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Ethel Mertz

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Everything posted by Ethel Mertz

  1. Totally awesome, Dawn. That post would make a great GOE answer! (General Ordination Exam) I'm enjoying this thread immensely!
  2. I would have kept my kid home too. What a nightmare it would be to try to find kids at school after a tornado.
  3. We didn't like our Odyssey.We LOVED it! We only have one kid, but it was so helpful for traveling back and forth to our parents' homes (in other states). I would get another one in a heart beat.
  4. We're house-hunting and hoping to buy sometime this fall. In the meantime, we've been looking at houses online and occasionally looking at them with a Realtor. We're convinced that we want natural gas heat. However, that has meant categorically rejecting any house that still has oil heat. My question: Is it cost prohibitive to convert from oil to natural gas? Should we continue to exclude properties with oil heat? Someone had told us it was only $3K to convert. Since then, I've googled and have found costs anywhere from $9K to $15K.
  5. I'd try to fix it myself first and then ask for my money back (not expecting to get it). And, yeah, don't hire him again.
  6. I'd go with the Singapore. The only thing that I might keep in from Saxon is the Fact Sheets. For fun, get some living boks on math from the library or play some games.
  7. I love this site! I covet her homeschool room. http://wildflowersandmarbles.com/2014/02/08/a-detailed-look-through-the-learning-spaces-2/
  8. I'm vicariously traveling with you! Could picture it all -- including the camping in wet weather part.
  9. Have you seen this? I'm hoping to use it this spring. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/index.html?http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/ponddip/index.html
  10. I sure hope you get rain soon. Sure sounds like the Dust Bowl.
  11. Prayers sent your way. May peace be yours in the midst of this transition time. Blessings for you and yours and the wee one.
  12. Agree. Get your own realtor.
  13. Glad you're finally at this day!!!
  14. Off the top of my head: Talk to a family lawyer asap. S/he will know what steps to take legally (e.g., reporting to law enforcement). Talk to her doctor. Hopefully, others will have more ideas.
  15. Can't believe I forgot this one: Auntie Mame (with Rosalind Russell)
  16. Go for it, Ravin. You never know until you try and the worst they can say is "no."
  17. The Revenge of the Nerds The Long, Long Trailer (with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz) RV (with Robin Williams) Bringing Up Baby (Katharine Hepburn) The African Queen (Katharine Hepburn) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (Katharine Hepburn) Saving Mr. Banks The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (Don Knotts)
  18. Our organist and his wife accidentally left their newborn in the church nursery. They got home and realized that they only had one kid with them. I think sleep deprivation played a role. My brother was missing when he was about 5. My parents and siblings were out combing the neighborhood. I stayed home in case he came home. I found him sound asleep under my parents bed. His face was tear-stained and he was clutching a bottle of shampoo. He didn't want to get his hair washed, so he hid. I hope your sister feels better soon. Judging from the responses, it's a common experience.
  19. We're actively house-hunting and don't have any interest in having chickens. A chicken coop would not be a deal breaker at all.
  20. You're doing the right thing. I fed DS cereal for supper not too long ago. He survived. Rest well.
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