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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Mary Poppins tunes because I just watched a documentary on the Sherman Brothers (netflix streaming). The brothers wrote many of the Disney songs and the film is about their relationship. It was interesting and sad too.
  2. I'm speechless! Very thankful you and the woman survived!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. My totally scratch cakes have disappointed me so now I just do 'doctored' cake mixes that include sour cream. They are consistently good and great for tiered cakes.
  4. My secret for fluffy not flat cookies is 3 oz of cream cheese. I add it to sugar cookies, choc chip etc. Makes them nice and puffy and taste great too. :D
  5. I wouldn't go with a cold especially considering there is a pregnant woman and elderly people in the company. It is wrong to knowingly put yourself or your children in the position to expose anyone (fit or otherwise) to potential illness. What may seem a simple cold to some can pose serious consequences to those that could be immunity challenged.
  6. No brainer. SIL's party. You already accepted the invite and MIL should have asked first if anyone had conflicts. There is no reason to feel conflicted or guilty. Just tell MIL that you are sorry but you had already accepted SIL's invite long ago and it would be wrong to back out. Tell MIL that you'll find a time to see FIL but at another time.
  7. I was always told it was rude to chew gum in public. My dad used to say it made people look like cows chewing their cud. He also used to freak if we were chewing gum and popped a bubble or snapped the gum. I see this stuff all the time though. Chewing gum doesn't bug me until I see people doing it with their mouths open or they are snapping their gum. That gets on my nerves.
  8. A lot depends on how much you like or dislike the results of the hair treatment. If you are really pleased with the results and want to go back, I'd chalk it up to a lesson learned and next time wear something old that you don't care about. If you don't plan on going back then I'd have a talk with the stylist about what can be done about the shirt.
  9. We're using Human Odyssey for World History and for US History we're using The American Pageant by Houghton Mifflin 2002. Yep their textbooks. :D
  10. You might check into Prentice Hall Classic math. We're using Foerster Alg 1 along with the Math Without Borders videos and it is working well for us. I like it because it has very good reviews and is straightforward math. No bells and whistles or color but we like it that way. No distractions-just math. http://www.phschool.com/classics/math.html http://www.mathwithoutborders.com/ Good luck with your decision. :)
  11. We are done wrapping!! Yippee! The presents are under the tree too. We waited until the last minute last year and it seemed like such a waste to wrap because they were unwrapped so soon. I decided that wasn't going to happen this year.
  12. I made Creme de Menthe cakeballs that were awesomely yummy! Just make them with chocolate cake, a little buttercream and mix in chopped Andes mints. I coated them in white chocolate then added a green tinted white chocolate drizzle. They went over very well! You could make some with red drizzle and some with green for a real holiday look. I never thought they were a lot of work. I am used to decorating cakes though so making cakeballs is like a vacation for me. I get the girls to help and it goes fast. :)
  13. WOW! I'm with Bill on this. She sounds like a piece of work. The prognosis seems grim.
  14. Ran across this when I was researching food pioneers ate on the trail. I thought it was really useful so I'm sharing! http://www.foodtimeline.org/
  15. If you have a cookie press, I have a great recipe for Spritz Cookies: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Butter-Snow-Flakes/Detail.aspx The orange zest really makes the cookies taste great IMO.
  16. What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you? I appreciate that they care enough about me to spend their time thinking about me and wishing me well. Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying? Absolutely. Do you think its a crock and dismiss it? No. If it is important to them then it is valid. Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time? I appreciate their concern and thoughts and that's all. Sometimes it is important to recognize that it may help them more than the object of their prayers and that has value too.
  17. You might try going out to Amazon. Get into the 'grocery' or any other area and do a search on those names. I bet you would come up with some good ideas that way. :)
  18. I know that flavoring chocolate needs oil based but I wonder if hard candy (sugar) has the same requirement. Extracts tend to have alcohol instead of the oil so that may be a factor to consider. I wouldn't think the alcohol instead of the oil would make that much difference. I have also heard that candy requires a more pronounced flavor and oils like Lorann are good for that. The store extracts may not be as concentrated. I want to make some candy for the holidays too so I'd like to know what you can find out. :)
  19. Also, many of the videos have printable worksheets and resources. Check to make sure those are available on both basic and plus. They are nice to have.
  20. We have plus and worked through the middle school course this past summer. It was priceless! Turns out the girls FLVS Spanish uses some of the videos from the middle school course in their program. The girls get a kick out of that because they've already seen them. :D
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