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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. It's one of the options as you go through the course audit process online. I can't link right now--search 'ap course audit' with the name of the course to find the page on collegeboard.
  2. I am so happy for you! A big squeezey :grouphug: for you and a very gentle, arms-distance :grouphug: for your dh :)
  3. I took yesterday off as well. Today will involve lots of shoveling very heavy snow. And it's still snowing. Dh is doing the first round, I will do the second, and we will keep alternating until all is cleared.
  4. Shovel Eat Read Shovel Eat Read Shovel Eat Read Drink The snow is too heavy for the snowblower. We're at 12" now with 5-8" more expected.
  5. I cannot like this enough. I also think that areas which depend on a single industry, be it oil or manufacturing or agriculture or banking or even tourism, feel slight changes in either direction more acutely than areas with diversified industries.
  6. My older two are 19 months apart. I honestly cannot remember the first six months of my dd's life. Thank goodness for pictures! It will all be ok :grouphug:
  7. Well, at least the snow is pretty right now :) Dh stopped at Costco on the way home for a roasted chicken (my idea) and the Costco version of Bailey's. In the Costco size. Heh. Sledding party at my house on Sunday :party:
  8. Next year will be out last year (she's graduating early) <weeps> English: Blue Tent Online Senior English (post-AP; assuming she scores a 4 or 5 on AP Lang this year) Math: statistics??????? or more calculus???????? Science: Geology or Astronomy at the University of Our State or both... Social Sciences: she wants US govt, macroeconomics, ??????? (will prob be AP with syllabi written by me for College Board approval) Language: depends on what happens this summer (waiting for NSLI)---will be continuing Arabic at the university, willbe adding a second language either at the university (Chinese or Russian) or with a local tutor (if she gets a non-Arabic NSLI placement) The format will be --one year-long outsourced class (English) --two classes each semester at the university --one class each semester with me at home --one winter session class at the university I cannot believe English is the only (somewhat) definite. Good gravy.
  9. To lose weight. We're going to try this to jumpstart my metabolism. If it doesn't seem to be working after a month, we'll try something else. I have oodles of energy when I'm not sick. I have no health problems. My thyroid is fine per the full panel last year. So it's stupid perimenopause, basically.
  10. I have succumbed to this cold. No bodyweight class for me tonight---the congestion and ear pain are too much :( I met with the nutritionist/RD this am. She wants me to up my protein and caloric intake but to not up the fats. This could be tricky. She gave me samples of three different types of protein powders (that I can buy at the local natural foods store) to try out, but suggested I wait until I can taste food again :lol:
  11. I've been so busy this week and have been fighting a cold, but I've been getting my workouts done :) Sunday: weight circuits w dh Monday: training session, 30 min elliptical Tuesday: forced myself to do 30 min on the bike Wednesday: training session, 30 min elliptical Today I bench-pressed 80 lb :D Take that, shoulder! Tomorrow will be the bodyweight bootcamp class in the evening, Friday will be something cardio plus core, and Saturday looks like it will involve shoveling! (We're in the band that could be :eek: or :eek: :eek:)
  12. Yeah, I should stop checking the forecast and just wait until Friday am.
  13. We don't have to follow any state regulations, which simplifies planning somewhat. When I first started planning high school, dd was on a serious math track. Like the DC-NYC Acela train track. She has changed somewhat since then ;) :lol: (For newbies, dd has dragged me behind her for years. I throw books and resources at her as fast as I can. I have become skilled at saying "sure, you can do that!") So we approached high school with this framework---and continue to refer back to it: 4 years English 4 years math 4 years science, three being lab 4 years social sciences 4 years foreign language and then however many electives fit English is her least favorite class. One course per year---done. She started ninth grade in precalculus. So this year, tenth grade, is calculus. She does not need to continue past calculus to do what she wants to (assuming she scores high enough on the AP exam in May. If she doesn't she'll be facing more calculus). Statistics is a good thing for everyone to study. Ok, that will be the third year of math. What to do for the fourth? We'll figure that out later. Science is an area of interest. She did algebra-based physics in 8th, so began ninth with chemistry. This year she wanted to do AP Environmental (she's learnd a lo working on Science Olympiad events), I insisted on bio first, so we compromised with bio blocked in the fall semester and APES blocked in the spring semester. Hey, 3 sciences already, all with lab! Just one more to go. Social sciences became a huge area of interest. Ninth grade she asked to study ancient world history with a global view and AP Human Geography because it sounded interesting. Cool! This year she asked for AP Psych and AP Comparative Government and Politics because she wanted to learn more about why people and countries behave the way they do. Awesome, the four social science requirements I set are done! So the next courses will fall in the "elective" category as listed above. She says she should study US history, US government, and macroeconomics, probably AP-level for all three. Foreign language really threw a wrench in all my beautiful plans. Arabic 1 from Potter's School was way too easy. Dd came to dh and me with a proposal that she study Arabic 2 during the summer at immersion camp. Well, ok! She returned from camp to place into the second semester of Arabic at the University of Our State :eek: And then she applied for a very competitive (funded) summer study abroad program for this coming summer. If she gets it and it's for Arabic, she would run out of Arabic classes at the university before her senior year. And she wants to start a second language at the university next year, either Chinese or Russian! And then---------she came to us with a proposal that she graduate a year early and (hopefully) take a funded immersion gap year before heading to college. :eek: :eek: :eek: So tl;dr version: 1. We listen/ed to what dd wants/ed to study within the 5x4 (plus electives) framework. 2. To make that work, we've done out-of-the-box things (immersion camp for one credit, unusual courses like comparative gov and global ancient history as the only world history credit) and very much in-the-box things (I have written many AP syllabi for College Board approval, which involves hoop jumping). 3. There will be no non-academic credits on dd's transcript because that does not fit her interests. 4. We are also very relaxed about time spent on subjects during the week. As long as she gets everything done, I don't really care when she does her work. I am strict on due dates for papers and on dates for exams.
  14. I don't even want to think about the possibility of rescheduling! This Jan date was deliberately chosen for dd to take subject tests because (1) the university is on winter session so she doesn't have class and (2) almost every weekend between Feb and APs is already busy! For the first time in my life I am hoping for no snow. (We are a bit north of you.)
  15. BYU Arabic 1 was dd's second choice last year when she decided to go with Potter's School Arabic 1. She wanted an actual live class for language. BYU Arabic, at least, does have a speaking component. It's been a while since I visited the website but I remember reading about weekly (?) phone conversations with the teacher or a TA. This is in addition to the audio disks that come with the textbook (Alif Baa and then al-Kitaab, the same ones used by almost all high school and college Arabic classes in this country).
  16. Oh Desert Strawberry :grouphug: Dd went through some very scary testing last summer, and we're waiting for a genetics appointment in the spring. This past week-----groceries (I shopped locally!), gas, parking at the airport when dd20 left, 2 inexpensive kindle books for me, and then tonight which blew the whole week! 3 tickets for Star Wars (2nd for me, 3rd for dh and dd) $15 each!!!! because we had only the choice of 3D (vomit) or Xd (larger screen, better sound), plus popcorn because duh, and then dinner at Noodles & Co. Oh well.
  17. I hate waiting. And uncertainty. I just want to plan our freaking summer, gosh darn it! (Answers will not come until April omg)
  18. I really wish I had started homeschooling when it first suggested to me by my oldest's teacher when he was in fifth grade. But I was intimidated by the thought of starting with 5th, 3rd, and a 2 year old. Instead, I began by pulling youngest when she was in fifth grade! K-3 was good for her, even though she was so ahead of the other kids. It definitely changed in fourth grade but that's when my mom was dying so there was no way I could have done a proper job that year.
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