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Ethel Mertz

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Everything posted by Ethel Mertz

  1. We're definitely in the penny pinching stage here - probably for the year. Retirement income + miscalculation of health insurance costs + yours truly forgetting to factor gas and groceries into the budget = 😦 Yikes!
  2. We got through September and are mostly caught up with our health insurance bill! Re-stocked our groceries with a big shopping trip (still have to go to TJs for a few items) and am hoping we can make it through October. We've a cousin's funeral to go to several states away (thankfully, hotel is paid for with relative's travel points) and a conference my spouse needs to attend, so gas expenditures will be high. I successfully resisted a yarn sale.
  3. We got $150 in cash for our "like new" exercise bike. (Fitness fail, but, oh well.) We have our kayak trailer listed for sale. DS and spouse are driving back and forth to a conference they're attending this weekend, rather than pay for a hotel. We didn't have to drive to town a couple days this week and that helped with gas. Plus, the hurricane missed us. We found a Grocery Outlet where we will shop first, before going on to our usual stores. We're planning meals by what's on sale. I asked our youth group leader if there is a scholarship for kids wanting to attend the high school retreat. I'm using a B&N gift card to get a couple of books DS needs.
  4. Also - the terms/guidelines have some code symbols (or whatever they're called) that didn't translate into text.
  5. CChristmas: As I wrote in another thread (I think), we packed up to move right after Christmas last year. The grownups in this house have no memory of what the Christmas gifts were, so we've agreed to re-gift them to each other. Anything else will be coming from a thrift shop. The exception will be a couple of new things for DS. I'm also knitting for the few friend gifts we exchange. Thankfully, I have a good yarn stash to use.
  6. Ugh. Spouse bounced a check to the water company.
  7. We're joining frugalista ranks for the next several months at least due to a few unexpected financial glitches. I'm re-visiting all the old budget threads as I can find them. I'm trying to keep grocery costs down, though my spouse did the grocery shopping today and wasn't quite as frugal as I would have been despite my creation of a list. Thinking ahead to Christmas: We moved soon after Christmas last year and neither my spouse nor I remember what we got for Christmas. Plans are to re-gift last year's presents to each other again and maybe supplement with a couple of thrift store surprises. We'll shop for DS as we usually do, though it won't be as big a Christmas as other years. If we can find something he'd like in a thrift store, we'll pick that up. I'm hoping to bake my own bread and hope I can turn over a new leaf and not kill the yeast like I usually do.
  8. We're needing to cut our budget for the next few months as well. I'm getting back in the habit of shopping the sales, plus we remembered we have a $50 gift card to Trader Joes. Here are some random thoughts: Eggs. We just got avocados on sale and will stuff avocados with cheesy scrambled eggs. Local trout was on sale, so that will work for tonight. Trader Joe's organic chicken served a variety of ways. My family doesn't like beans, but I love them. I can probably get away with chicken tacos or quesadillas for DS and we can have bean tacos. Trader Joes vegetarian Italian sausages. Brown and add to soups, serve in a hotdog bun, or add to a pasta dish. Pancakes with whatever fruit is in season. Same with French Toast. Homemade pizza or frozen pizza on sale.
  9. Can't comment on the allergies, but I had a RB for 12 years. She was quite small and was the Ruler of the Universe. Her name was ... wait for it ... Ethel.
  10. Honestly, I'd go to the dentist. I had a similar infection and needed two courses of strong antibiotics to treat it.
  11. Brownies. When they come out of the oven, spread peanut butter chips or mint chips over them. That will help keep them moist. Do not under any circumstances send fresh tomatoes. My mother sent me some when I was in college. Can we say "puree?"
  12. I take 20 mg before I go to bed. As I recall, it took me a couple of weeks to adjust to the meds. I can't comment on the sleepiness-during-the-day as I have a health condition that has overwhelming fatigue as a symptom.
  13. For DS and me through my retired spouse's pension plan it is $1,700 a month. No deductible. Also covers RX, mental health, dental, and vision.
  14. This is the first thing that came to my mind as well. Though the MRI should help diagnose that as might a lumbar puncture. Also, MS is notoriously difficult to diagnose so it may take a while.You may find it helpful to keep a log of your symptoms.
  15. CAP's Spanish for Children, I'm using Breaking the Barrier for my 10th grader.
  16. For dish and wash cloths I have used Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton Yarn as well as Knit Picks Dishie Yarn. Also for patterns just google and you'll find a lot of patterns for both knit and crochet cloths.
  17. Handmade soaps, candles, flavored vinegars...
  18. Could you knit/crochet a market (grocery) bag?
  19. See if changing the ph of your urine will help. Add a heaping teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it. Push liquids.
  20. I can't imagine doing it in 1 semester. We did it for 2017-2018 and really needed the whole school year for it.
  21. Sounds like it's time. Our 15 year old just got one so he could let us know when he's ready to be picked up from his latest athletic obsession.
  22. The site news sub-forum has always had approval required since before the forum changeover.
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