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Ethel Mertz

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Everything posted by Ethel Mertz

  1. I think I would go ahead and give them the mini-van. It's a risk, sure. But I would do it because I believe in paying it forward. I would remind myself to trust that I have "enough" (back up plan) if and when things got financially tight for me.
  2. Yikes! Just remembered I haven't organized anything for DS's Easter Basket. Any ideas? So far, I have: sunglasses ear buds swim goggles
  3. I've had to chase after a bad boy cat too. In my pjs... In the winter ... Crawling through the neighbor's yard, armed with an open can of cat food ... calling "Here, Damn Cat!" I have never, however, had to crawl under a mean neighbor's deck. You have my utmost admiration.
  4. Glad you got in to see someone. Happy Losing-the-first-tooth-day!
  5. I agree with Cat. Take her straight to the doctor (looking at your signature - she's Kindergarten age?) or ER. Hope she feels better sooner than soon!
  6. I agree. Unfriend and possibly block. I would want to send an email, but you're right: it would be feeding the flames.
  7. Given your kids' ages, I'd just focus on the eldest. Maybe one of those Summer Bridge Books would be helpful. http://www.amazon.com/Summer-Bridge-Activities-Grades-2-3/dp/1620576090/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397082089&sr=8-1&keywords=summer+bridge+activities+2-3
  8. Rachel - I grew up in NW PA. I have family there, but haven't lived there myself since I was 20. Have you tried any of the local listserves? Are you looking for homeschool debate teams or public school based debate teams?
  9. While school violence wasn't on my radar screen when we first start homeschooling in 2006, it is now one among the (many) reasons we homeschool.
  10. Parents shouldn't have to worry about their kids being injured or killed at school. I wonder how many people homeschool for that reason.
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