4
  3. I LOVE Before Five In A Row but you would have to do a lot of supplementing to get letters and numbers because a lot of it is more reading and using literature to explore things. There is math ect but not a set progression. I would personally do Before Five in a Row or Five in a Row with Confessions of a Homeschooler Letter of the Week or 4K stuff.
  4. So here is my current reading list for the new year: Downstairs: More Mudpies to Magnets (I want to do more science with the kids). Upstairs: Big Boned by Meg Cabot Kindle: Forever More IPhone: Mixed Bags Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows WTM: Don Quixote IPad: Guess I should go find a Canadian author....I read all the Anne books last year so I have to branch out a bit :) I have a lot going at once so some weeks I may not get through even one book but some weeks I make it through all of them.
  5. We had to have an overnight EEG to discover that my dd was having seizures...even after the overnight EEG they didn't see anything right off that said seizure and didn't carefully go over the results until we showed up for our follow up where they discovered she had seizure that increased while she was sleeping....1 week after upping her med dose the 2nd time all of her violent aggressive behavior stopped. 1 year later and we are a totally different family because of being able to treat her seizures. So if you feel that there may be seizures issues I would push for an extended EEG, our dr said adults can have up to 5 days for EEGs, don't know why but that is what he said. Good luck hopefully you can find some answer.
  6. I LOVE MealBoard! You can add recipes in the app or online. It creates a shopping list and now has a pantry thing (haven't used yet). It also lets you determine what meals you want to plan...I plan snacks, lunch and dinner everyday.
  7. I have a little girl who has been on Flovent for 2 years now. We use it year round. We also have her on Nasonex year round (Claritin made her hyper). We have pulmicort for her neb that we start when she is having a flare up along with albuterol. Plus the rescue inhaler. So yes what your doctor is telling you is normal. That said I would see an allergist or an asthma doctor. Our allergist does a great job of helping us stay away from her allergens but also working with us to keep things to a minimum with regards to daily meds while keeping her healthy.
  8. So while the counselors had planned on talking about school being safe and possibly (if brought up) the situation my dd was either not paying attention or not in the room at that time so I am glad that they didn't make it a really big deal.
  9. This is part of the problem...there are certain labels that are recognized and thus able to get help more than others. DD currently has an ADHD label but I fought for an autism label because then we qualified for ABA, social groups, speech therapy and for parents support groups. We got a provisional which did get us speech but nothing else. That got removed and we are left with ADHD and no help other than give her meds. Thankfully we have an insurance that grants a lot of OT and that has been her saving grace but many insurances don't cover as much. Also there is no other supports being offered us. It seems that the label rather than individual is more important in our system. The other thing is that many of us parents recognize our child had needs at an early age yet mental illnesses typically are not labelled until the child is older (IE I was told we would not get a known diagnosis until teen years until then is a behavior disorder) so how can we treat something so generic as a behavior disorder. I do hope that people keep talking about the failing of mental health in our nation so hopefully someday no one will be left hanging with a child with mental illness.
  10. I only told my dd, when she wanted to play with a toy nerf gun and I said no and she kept asking why, that a bad man had made a bad choice with a gun and hurt someone far away and I didn't want to see any guns today. I have not watched any news about it only read a bit on the internet. But I just saw on facebook that her school is going to be addressing it somehow and I am hoping they are really gentle because I don't want her to know :(
  11. So I don't actually do the thread but have been inspired. Last year I read right around 52 books but this year I have done 93 so far. I have a book available on my phone, my kindle, my ipad, a book downstairs, and a bedtime book. This means that I may not actually read 1 book a week but some weeks I finish 3 or more books. I read during naptime and whenever I have a spare moment. Next year I hope to actually post on the thread :)
  12. Yep so hard...my dh's family gets all the little girls dresses...but this year my dd sized up to the 8-12 group and they couldn't find anything...so they got this ugly big girl flapper dress with a necklace...it was way to big kid for a 5 year old. Thankfully Friday I found a cute one that didn't try to make a 5 year old look like a 12 year old, and they paid for it and return the other.
  13. They add 5 dollars (at least last time I did it) for handling fees to whatever you order. So even if you have a coupon for free or cheap it is still going to cost 5 dollars.
  14. My dd would vomit from her food allergy....most of the time it was within the hour but there were times when the vomiting occurred multiple hours after ingesting her allergen so it is a possibility.
  15. Burger King locally because it is the safest place for my food allergic child to eat....but personally Culvers!
  16. As someone who feels very left out at my church I can see where she is coming from...and there have been times when I have reached a breaking point in my trying not to care that I am left out of everything (IE I set up a Halloween party invited 10 people and NO ONE SHOWED UP), that I have said similar things just because I am emotionally at my end with being a nobody. As for responding I don't really know if there is an honest thing you can do unless you are ready to be her friend or are able to help her become a part of your group.
  17. Do you know the reasons that she is being cared for by grandma? How long has she been in their care? If she has been in constant care by grandma since birth I would not bat an eye. If she has been with grandma for quite a while and according to medical information has attached and is healthy I would do it instantly. But I would be concerned and want a LOT more information is she is being cared for by grandma due to abuse or if she has been in care for just a short time. The other thing I would want to ensure is that she can still have contact with her grandma until her death and attend the funeral. Hopefully she has established a strong attachment and will need to grieve the loss of her grandma who was her primary care giver. Good luck!
  18. Hanover's school district covers the towns of Norwich, VT, Hanover, and Etna...possibly even Lyme...it has to do with towns not having enough students to fund their own high schools so they tuition them to Hanover High....which is one of the best districts in the state. Hanover and Norwich are very expensive. I don't know about Etna.
  19. Grantham or Sunapee getting you close to Dartmouth but not to close.
  20. I have started digital scrapbooking and am finding Photoshop Elements to be my preference. There is a learning curve but there are a LOT of tutorials on how to use it. Also it has a 30 day trial (which is what I am currently using) so you can see if it will work. I have not tried any of the other programs but from I have seen Photoshop will do everything a scrapbooker could want and not really be outgrown....until you start wanting to design scrapbooking stuff lol.
  21. I live in an area that was VERY effected by Irene flooding in Vermont. Recover is still in progress so this was scary but we appear to have fared well this time. We did not lose power last night! It was pretty gusty around 9:30pm and again around 4:30 so lots of branches and leaves but no trees down in my area. School is in session today and it seems like most people are going around business as usual. But we keep getting heavy rain showers followed by sunshine intermittently which has been odd. I have prayers for those effected recovery is only beginning and the devastation is starting to be seen. I hope recovery comes quickly for them.
  22. Made it through the night with power. Schools are open today in my town. Thankfully unlike Irene where our area was devastated and still repairing, it appears we had little damage. Praying for all the areas that have been severely devastated.
  23. It's starting to get gusty in northern New England the real strength isn't suppose to affect us until later this afternoon/evening.
  24. Skittles and starbursts are milk allergy safe :) don't know about egg or wheat.
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