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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. No suggestions Rieshy, though that sounds intriguing! Today I'm thinking about taking a nice long walk, probably the 6.5 mile loop. I did bupkis yesterday for exercise, though I managed to get my steps in, just by walking around in the house ans going up and down stairs.
  2. Today is one of our annual Do Whatever You Want Days :D College Girl is working from 5a-2p. Dh drove her to work at 4:40 because all mall employees are required to park offsite and use a shuttle that began running at 5a, which didn't obviously work for her. I will go pick her up because I have more patience for heavy mall-area traffic than dh. Other than that I will --eat leftovers --go for a very long walk (I think the 6.5 mile loop today) --think about Christmas gifts for the kids and their cousins --watch the BBC Pride and Prejudice with College Girl :)
  3. In our house, we only eat pie on special occasions (holidays, birthdays if that was the dessert request, the day we pick cherries and the day in the middle of the winter when I make the frozen cherry pie), so day-after breakfasts always consist of pie :D Dh had his with a piece of leftover bacon. I will have mine after eating my greek yogurt and berries.
  4. I don't worry about it----she goes to ballet weekday evenings and is plenty active there! During the day dd doesn't sit constantly----she'll walk around, go up and down stairs, lie on a floor to read or write, etc.
  5. The university here has been closed all week, for the first time ever. I like it! The only day "off" this semester was Labor Day.
  6. We're waiting too but for a summer program. Last year semifinalists were announced Dec 1-2 (finalists not until March and April :eek:)
  7. My day: --College Girl has my car to work 6-3 --dd15 has Model UN tonight (yes, tonight for those who can make it--conference is in early Jan); dd20 will drive her and she will get a ride home --walk to/from gym for training session --make apple pie(s?) --make crust for pumpkin chiffon pie --make dairy-free pumpkin custard pie --make gingerbread (dd will do this) --roast sweet potatoes to be reheated tomorrow --cube bread for stuffing (dd also) Dh and I are having a date tonight :) We're going to a restaurant for their small plate happy hour and $5 martini drinks :D and then doing some shopping (gifts and regular stuff like shoes for him).
  8. College Girl has my car again so she can work a 6-3 shift (she's working so much this break!). I will walk to/from the gym for my training session.
  9. This is the recipe I use for dairy-free pumpkin pie (it's adapted from my regular pie recipe that I've used for decades): 1 1/2 c pumpkin puree 3/4 c sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 - 1 1/4 tsp cinnamon (I always use the high end of the measurements) 1/2 - 1 tsp ground ginger 1/4 - 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 1/4 - 1/2 tsp ground cloves 3 eggs, beaten 14 oz almond milk (I use vanilla unsweetened for baking) 1 9-10" unbaked pie crust Mix pumpkin and dry ingredients. Combine beaten eggs and milk; pour into pumpkin mixture and stir well. Carefully pour the filling into the pie crust because it could be very full. Bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for about 50 min or until center is set. Do not cut until cool. And here's the gingerbread. It's not the healthiest due to the shortening. I haven't tried substituting dairy-free margarine yet. (from Better Homes & Gardens plaid cookbook): 1 1/2 c flour 1/4 c brown sugar 3/4 tsp cinnamon 3/4 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 c shortening 1/2 c molasses 1 egg 1/2 c water Combine all dry ingredients. Add remaining ingredients and mix well until combined, and then beat for 2 minutes. Pour into greased and floured 8 in square baking pan. Bake ina preheated 350 degree oven for 35-40 minutes. Cool on a rack for 10 minutes. Remove from pan and serve warm.
  10. I'll trot out the link to one of my favorite lists of automatic full tuition and full ride scholarships (this is complied by posters on the College Confidential forums) http://automaticfulltuition.yolasite.com The best source of college savings is scholarships. The best and largest scholarships are the ones that are awarded by the college or university. They want to attract talented students to their institution. This is a listing of competitive full ride and full tuition scholarships (some are more competitive than others) http://competitivefulltuition.yolasite.com And this is a listing of scholarships for National Merit Finalists and Semifinalists (those who score very well on the 11th grade PSAT exam) http://nmfscholarships.yolasite.com
  11. We're doing all of Miller-Levine in one semester. It's doable because dd already has a lot of background knowledge, thanks to a rigorous middle school life science and many years of related Science Olympiad events. I would not call M-L bio college level.
  12. I'll share them later---we have to do lab now :)
  13. Our desserts have to be different this year due to new intolerances :( So for dairy-intolerant (not just lactose-intolerant but not dairy-allergic) dd: pumpkin custard pie made with almond milk, crust made with shortening gingerbread from old BH&G recipe that doesn't contain any liquid other than molasses For almond-allergic and apple-sensitive dd (and others) a family favorite, pumpkin chiffon pie layered with freshly whipped cream (I actually make 2 so dsis can take some home) We will also have 2 apple pies for my sister's kids and dh who do not like pumpkin
  14. Yesterday I walked a new loop around the neighborhoods, just 2.75 miles. It was quite chilly at the time (42) with a wind. I'm going to need a hat (I have breathable gloves). Today: walk to/from training session (College Girl is home from break but took my car to work 7-4)
  15. College Girl is home for break :) Today: --walk to/from training session at gym (dd20 has my car for work) --daily; Monday --some cleaning --double-check groceries still needed for Thanksgiving --make pumpkin bread, because why not --library --bio lab w dd --ACT prep w dd --bunch of emails --work on Christmas gift list
  16. Done: Made brunch Went to farmers' market (last of season--weeps) w girls Drank tea Planned meals To do: Buy fresh turkey Science Olympiad stuff Exercise (walk? It is windy and maybe 50 degrees) Fix dinner Plan week
  17. Yesterday I walked 6 miles in two parts. Today I walked only (;)) 4 miles before dinner. Tomorrow? We'll see if the weird twinges I'm experiencing become cramps. If not, I'll hit the gym for some weights, walking to/from if the weather cooperates. If cramps, I'll take a day off to enjoy ibuprofen and my kindle. College Girl is home for break :)
  18. I can be there in 10 minutes :D
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