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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Quark, you must pm me if you visit in the summer. I would love to meet you and give you a hug (if that's ok--we could just shake hands ;)) for all the support and commiseration you've given me over the past years!
  2. Since we're sharing Trixie Belden stories :) In the mid-late 70s (probably 1977-1979) TB paperbacks were 95 cents. Tax where we lived at that time was 5%. My younger sister and I would walk a mile from our house in the suburbs to the local Busy Bee (or Busy B or Buzy Bee or whatever) and spend our $1 allowance on new books every week we could.
  3. Just 45 min on the elliptical today. The machine's readout said I burned 500 calories but my FitBit (heart rate monitor version) said I burned 390. I'm going with the lower number.
  4. The bodyweight class yesterday was a killer, the hardest yet. I had to sit out the last bit of pushups----even knee type were too much after all the rest.
  5. I saw the nutritionist/RD at the gym (she's also the day time manager so I've been friendly with her for a year). She agrees that I should be losing weight based on my food logs (thank you MFP) and level of exercise. I am perimenopausal which does have an effect. She's going to do some more research about metabolism before we meet again next week. Thanks for sharing your findings, Desert Strawberry. Perhaps more frequent small meals might work for me. Right now I eat three meals within a 8-10 hour window. Intermittent fasting like 5:2 is also an option. I am on the low end of overweight. If I do not tackle it this year before I turn 50, I am afraid I will be overweight for the rest of my life. I gained weight a few years ago when my parents were ill and died.
  6. Yesterday: training session (150 lb deadlift!) plus 30 min elliptical Today: bodyweight bootcamp class this evening I laced my sneaker too tight on Tuesday and bruised my instep. Ouch! I hope we won't do any side lunges tonight.
  7. Per a manager at Costco during Christmas, they are dropping the contract with AmEx and moving to Visa sometime in the next few months. I will not shop at Sam's nor at Walmart, so it's Costco for us.
  8. Dd did not share an email. I told her not to, based on experience with our older kids. Only a narrow slice of colleges fit her requirements so there is no need to be slammed, even at a college-only email address. However, we have received three emails over the past month at the email used during registration. That ticks me off! She's received some snail mail as well. However, dd selected 10th grade on her PSAT so I would expect a lower volume of email and mail. (Her status is changing to next-to-last year of high school. The letter was mailed yesterday.)
  9. So much to do I can't write it all down. Highlights: --gym for training --usual daily things --APES exam for dd; grade right away --write psych exam --register dd for a bunch of things, which means I have to block out an hour to be on the computer --write official letter changing dd's status on this past PSAT And then regular school and food and emails and driving about...
  10. I took yesterday off except for walking around at the airport (dd20 left for Greece yesterday). Today was a training session plus 35 minutes on the elliptical.
  11. --summer program physical for dd this am --training at gym --dd ballet 7:30-9 --daily and Monday things --emails as usual --school stuff --write APES exam for Wed --start working on psych exam for Fri --start putting away Christmas things
  12. Such a weird feeling to have your kids scattered across the globe

    1. Penguin
    2. Tress


      I can't imagine! Hugs!

    3. quark


      Oh you must miss them!

  13. Dd could apply to whatever college she wanted, instead of hunting down merit scholarships. Dd20 could go to grad school if she wanted. Money would immediately go into trust for the kids and any grandchildren. We could travel whenever we wanted. We could buy a place near Tahoe or Yosemite. Fly to Australia first class! Dh would still work. I would be able to volunteer after dd heads to college. Thrice-weekly session with a personal trainer! All the books, omg. (We don't buy lottery tickets.)
  14. --see if dsis can pick up dd from the Model UN bus so that dh and I can both --take dd20 to the airport for her Greece study-abroad flight Also --weights at gym --plan meals --get ready for school week
  15. Other than food and gas from last week: --a few AP prep books and the massive SAT subject test prep book (dd doesn't write in these books so I can resell them at the May homeschooling group's book sale) --converter and adapters, a theft-proof crossbody bag (the one I use as a carryon and daybag is too big for her purposes) and Lonely Planet Athens for dd20 (leaving for Greece today) Today dh and I will be at the airport for several hours waiting for dd's plane to take off, so we'll have to pay for parking and coffee and probably dinner.
  16. I have exercised every day this week-----combinations of cardio (walking outside when nice, elliptical amd bike at the gym when not), a bodyweight bootcamp class, two sessions w a trainer at the gym, and core work (pushups, planks, various ab things I learnd during training) at home and at the gym. I have been following the NoS "diet" (no snacks, no sweets, no seconds except for Saturday/Sunday/special days) except I let stress get the better of me yesterday and ate a serving of dark chocolate during the afternoon and had a fruity non-sweet martini. Or two. Oops. So tomorrow will have to be a NoS day!
  17. You can do it!!!!! (And what a great example you are/will be for your girls :))
  18. Dh is driving a dear friend to the airport now. He's returning to China after teaching Chinese here for two years. He'll be seeing his infant son for the very first time---his wife left last year while she was still able to fly home. Younger dd is at a Model UN conference until late tomorrow. Older dd leaves for Greece late tomorrow! Dh and I have a fundraiser cocktail party to attend this evening (he's on the board for the organization). Once dh is home from the airport we will go to the gym together. I also need to --do some research for my high school team about one event --return a few emails --buy batteries for dd's camera A low-key day, except for the part where I have to dress up and make conversation for three hours :lol:
  19. I am so happy for your ds! What an awesome accomplishment! (I don't have anyone here to talk with about dd's abilities and goals. We're both tired of the responses when we answer questions. Most involve that quizzical face with the little lines between scrunched eyebrows.)
  20. (And he's a good sport to pose for you!)
  21. He looks so old and professional! Those suits will "suit" him fine. :lol:
  22. Many happy returns of the day, Rosie!
  23. No, Kim, no stomach bug! I just did 45 min on the elliptical today. It was spitting rain on and off, so I didn't feel like dealing with outside. I had to get up 2 hours earlier than usual today ans fought tiredness all day long----that, and the desire to eat everything in sight :eek:
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