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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. We just use them as is, no note taking, maybe some further discussion. Dd sometimes watches them before the reading and sometimes after. For psych she prefers to watch the videos before the book. She watched bio videos after.
  2. Dd20's OAS has grown and grown (pretty much everything raw except lettuce and berries ) since she was first diagnosed nine years ago. Last fall she began the drops version of allergy shots...and she was able to eat (packaged) apple slices last month for the first time in years! She desperately misses peaches and hopes she'll be able to eat them in the summer. Her "real" allergies are to soy, almonds, and (slightly) peanuts, plus birch and about every grass you can imagine.
  3. $5 parking at the airport $4 caramel iced coffee to hand to my dd as she walked out from customs :) It's nice having all 3 kids on the same continent again.
  4. My dd, definitely not a bio lover, used the ibooks version of Miller and Levine's Biology this fall semester (she did the whole book in a semester block). I took test questions from all kinds of things I found online. We did labs from a variety of sources. I'd be happy to share the websites with you if you'd like :)
  5. New late August date, no more January! https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register/dates-deadlines(scroll down)
  6. I am a really good cook :D I love trying new recipes, I love experimenting, and I love feeding people :) I made my first full family dinner when I was eight. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner when I was 12 (Dad was my assistant--Mom broke her wrist), 13 (she had pleurisy), and 14 (hysterectomy that year). I was forced to become creative nine years ago when my older daughter was diagnosed with a soy allergy. Soy is in everything! Now she cannot eat rice, is allergic to almonds, and she needs to limit gluten. Her younger sister cannot eat anything dairy and is sensitive to coconut. About twice a year I break down and need to take a break from cooking with those dietary restrictions. It helps that dd is away at school most of the year.
  7. So this past week I did spend money on a hotel, gas, parking (omg), and food while dd and I visited two schools in the DC area (and she sat the NACLO at one of them). I consider it money well spent as the visits helped her solidify exactly what she does and does not want in a college and its campus. :) Dh got Chinese the night we were gone and had coffee with an out-of-town friend on day. We are invited to her wedding outside of Lexington in July! (She was one of dh's first Chinese instructors through the Confucius Institute at the university. She had to return to China for two years before she could come back and marry her American fiance.) Tomorrow we'll have the expense of airport parking when dd20 returns from her winter session studyabroad in Greece. Her 21st bday is Friday for which we will take her out to lunch and a legal glass of wine ;) She would like an upgrade to her phone (iphone 5s that loses battery power out of the blue) so we might be doing that as her gift. I've been doing well shopping locally, mainly at the natural foods store and at the locally-owned Shoprite. I will have to buy non-local chickens at the local butcher shop this week since the natural foods store is out of chicken until spring. I still haven't made it to the fishmonger... (I just love saying fishmonger. I wish we had a greengrocer as well :lol:) I want you guys to know I think every time I need to use a container or cover food. I have chosen our pyrex containers with the snap lids more than usual. Dh looks at me funny. I remind him about nonrenewable resources and being a good steward while dd falls over in hysterics :rolleyes:
  8. Christian or secular? Do you want a full curriculum with tests and such or textbook suggestions?
  9. I've been dealing with a headcold that I suspect may have become a sinus infection. I will call the dr if I'm still in pain on Monday. Dd and I visited colleges this week :eek: Today and tomorrow: --laundry --plan meals for week (dd20 will be home between her study abroad session and the start of spring semester) --drive dd to/from rehearsals --more college research --plan school for week --emails --usual daily things --natural foods store for organic orange, protein powder for me, whatever produce looks good --walk today if I can find a dry route (much snowmelt mess!); gym w dh tomorrow before heading to airport
  10. I have promised dd that if she scores a 4 or 5 on Lang (which she should--80% of her teacher's students score 4/5) that she will not have to take Lit next year. Let's just say she's motivated and working hard at her least favorite subject ;)
  11. Not here. I don't believe anything CB says this year :rolleyes:
  12. Lang: mix of nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, essays/speeches, novels, short stories Lit: mix of novels, short stories, plays, poetry Lang works better for the kid who, shall I say, despises literary analysis and who just needs a 5 (or 4) to place out of the lit requirement at college (most schools we've looked at over the past seven years still had a mandatory writing class even if the student scored a 5 on Lit/Lang).
  13. Training session for me today. I didn't do any cardio after because I'm still dealing with a sinus infection. I just don't have the energy. Recapping---last Saturday and Sunday I shoveled for 2-3 hours each day. Felt really under the weather (pun intended) Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday dd and I toured colleges and walked about 5 miles each day.
  14. Will he have to take both? If there are no other options, I would have him take Lang before Lit. It would make the writing portion of Lit go more smoothly. Lit involves so much analysis. When dd learned from her older sister that there is always a poetry FRQ (one of the three, I believe) she informed me that she will not be taking Lit. Never ever ever, was her exact wording :lol:
  15. I use them for as cleaning rags for nasty stuff and dh uses them for shop-type things (grease, oil). We have textile recycling in our state. This is separate from the regular curbside recycling. A collection bin is a mile or so away. I drop off a bag every few months.
  16. Groceries, gas, another box of 12 hour sudafed, and $15 dinner out for dh and dd after friends were here sledding Monday (I've had a nasty cold since last Thursday so did not go). Today and tomorrow dd and I will be eating out for several meals, paying for parking twice, and staying overnight in a hotel. College visits :eek:
  17. The 1 or 2 (or 3!) refers to the number of syllabi approved for that particular subject. Sometimes multiple teachers in a school submit their own syllabi for approval ( >1). A 1 can mean either only one teacher uses that syllabus or that the entire department uses the same syllabus.
  18. We're driving down for college visits fitted in around the NACLO exam at UMD Thursday morning.
  19. Tomorrow we have to get from George Washington (Foggy Bottom campus) to University of Maryland in College Park, leaving GWU about 4 pm. :eek: Should I go in reverse the way we will be getting to GWU----campus to Connecticut to 495 to the exit we'll take for UMD or cross-town taking K St/Rt 29/Rt 1 to College Park? Or will it basically be the same traffic mess whichever way I pick? Thanks!
  20. Dd and I haven't found her AP classs to take longer than a "regular" class. My older nonhomeschooled kids took many AP classes in high school. They probably had an hour of homework per class per night. Some of that work was done on the weekends. Dd spends an hour per day on her AP classes (averaged----she likes to work in time blocks). She does not have to complete study guides (she makes her own), she does not have to do group projects, she does not have to make a poster illustating stages of development for psych, she does not have to comment on classmates' work (something that is common for online AP classes, substituting for in-person discussion). One person's busywork is another person's fun activity, however! Our approach to AP classes is to treat them like college classes. She does the textbook/journal/supplemental reading, sometimes watches short video clips to support the topic (from news sources, from interesting teachers, from Crash Course or similar), discusses the topic with me and/or dh during meals, and writes a paper or does a problem set or takes an exam I write.
  21. I would do this with a paragraph at a time when dd was in 5th/6th/7th. I started out by switching punctuation around and capitalizing/uncapitalizing letters, maybe 7-10 changes in a paragraph.
  22. The interview is over. Now she waits for at least two more months. Just a taste of college app season for next year!

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