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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. So at the Polynesian right now....they do have a fleece types soft blanket on the bed but I would bring your sons just to be safe.
  2. Could you explain to your sister about your impressionable dd and ask them to forgo sharing a room whilst visiting. But both can visit together in their own respective rooms.
  3. They had a second update come out the day after the original and it fixed the big issues with freezing and calendar not working. I am very happy with it. It does what I need easily enough.
  4. We had a similar situation with the ados dr said odd not asd. I don't know what will happen in the future for my dd but for now we are receiving help without the asd diagnosis.
  5. The reason they upped the age restrictions (right after 1996) was to protect the athletes. The hope is that by raising the age coaches would be smarter about training young athletes so that they have less injuries and more longevity. It appears to have worked with many athletes staying around longer.
  6. Yes I totally do it and it drives my husband nuts. I've been watching the live events online wishing I already knew what happened.
  7. There is no generic for intuniv and yes it is very expensive. My dd actually does better on guanficine than the intuniv we just have do dose mid afternoon to get through the day.
  8. This is my kids current favorite song thanks for sharing
  9. :grouphug: I have been where you are all the way to the end of the rope. No one believed me either and I had a new baby too. Finally my dd was diagnosed ADHD and behavior disorder. But the biggest change was when we found out she was having seizures and we got her on therapeutic levels of epilepsy meds. The violent rages went away! It was a miracle in our life. My dd is still hard with all her other issues but the fact that she is no longer violent has made life livable and workable. So keep pushing perhaps a child development specialist can help.
  10. I love bookcrawler! It lets me do multiple tags so I can say if a book is used on more than one book list or recommended for more than 1 age or topic.
  11. We just did a vbs that is not our church. There were 9 families from my church that attended. So many families came because of the positive experience of 1 family last year. None of these families will change to the vbs church but it was such a positive church that we parents will be sharing with others the kindness and amazing effort of this church. In addition as the mother of children who attended I was blessed to see my children being cared for and taught by people who were excited about god and Jesus. The was a male teen helper that took responsibility for my wandering just turned 3 yr old son son so that he could tell me he had fun. The teacher in my sons class told me how much she enjoyed having him there even when I know he is a busy boy. As a mom that is worth everything to me. It was a wonderful experience as a community member.
  12. I have 8 days left....and I am going to be buying the full version soon! I am LOVING it...it is exactly what I need for planning even with little ones. I like to have an activity a week for the toddler I watch, then I list out my read alouds for my 3 year old and a loosy goosy before five in a row sequence (1 or 2 times a week so bumping is my friend because if I don't get to it this week I bump it to next week). Then my almost kinder is doing letter of the week and I love being able to plan a whole week of letter activities on Olly. It is so easy to create the lesson plans and then just throw them on the day I want to do them.
  13. We are going in sept with free dining 3 adults 2 kids 8 nights Polynesian 9 days park hopper 5,000 total not counting gas to drive down.
  14. Intuniv is the long acting version of Guanficine. We found Guanficine to be a wonder drug for our dd who has ADHD combined (severe). It really worked with the impulsive sensory side of her. We just started Intuniv because she may be going to PS Full-day Kinder and we need something that won't wear off. I haven't noticed a difference yet but we are only a week into it.
  15. Leapfrog has a couple phonics math ones right now
  16. Also I assume your sister is having infertility issues that led to adoption. Infertility does not get cured by a baby and can be very emotionally difficult even after the baby comes. Over and over at different times it can hit the pain of infertility. I could see how she might see you as the person who makes her feel the worst because not only can you pop out babies but they are perfect (whether that's true doesn't matter it's how she probably feels). Understanding, care, love are what she needs not judgement. She needs to find a safe place to work through her infertility issues. Add in adoption issues and a new baby and she may be having adoption depression.
  17. So our nursery had 3 partitions so it has been divided into 3 groups of about 8 on the rolls (so about 4 to 6 come on a regular basis for each)...so my group is 18 months to 26 months and then there is the 3 year old moving to sunbeam group and then everyone inbetween class. It has actually worked pretty well...we just move to the next room every 30 mins and each room has a purpose...so my babies start in the music room, which has little toys like blocks and trucks. We play then sing then move to the next room which is lesson and snack. Then the last room is the real toy room. It seems to work....the other thing you could suggest is having the almost sunbeams start going to sharing time which would remove 1 of the kids for a little bit of time in an age appropriate manner. Good luck as the mom of an aggressive nursery child I am so grateful that they didn't kick her out when she lost control...now we know what was going on and it turns out she has special needs that caused the behaviors but at that time we had no idea other than being at a complete loss for what to do with her and thankful that for 2 hours 1 time a week she was in a safe place and we could be uplifted as we prepared for another week of dealing with her.
  18. A lot of public schools and people within the school freak out when children express their religious beliefs because of a misunderstanding about the separation of church and state. So that might be where this is coming from...but legally a child can talk about their religious beliefs as much or as little as they wish its a 1st amendment right.
  19. So the moms do it for the money and the fame....but at ths point (not having watched the most recent episode) I can't stand it. At least in dance moms Miami the kids have spines, the teachers actually like the kids, and the drama really is the moms.
  20. You all convinced me...I downloaded the trial and I am in love!! It does exactly what I would need it to. I am only confused on the routine thing but I figure I can work on figuring that out in the next couple of days.
  21. Ditto insurance coverage....autism is covered but many others are not but need the same level of care. Ie my 4 yr old with severe ADHD, odd, behavior disorder, semantic pragmatic disorder, and epilepsy does not qualify for behavioral therapies that would help a lot so we are stuck using the school to try help but come kindergarten she either has to attend school or stop receiving services.
  22. The real basics will be the same but many things will be different. Relinquishment/termination of rights will be different in each state regarding what has to occur and how long it will take. The homestudy will have different requirements...one state I was in wanted a fire extinguisher on each story, another recommended a fire extinguisher in the kitchen but didn't check. One state measured each of my rooms the other said as long as there were individual beds. States have different laws on opposite gender children sharing a room some say 3 some 5 some have no age. So I do think you will need to research to see exactly what is needed for the homestudy.
  23. Do you know that you can do surgery with the agency's permission? We had to do that when my son needed surgery on his pen1s as a baby before we could finalize. If its foster care you may have to go before a judge but if the drs believe he needs it then it should be approved...you would hope.
  24. Found out end of April my son had hearing loss most likely from fluid. 1 week later tubes were put in and I am noticing he seems to be hearing and talking better. So it might be an easy fix.
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