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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Jen, here's hoping today's viewing will be the right house!
  2. My disagreement is with the statement that there will be an across-the-board (-country?) drop of X points. I think that any drop will be more nuanced than that.
  3. Make sure you run each school's Net Price Calculator before she gets too deep into researching!
  4. I already dropped dd off for the bus ride to the Model UN conference :) --daily and Friday things --buy an adapter for dd20 at the AAA store --do any other bits of shopping with her (she leaves for studyabroad on Sunday!) --forward an email --other emails --make doctor appointment --finish titling old home movies which are being digitized --gym --make a dairy-filled dinner since dd is away at MUN :D --register for next month's ACT if her Dec scores aren't back yet or if her Dec scores aren't what she wanted I really want to go back to sleep now...
  5. Not really. It's just a guess, like so many other ideas floating around. I've been following the discussion on College Confidential today.
  6. I don't agree with prepscholar's assessment of a flat 12 point drop. If you read all the threads on CC about this year's scores you'll see all kinds of ideas. No one knows what will happen.
  7. Dd is on the bubble, as they say on CC. Her selection index is right at the level our state's cutoff fluctuates around. She is a sophomore but she will most likely be graduating early. We will change her information witn College Board next week so that she is eligible to participate this year after all (provision for kids graduating early). She was so excited by her score. She will not be as excited when she learns she has to take the SAT after all. Our plans were to take the ACT instead of dealing with the changes. Oy.
  8. The selection index will be THE determining number for the NMSF level. Alas, no one knows what scores will work...
  9. So those named as semifinalists need to have taken the SAT before September? Which means June or May or March?
  10. Another data point but it may not fit the OP's situation. Dd is very motivated, a quick learner, and impatient with repetition. She had used Art of Problem Solving books since pre-algebra. Before Christmas she begged to drop DO AP Calculus because she was so bored that she didn't want to do math at all anymore :eek: So she's now working her way through AoPS Calculus, and I am quickly writing a syllabus for AP approval so that I can have access to the teacher materials from College Board.
  11. Dd's selection index (not the PSAT score) puts her right on the bubble for our state for the NMSF cutoff using past years' numbers. I'm going to write to CB and have her officially declared as qualifying for the NM----it's an option for kids who decide to graduate early. So if she makes the cutoff, does anyone know the last possible date to take the SAT for the finalist step? Please say it's October because I don't think I could get her to sit the June test... (Still haven't received her Dec ACT scores grr)
  12. It was over freezing and sunny when I walked to the gym for my training session. Today I worked on deadlift technique, did a bunch of other things that worked my entire body, and <drumroll> did pullups with the assistance of exercise bands! :party:
  13. Oh, yes. And it's a very frustrating recovery.
  14. (Theme for this year is shopping locally whenever possible.) Yesterday's grocery shopping was done at the locally-owned Shoprite (the same family owns and operates 5 grocery stores in our county) and at the local natural foods store (which we joined 22 years ago this month when it was co-op only; last year it moved to a huge location within walking distance of our home and is wonderfully busy all the time).
  15. Argh --daily and Wednesday things --(am carless today) walk to/from gym for training session; will be ok if wind stays away --try new carnitas recipe from ATK Meat cookbook --emails galore --make dd's appt --match AoPS calculus book up with AP calc topics --hunt in attic for good carryon for dd20 --finish date-ordering home movies --dd MUN 6-8:30
  16. Slache, have you made those recipes? A few look like they might work for the combo of allergies/sensitivities my girls have. Thanks for sharing :)
  17. I'm recovering from a shoulder injury last spring which caused months of physical therapy. I've progressed from wall pushups, to bar pushups, to knee pushups. I am now working on pushups over a step (aerobics, not stairway!) because my shoulder doesn't allow me to go all the way down and then up yet----but I can do sets of 5 of those :) My goal is to be able to do sets of 10 by my birthday in June :D
  18. Today was just a git 'er done workout of 40 min on the elliptical plus 40 knee pushups.
  19. --more shopping w dd20 (random things, jeans) --drop box at UPS --daily and Tuesday things --emails --finish ordering old home movies --gym --adapt an APES lab found online --order an AP prep book --find Grapes of Wrath in the attic or get a library copy
  20. My teens and young 20s love Disney and Universal :)
  21. Sun--cardio at the gym after Saturday's weight circuits w dh Today--training session plus 30 min elliptical
  22. Dd20 is headed to Greece for study-abroad and needed hiking boots/shoes. Her feet are a half size larger than mine, so my boots did not fit. Nothing fit properly at DSW, which is a bummer because I had $20 in rewards plus a triple-point coupon to use. We walked down the row to the new REI to find clearanced hiking shoes (low top). She added two pair of the thin wool socks I like (same price as amazon) and a cute knitted beanie with a bobble :) Tomorrow we have to get odds and ends from the drug store or Target, some undies, and another pair of jeans.
  23. Mid-Atlantic Costco this evening------cauliflower florets, $2.19/lb.
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