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Ethel Mertz

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Everything posted by Ethel Mertz

  1. At some point, they will still need financial assistance for travel to the Boardie, for those still willing to help in that way. Thank heavens she is in the shelter!
  2. For cleansing - I've used a sage stick and smudged the rooms. Depending on your tradition, you could bless water and sprinkle it through the rooms. You could also ask a clergy person to do a house blessing. I'll leave the practical cleaning tips to others.
  3. We should compile a list of links to her posts.
  4. DS11 still has Stuffed Significant Others (SSOs) and as recently as last year, he took them places (usually one at a time). I'm glad that he's been able to linger in childhood.
  5. We don't have that set up quite yet (waiting for more details to fall into place). We'll post here as soon as we have things set up. The Relative is only able to contact the Boardie sporadically. There is a definite financial need to make this happen, but we just have to wait for more details as we want to make sure we're successful. You can PM either me or Maize.
  6. When we lived on Capitol Hill, we would walk down to the fireworks around 6 or 7 pm. We'd set up chairs outside the Botanical Garden and watch the fireworks. We had a great view and didn't have to spend all day down on the Mall. I second the recommendation of HOmewood Suite in Alexandria. We've had friends stay there.
  7. I expect we may have more progress tomorrow. The Boardie and her sister are overwhelmed at the generosity of the Hive. Details are being worked on. It may take a few days before everything is set in place.
  8. Faith Manor - I am in the process of sending you a PM.
  9. Love this idea! And, I would want to make sure that this is thought out carefully beforehand and that advice on legal issues for the sister are ironed out.
  10. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Hope all goes well.
  11. She and the kids will be safe at the shelter. They deal with situations like this all the time. There will be support for her there -- free legal advice, counseling, clothing, etc. Then, once she has the legal pieces put in place, they will help her deal with the next step -- which could be getting her to you. Hang in there!
  12. Last night I listened again to SWB's lecture on "Homeschooling the Real Child." I immediately thought it would be helpful to you. The cost is only $3.99 to download. Here is the link to the page with the lectures.: http://peacehillpress.com/audio-lectures/
  13. History from the Underside: learning about the civil rights movements in this country, the early history of labor unions, women's struggles for equal rights, apartheid in South Africa, Japanese internment camps during World War II, the resistance movements to Hitler, migrant workers in this country, pacifism, various liberation movements, etc. World Religions (in addition to formation in his own faith) Spanish, Latin, and Greek Shakespeare Community volunteer work
  14. This! When we went through a period of math going badly, we would change locations. Couch, Big Bed, even the middle of the stairs!
  15. Regarding breaks: For Inside: Put on a kids' yoga dvd, have them dance to different types of music, play Simon Says. The point is to get them moving. For Outside: Play outside - like recess. Run around, play hopscotch, go for a nature walk.
  16. Whatever works for you and DH is the best plan. Take some time to heal and some time to discern before doing anything permanent. Enjoy your kids and, as you said, take time to mother the ones you have.
  17. Does anyone know if the TSA approved locks can be used flying to Canada from the US?
  18. IF you feel you need to give something, I second the idea of the VFD. Or, if the church where the funeral is being held is one where they attended regularly, I'd consider giving a gift to the church in her name. The other idea would be to wait for awhile and see if there is something the young man needs to which you could contribute. I agree with others that a gift is not needed.
  19. When my boy was your son's age, I remembered something my mother told me. "When your child is frustrating you the most, that is when he or she needs a hug the most." Amazingly, it worked. I learned to keep my voice calm, to add endearments in when I requested he do something ("Did you take your dishes to the sink, sweetie?"), and to remind him often that I love him. On subjects like math and writing, when he balked, I would remind him that he and I were working as a team. If tears ensued, I would say "let's take a walk outside and then come back and see how it goes." I learned that a child can't learn when she or he is crying. Now that my child is finishing his fifth grade homeschool year, I notice a huge difference in his attitude. While he still hates math, he cooperates (sometimes with occasional whining, but I don't respond to the whining). We work as a team and this has helped immensely.
  20. And there are other lovely tick-borne diseases that are just as bad. http://www.cdc.gov/ticks/diseases/
  21. Do you have hospice involved? (If looking for a hospice, try to get one with nonprofit status.) Hospice will visit daily and also a volunteer will come to sit with your Mom for an hour a day. The other thing about hospice is that they have access to specific drugs you can't get otherwise (roxanol - which is sub-lingual morphine) and ativan that comes as a gel or patch (for anxiety and restlessness). Is there perhaps a hospice home to which she can be admitted? I am so, so sorry you are having to go through this. I've been there (with the fibro too). Hopefully, others will have some ideas.
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