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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I'm going to the gym today whenever I can have a car. It's raining too hard to walk there.
  2. Yesterday we hosted Christmas for my sisters and family (in-town sister's family is going to FL for actual Christmas; out-of-town sister is visiting) so I just walked around and up and down steps! Today: walk to/feom gym for training session :)
  3. Dd has to work on bio and calc but that's it :) As for me --daily and Monday things (washing machine is almost done) --emails --assign events for my elementary SO team --plan meals for the week --wrap some gifts --write more cards --have girls check closets for donation items (I'd like to do the Goodwill run tomorrow) Older dd works from 2-11 today. Younger girl and dh may go see the Hunger Games movie after dinner if her work is done.
  4. j Dh and I have decided to consciously support local small businesses next year, even if we'd be paying more to do so. Quill, I have been finding myself moving toward Zero Waste. I do need to be mindful about it, and this thread would serve as a reminder every week.
  5. :grouphug: Melissa! Nutcracker is over for another year :party: Dd cried last night when she realized next year will probably be her last one :( We're going to see Star Wars in 2 hours! My sisters and family will be here to celebrate Christmas in 8 hours! :eek: After movie: --buy gift card for one nephew and chicken breast (me or dh) --finally decorate tree which has been up w lights for two weeks (all) --wrap gifts (dh and girls) --hang new framed photos (dh) --prep fajitas and veggies (all) --clean quickly (all)
  6. Christmas shopping bits and pieces, groceries, and gas this past week If The Girlfriend isn't able to pick up The Boy at the airport on Friday (yes, he's landing at 3:20 pm on Christmas Day!), we'll pay for a shuttle :)
  7. Dd20 has been working every day. She's headed to Greece for winter session (English major reading classical literature).
  8. Sunday morning for us! We have to wait until Nutcracker is over...
  9. Quill, I think that's a lovely gift for your mil :)
  10. Yesterday I had training, walking to/from the gym as College Girl had my car to work 6a-3p. This evening I went to my third bodyweight boot camp class :D I was able to do 10-10-15-17 knee pushups!
  11. So much to do: --daily and Thursday things, including laundry --errands: post office, library, Costco, framing shop --emails --mend leotard --order gift for mil --order more pictures for framing --post more books for sale on local homeschool fb group --feed dd dinner at lunchtime --dd dress rehearsal 5-9 --bodyweight boot camp class at gym 6-7 --sort more items for donations --address Christmas cards :eek:
  12. Ds found his starting through his department (computer science). He participated in a number of Hackathons, some spomsored by the department, at which he learned about all kinds of internships from the other participants. Btw his current employer "found" him through his LinkedIn profile :D
  13. Gosh, I hope my fil ordered the Costco one before it sold out! Dh told him last month that I want it for Christmas---I really want a LC but I can't justify the money now. I would be a very disappointed person because I do NOT want one made in China.
  14. 3 mile walked squeezed in before/during dusk!
  15. :lol: Thanks for thinking of me! Personally: I research schools to see if anything else might fit dd's 2 requirements. I exercise, hard, six days a week. I bite my tongue a lot (She's gotten to the point she wants to control everything about her schedule. I get that, but she tends to push off the non-favorite subjects.) With dd: lots and lots of talk about Plan A for next summer (still waiting for the interview email) and sorting out Plan B options (running into lots of problems with being underage), discussions about starting visits next month and about course work for next year... So much testing is being smushed into this year. I had such beautiful plans! Dd vacillates between supreme confidence and imposter syndrome.
  16. Yesterday I walked 5 miles while shopping with dd :lol: Today--session w trainer plus elliptical
  17. Have to get moving... --dd15 Arabic final --training session at gym; may walk to/from because it's so warm today --move dd20 out of dorm for break! --dh last Chinese class for semester --dd15 ballet 7:30-9 --daily and Monday things --decide which Zojirushi water boiler to get for dh's gift; order --decorate trees, or at least start --choose pictures to have enlarged --emails... --plan meals for this very busy week --plan week
  18. Oh FM :grouphug: my heart breaks for you. My mother was competent at the end of her life (plus my dad had her PoA). I then held my dad's PoA in case anything happened---but then he died suddenly so that was unnecessary. Stacey, you need to find out who holds her Power of Attorney. Does she currently have a lawyer?
  19. I don't want to get political, but it has to do with donations to an organization we do not support.
  20. So sorry :grouphug: I'm glad you were able to see him one last time. Parent death is one of the sucky parts of adulthood.
  21. America's Test Kitchen vegetarian cookbook (I think dd just got this for me today) a certain fair isle sweater from American Eagle (I think older dd bought it thme day after I saw it--she was with me then) a wall of framed family photos anything rose from Crabtree & Evelyn (always on my list) holiday-themed tabletop frames (I have 2 areas where I like to seasonally switch out pictures) chunky knit gloves/mittens/scarves to go with my red jacket and black coat warm kneesocks in patterns or prints cowboy boots (but I need to try them on first which is hard to do in midatlanic suburbia, especially since we have decided to no longer shop at Cabela's) kitchen toys :D
  22. So much shopping with dd15 today :eek: She needed conservative work-type clothes for the Model UN next month and for interviews. So she and dniece17 (also in MUN; grew since last year's shopping) spent three hours actively trying on clothes at the mall. Dd ended up with 2 pair black pants, 2 fitted blouses (kelly green, periwinkle---she's a ginger), and 2 kinda retro-ish dresses (small black and white check, olive), all from Express. We had lunch at Panera with dsis and dniece :) She bought gifts for dh and her sister. We bought the gift for dnephew10. Then we went to Costco for groceries plus a gift membership for ds. I impulse-purchased nice black frames, 2 @ 11x14 and 4 @ 8x10. I told dh to count them as a Christmas gift for me. Tonight or tomorrow we'll choose pictures to fill the frames (will be printed at Costco, the best price here). We'll hang them together on one wall in the family room :)
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