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Everything posted by Murmer

  1. I think a lot of how awful it was depended on a lot of things. If it were just me and I was on an upper floor and didn't have to go to work...then it would be like camping on a cruise. If it was my dh and I and kids were being watched by a family member then there may have been a bit of worry just wanting to make sure everyone home was ok. If it was my whole family and food could not be safe for my food allergic child and she was starving because she couldn't eat anything then it would have been a horrible experience. If medication had run out for dd (she has epilepsy) it would have been a very very scary experience. If I had a baby and had limited formula and diapers as some families were said to have experience it would have been a nightmare. So I think that experiences really depended on the situation per person on the ship. I think that the overall impression for the majority is that is was a very smelly mildly inconvenient adventure at sea. But there are families that had nightmare experiences because of things like med needs and older persons who couldn't handle the lines ect for food, of course the media is going to latch onto the nightmare experiences.
  2. Teacher already refused to refund, based on the "policy"...she is the one I asked :(
  3. I am not sure how I feel, I am a little frustrated because I think that I was not given a chance to work on fixing or improving the situation. I know it may have ended the same way but it seems like someone (or many people) were having problems with things but never told me so all the sudden out of the blue its an ultimatum done. I wish that if there were earlier issues I would have been respected enough to have them communicated to me so I could either fix it or realize it was not going to work. Otherwise they are taking 1 complaint from 1 day and throwing a major fit which makes me feel like they hate me for some reason. Its gymnastics and yes we may do it at home. There is also a gym just down the street that I may try. That's what iPad and iPods were invented for lol. They only get to use them when we are there. My dd was signed up for Day 1 A (paid) B (free I helped) and Day 2 B (free I helped). They told me I was not to bring my children if I was going to help. I told them I would no longer be able to help there. They did not directly kick her out of class A but they did say they didn't want me to bring her with me if I came. The child in the "closet" was the child not involved in the class going on. Day 1 Class B was for bigger kids (5+) and Day 2 Class A was for littler kids (3-4) so in order for me to help I had 1 child in the "closet" were I knew where they were while the other was in the class I was helping. I did not want to leave a child unaccompanied downstairs where I could not see them.
  4. This is really long but I wanted to make sure I was accurate about it. Backstory: March 2012 Signed dd up for class...10 other kids signed up. I have experience in said class type and offered to help. Teacher let me help. June 2012 Teacher split class based on age and asked me to help with both. This caused me to have 1 child who was not in class while I was teaching. 1st class dd played on iPad. 2nd class ds played on iPad and then was taken home by dh. Signed dd up for another class with teacher 30 mins away (continuing 1st class too). Teacher asked me to sub for her other teacher 4 times and gave me a gift certificate for my help. Aug 2012 Teacher tells me my children are free for classes I am helping in. Sept 2012 Continue helping with 1st class also get asked to help with class 30 minutes away full time because she likes my teaching. Oct 2012 Teacher announces she will be closing the current place after Dec. and moving to another place 30 mins away. She wants me to help because she respects my skill in said area. Classes are offered when DH is working so I informed her that if she wanted me to help both of my kids would have to come and that one would be in the "closet" (hallway with a curtain blocking it from the room) and that would be the only way I could help. She agreed. Jan 2013 Sign dd up for another class offered at the location before the one I was helping at because it was a 30 min drive each way and I wanted to ensure we made the most of the time. Paid 70 in gift certificates 60 in cash. Week 1 Day 1 Class A DD does fine (I don't help in this class) Class B DD is rolling on the floor not participating. DS is in closet on idevice. Day 2 Class A DD in closet on iDevice, DS in class does fine. Class B Both kids are awful!!! Consequences occur at home. I realize class is during dinnertime and also close to bed time. Decide to make sure that I bring food to help. Week 2 Day 1 Class A DD does fine (DS pees out of his pants 3 times in 2 hours ends up in DD pants) Class B DD participates for a bit then stops I ignore her since she is not in the way of other students. Teacher discusses a time out place after class that she could use if she does not listen. Day 2 Class A Went fine. Class B Fed kids. DD did fine until last 15 mins...took her to time out were she melted down. She was punished with time in with mom and dad the next day and loss of other privileges. Realized she would probably benefit from getting her pm ADHD med between classes. Week 3 Day 1 Cancelled due to weather Day 2 Class A Went fine. Class B Fed kids and tried ADHD meds. DD did well and completed the class. Week 4 Day 1 Class A fine Class B Told teacher dd had just been diagnosed with High Functioning Autism. She asked if she could tell others because they just thought DD was naughty, (and then she moved conversation on to the lesson plan). DD did AWESOME in class doing everything exactly as told and following all directions. Day 2 Class A DS peed in pants on the first part. Sent him downstairs (the only place they have a bathroom) to get changed. He doesn't return so during stretching (when I am not needed) I go downstairs discover he hadn't changed. Changed him and we went upstairs. Class went well. DD in closet 1/2 through has to go potty. Quickly walks through class and goes then waits at the door peeking in until I tell her to come back. Goes back to "closet". Class B Cancelled Get email that someone in Week 4 Day 2 Class A complained and that I am not to bring my kids to class anymore but they will not pay me to help although teacher respects my abilities as a teacher of said activity. So I said I would no longer help because I will not pay someone to watch my kids so I can help someone else for free. I was very polite and said thanks for letting help. Monday I email asking for a refund of the 60 I paid for Day 1 Class A since we will not be returning. Because they don't want me to bring my kids if I come to teach and Class A was only added since we were going to be there anyway. They are refusing to refund my money. Should I pursue the refund of my money more or just move on? Thanks for reading my novel.
  5. Finished: No Phule Like an Old Phule by Robert Aspirin Currently Working On: Downstairs: West With the Night by Beryl Markham Upstairs: MC Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake IPhone: Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows WTM: Don Quixote IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada) Book Club: Why are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum Total Finished in 2013: 11
  6. Finished: No Phule Like an Old Phule by Robert Aspirin Currently Working On: Downstairs: West With the Night by Beryl Markham Upstairs: MC Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake IPhone: Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows WTM: Don Quixote IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada) Book Club: Why are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum Total Finished in 2013: 11
  7. Don't know a destination but if you sign up for Jet Blue emails they tend to have really good deals from NY.
  8. Yes it is possible to have strep without a fever...I have always been asymptomatic strep expect for a very sore throat. That said there is a nasty virus that does have a sore throat attached. Can she eat or more importantly drink? I find when I have strep swallowing is AWFUL and I stop eating because it really hurts too much.
  9. Finished: The Road to Memphis by Mildred Taylor Currently Working On: Downstairs: West With the Night by Beryl Markham Upstairs: No Phule Like an Old Phule by Robert Aspirin Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake IPhone: Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows WTM: Don Quixote IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada) Total Finished in 2013: 10
  10. Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on my question about my dd. Today we left an hour before church and dd slept in the car through sacrament, with an adult in the car at all times. I let the PP and teacher at church know and basically the response was finally. I had them let me know the plan for the primary activity on Saturday to try to preload it for her. Otherwise they say primary is good so now just figuring out the sacrament nap thing...although I am thinking it will be another year of naps in the car or on the couch in the lobby of the church just like 2 years ago.
  11. Do any of you ladies have a special child that attends church? We just found out my dd is High Functioning Autistic and I am not sure how or if we should broach it with the primary president/her (inconsistent) teacher. They know she is not typical and they say she does fine but I don't know if letting them know would help them. Also any ideas how to get her through Sacrament at 1 pm during her very necessary nap time. She isn't handling the time change well added on to the lack of sleep thing and it has not been successful.
  12. Finished: Disabilities in the Gospel by Danyelle Ferguson and Lynn Parsons, Phule Me Twice by Robert Asprin and Stealing Bradford by Melody Carlson Currently Working On: Downstairs: West With the Night by Beryl Markham Upstairs: The Road to Memphis by Mildred Taylor Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake IPhone: Katy's New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows WTM: Don Quixote IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada) Total Finished in 2013: 9
  13. My dd appears to have anxiety and that anxiety appears through hyperactive behavior. Anxiety is a common co-morbid with ADHD so that is another option.
  14. DS's birthmother told us she had 2 occasions in the 1st trimester in which she drank. DS has no negative effects. That said there are no guarantees in adoption....DD's birthmother was 100% clean, took care of herself and received full prenatal care...DD has delays while DS's birthmother did not get prenatal care, did have some substance abuse and did admit to alcohol and he is typically developing. Personally we prayed a lot about whether a situation was appropriate for us and once the decision was made we were all in. Consider the worst case scenario and determine if you could deal with it as you make the decision, IE if the child did have full FAS would your family be able to care for a child with those needs.
  15. I am sorry infertility can be very hard and unless someone has dealt with it many don't understand it. For us we know what is wrong we will never conceive and thus we knew we would adopt. That said we have adopted 2 an will not be able to adopt again until we move again....which will be a while because we are still paying off the cost of adopting DD. The main thing we do right now if focus on now and what we have now. That means we do vacations as a family and occasionally spend money we should be saving to adopt again but it is worth it because there is no guarantee we will have another. (I also volunteer with the babies at church so I can snuggle on a regular basis). As to what step to take next...that is the hardest part. Adoption is not a guaranteed baby and there are its own special challenges but it is wonderful when it works. IVF is expensive and also no guarantee...basically you just have to take a step in a direction and see if it feels right for you and your family....and sometimes that step is to stop everything. Good luck on a very hard decision and hopefully your dreams will be fulfilled somehow.
  16. There are a lot of resources online obviously some better than others. I tend to think of a topic that I would like to work on...obedience is the big one right now...and then google Family Home Evening Obedience....and then look at what other have done and borrow, ignore or do something totally different but it helps me develop my thoughts more...and sometime refine my topic or plan multiple weeks. I also make sure we have a sweet treat because I don't do dessert on any night but FHE. We do it on Mondays but that is just because it works for us for now that day.
  17. Yes this is through the closed council...which covers 2 states. The first email was straight to the council and the second was in person with the person from the council over my area. Part of the problem is that I know that Girl Scouts is not as active in this area. That is why I don't want to sign my dd up without knowing if there was even a troop in the area. The area is not active so there has been no information from the school. In the 4 years I have been here 2 working in the school I knew of 1 troop of Brownies that was formed because a mom wanted her dd in girl scouts. This is why I am asking if there is even a troop. I understand that they have other activities but dd needs to not be with me and I need her to learn social skills outside of me because if I am there she refuses to talk or participate in ANYTHING. Yes I have to register before I can even find out if there is a troop within 30 minutes of were I live. I do not want to sign my child up unless she can be part of a troop because she needs a troop that is not ME! They refuse to tell me if there are any troops unless I pay them money at which point I am out the money and don't get anything for it other than tough luck. Yes dd is 5 I always forget about my siggies :blush:
  18. I was interested in getting DD into Girl Scout for social skills help. So I emailed them in the summer to find out if there is even an active troop in the area. The response I got back was pay them the money and they will see if there is a troop. I don't want to give someone money without knowing if my DD can actually do something...the individual option is NOT an option for her or me at this time. So I went to a meeting on Sat to ask a human being if there were any Daisy troops...and she said she doesn't know so she would email me. And yet again I got another well pay money and we will see if there is a place for her but if not tough luck you are left doing it by yourself and we have your money. So frustrating why can't I get a yes or no there is or is not a local troop GRRRRRR.
  19. Finished: Big Boned by Meg Cabot and The Promise of Enough by Emily Freeman Currently Working On: Downstairs: Disabilities in the Gospel by Danyelle Ferguson & Lynn Parsons Upstairs: Phule Me Twice by Robert Asprin Kindle: Forever More by Kathy Hake IPhone: Stealing Bradford by Melody Carson Sweet Boy Read Aloud: The Yellow Fairy Book Angel Girl Read Aloud: The Wind In The Willows WTM: Don Quixote IPad: Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town by Stephen Leacock (for Canada) Total Finished in 2013: 6
  20. Tubes made it possible for my son to hear! He had moderate hearing loss due to fluid which made him impossible to understand. Within 2 months of the tubes I can now understand 95% of what he says and he can now understand what I say to him. It was a miracle for us. They were done right before he turned 3 and it was quick and easy same day process.
  21. I found a testing site on a deal a day thing for 30 bucks...but it depends on what you want. The one I used was not medical or legally binding and only for fun. My sister and I both did it and then we compared the result on the loci and they were all the same which makes us identical! For 30 years we had been told we were fraternal due to placenta stuff and just looked a like so it kinda changed my life to find out we really were identical! My sister has twins and 1 has cancer and so she had to do a very expensive test in order for it to be medically binding to determine if her boys were identical or fraternal....they are identical, which means there is a higher likelyhood of the other son to get cancer too. If you just want to know for fun and your own info then I would do a cheap test that tests at least the loci that the FBI uses. Good luck!
  22. I am so excited I have cleared off and rearranged my little kitchen counters and I love how much more space I have made! It has really changed the way my house looks to have less stuff on my kitchen counter.
  23. According to a book I ready Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria. There has been research done that show that affirmative action is needed because when comparing 2 highly qualified people (with the same resume) of whom 1 is white the other black the black person was considered less well qualified than the white person. It is a hidden bias thing.
  24. My ds had RSV when he was 9 months old and we ended up in the hospital for 3 days. The doctors said that day 5 was the worst in terms of symptoms and it was a week and half before I felt like we were on the way up. They also said it was worse during sleep so that was when I watched him the most.
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