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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. I just picked up a child care baby who is 8 months old. She is a chunky adorable baby but today is the first time I met her or daddy (who is quite young but doing his best considering he has only had her 2 weeks full time). Daddy told me they don't do formula and handed me a bottle of 2% milk and said to mix it 50/50 with water and give her that....WWYD? It makes me feel funny to give a baby cows milk because I have heard that you should till 1 but is it really that bad? Do I need to tell dad that I will only give her formula and to get soy based if she can't do the milk based? Have you ever given your under 1 year old baby anything other than breastmilk or formula? TIA!!!
  2. Couple of thoughts... You have all the power in this right now. You have the information to do with as you will and only you can decided when and how and what you do...and I would make it clear to all those pushing that you will do with the information as you see fit and that you will tell them what you are going to do when you are ready. Second your birth mother made the choices she made by herself your biological siblings had nothing to do with it. But again you have all the power and can do with the information as you wish. This is your life and experience and it is ok to just hold on to the information. I think there is a lot of people that think they know how an adoptee should feel based on what other adoptees felt or what they read or what they would feel but that has nothing to do with how you actually feel and what you should do. That is something only you can decide.
  3. Couple of thoughts... You have all the power in this right now. You have the information to do with as you will and only you can decided when and how and what you do...and I would make it clear to all those pushing that you will do with the information as you see fit and that you will tell them what you are going to do when you are ready. Second your birth mother made the choices she made by herself your biological siblings had nothing to do with it. But again you have all the power and can do with the information as you wish. This is your life and experience and it is ok to just hold on to the information. I think there is a lot of people that think they know how an adoptee should feel based on what other adoptees felt or what they read or what they would feel but that has nothing to do with how you actually feel and what you should do. That is something only you can decide.
  4. I use my digital studio from stamping up...they have a 30 day free trial if you just want to try it out and see if it will work for you
  5. I second Wicked (it is not like the book if you read the book). So worth it to spend the money for Wicked.
  6. library lady on facebook does listings of books most days via facebook (and now twitter I think). I really like...its enough that I add books often but not so much I feel like I will never read what I have
  7. The most recent statistic I had heard was 40% of children with ASD have seizures too. So it is a known co-morbid. We did an overnight EEG and were shocked to find out our dd was having seizures. But with treatment they are not effecting her as much and the change in our child has been HUGE. I highly recommend that you get an EEG done to really rule out the possibility of seizures. This way at least you can really check the box off and move on to other things.
  8. I am glad that you were able to find someone who was honest with you. I do know that my dd is considered muscle bound, which causes cramping and difficulty with fine motor stuff. We have been working on things to stretch the hand muscles along with massaging her hand before and during writing activities.
  9. There is also a bias in the method of teaching, and the textbooks used. Girls do well when math is a social learning experience...which many traditional math teaching techniques don't utilize. Also the majority of teacher in elementary education are not mathy people...the majority are caring, loving, people people and that is why they love teaching. Thus many teachers don't teach math well and probably show their personal bias towards math inadvertently while teaching.
  10. Ds (probably with help from dd) has been to the er twice with foreign bodies in body parts. The first was a bead in his nose that was there for at least 2 days before I discovered it. The other was a piece of styrofoam shoved in his ear canal that required a trip to the emergency ent for removal because the er could not safely take it out....then after all this dd shoved a piece of styrofoam in her ear just 2 nights ago thank goodness it was easily grabbed and removed with tweezers. Now if I could just figure out where the kids were finding little pieces of styrofoam from.
  11. There is a website the red headed hostess that I have been going to. She has great ideas for scripture journalling that has changed my level of scripture study and made it much much much more meaningful. The other thing has been reading about other religious beliefs and g the bible and seeing that I really do believe the bible points to things that I believe as a Mormon more than what I have read about other religions (not saying others are wrong just that ready this way have validated my beliefs as lds belief rather than mainstream beliefs)
  12. Handwriting Without Tears was created by an OT and is great for kids with writing issues. This is what was was highly recommend for my daughter who is muscle bound.
  13. We started our DD on ADHD meds at 3.5 years old. It was not the first thing I wanted to do but she needed them. They have changed her life...she is able to learn including how to behave. One way to think about it is if your child had say epilepsy and needed medication you would do it. It is a brain problem that is medicated for and very few people would not medicate for epilepsy. So why do we (general, cause I totally did it) dither about over medication for ADHD which is also a neurological issue. The only advice I have is to research the meds and side effects and realize you may have to change the meds if they are not working or the side effects are worse than the problem they are helping. There are so many options out there for ADHD now there is no reason to deal with massive side effects when something else can be tried.
  14. Got the email today...good news I will never pay to play it.
  15. A baby is a blessing regardless of the situation of the adults that created it...Go and enjoy that baby even if he turns out not to be biologically related you at least get to snuggle and love on a cute squishy baby.
  16. Or can't be in the traditional roles (single, infertile) :( Yep it can be extra hard.
  17. Nope didn't get one :( maybe someone needs a friend who did get picked.
  18. Version 1 tie in a knot and pin in the ends. Add hairnet Version 2 split the pony on 2 twist 1 wrap and pin then twist the other and wrap the opposite way and pin. Add hairnet
  19. Regarding church vs gospel...the gospel is the good news, the truth, the message of Christ. It is what is True! But there are things in the "church" that is not gospel but culture and not Truth but the way it has always been done. Therefore a person can be strong in the gospel and not strong in the church stuff. But so many judge based on the church stuff and not the gospel stuff (its harder to see someone's heart).
  20. Regarding church vs gospel...the gospel is the good news, the truth, the message of Christ. It is what is True! But there are things in the "church" that is not gospel but culture and not Truth but the way it has always been done. Therefore a person can be strong in the gospel and not strong in the church stuff. But so many judge based on the church stuff and not the gospel stuff (its harder to see someone's heart).
  21. So wishing we could actually watch conference....sadly it is not an option and I am just grateful if I can watch it after the fact during naptime this week (right now we are grateful when we can actually sit in a pew for 5 mins during sacrament meeting before having to remove dd :( )....but Redheaded hostess has a General Conference idea book and I second sugardoodle...and therhouse has a cute food idea for general conference kinda like the drinking game but with sugary candy and gospel topics.
  22. Yes if it was what she wanted more than anything and with the understanding of what it means for her to choose this.
  23. I was admiring the well planned day planners...almost asked dh if I could buy one...but then I saw the software which would be a better fit...and now I am waiting hoping I am one of the lucky ones...or at least one of the lucky ones would pick me to be their friend.
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