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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. See if he can submit two-----one in-person and one AoPS.
  2. There is generous need-based financial aid. Applications are due tomorrow for the scholarships (at least last year, you can get the deposit returned to you if the scholarship funds are not enough). Dd attended last year's Arabic 4-week session. She said all the serious students were there on scholarship, some full. Arabic has a source of outside funding as do other languages. Not sure about Chinese.
  3. Dd is in her third year with Blue Tent, taking AP Lang. Hahahahaha she is NOT a gifted writer :lol: She suffers through the required writing and especially despises literary analysis. But.....her grades this year are better than last in Honors English 2. And the writing in Honors English 1 reduced her to tears every single time. I can tell the difference when it comes to non-English writing, both for classwork and her extracurriculars (Model UN and Youth in Government). She is a much stronger writer with more cohesive arguments. I think she'll do well in college. She chose Blue Tent over PA Homeschoolers based on the class descriptions of assignments and the works to be read. Blue Tent appealed more :)
  4. Being offered at ole miss this summer July 4 weeks On elliptical at gym lol
  5. Just in-state tuition here, no guaranteed merit for grades/scores. (DE)
  6. ^^And that's why a 9th or 10th grade PSAT would be valuable (assuming you can find a seat). It's shorter, has no essay, is not "important", and is relatively inexpensive. My older dd had standardized test anxiety. Practice tests and early PSATs helped her.
  7. I think the jury is still out on best tesp prep for the new PSAT and SAT formats! PSAT data will be a long time coming since it's only offered once a year. We'll get good info on SAT prep materials maybe late fall or next winter after enough kids have taken the exam. For the ACT nothing beats the official red book (red cover, duh!) from the ACT folks. SAT subject tests have similar official books from the College Board. We've also used the Barron's and Princeton Review books for specific tests. You've got a nice long time until your ds needs anything official :) The best way to prepare for anything is to read a lot, do well in math (and in specific subjects if you're considering SAT subject tests), and take targeted test prep practice exams as you get closer to the time of testing. Taking the PSAT in ninth and tenth grade before it counts can be a good thing, too.
  8. States in two weeks----crunch time for dd. She has three study events this year, the same as last, and is hopeful of medaling again (a 3rd and a 5th last year). We'll see. She's barely touched the material for one event. (High school Division C)
  9. On bad days I read through the compiled list. I'm sure I'm not alone. Congratulations to all!
  10. --Arabic for dd, gym for me --meet sisters for late lunch after one arrives from CO (funeral tomorrow) --daily and Monday things --go over weekly plans w dd --buy elastic for pointe shoes --emails du jour
  11. One high school student without extracurriculars (since she would have done the same if attending a high school): approximately $6000, with $4000 being 2 4-credit university classes Yeah, conceivably we could spend less once she's in college for real.
  12. For your friend---the best indicator for the ACT would be a practice ACT, using one of the previously released exams in the big red ACT prep book.
  13. 1. Dance (it's not a rhythm issue but a coordination issue) 2. Do a decent cartwheel (see above) 3. Reach the top shelf in any cabinet.
  14. Happy birthday Tammy :party: My day: --recovered from 48 hours w extended family --planned school --took dd to an astronomy training event for Science Olympiad (I stayed and took notes, too) --scheduled events/driving with sis coming from out of town for a funeral (we've had a bad string, lately) --brought older dd home from campus so she can suffer with a stomach bug here Still --plan meals for week --plan week with funeral speedbump --stretch my owie hamstrings --another chunk of college research --read for enjoyment
  15. We'll be visiting between May and August. It all depends on what dd does this summer----and we won't know that until the end of March (fingers crossed). My aunties are all in Sac and all my cousins live between the Bay Area, Davis, and Sac :)
  16. The fabric of my white slipcovers has a strong diagonal weave and doesn't seem to show dirt easily. Op, are yours like that?
  17. Since you have identified the college he'll attend, you'd need to investigate what scholarships are available from that institution. Look on the admissions and financial aid sections. See how his scores and grades compare to those of entering freshmen. Does the school have automatic merit aid of $X for ACT of 29/30? Run the Net Price Calculator to make sure you can afford what they think you can pay. What two credits does he still need? Are they from core subjects or electives? Honestly, in this situation I'd have him do dual enrollment next year. He'd be a stronger candidate for scholarship money when applying in fall 2017.
  18. Referring to the bolded, I would ask: --are these approved AP courses? (You can check yourself by going to the AP Course Ledger and searching for the name of the school.) --will the class be called AP on the transcript or will it be marked as Concurrent Enrollment instead? --what percentage of students for AP Course X pass (score at least. 3)? Even better, what percentage score a 4 and score a 5? You can see how the school's stats compare with the national stats for that particular course. --are the classes offered every year or every other year or just when someone wants to teach it? My main concern would be how well something taught by a CC instructor matches up to what is required to do well on an AP exam.
  19. Please, everyone make and maintain a LinkedIn profile! Signed, A LinkedIn engineer's mother ;)
  20. I vote for Elizabeth at first until you get to know her better. My dd has very adult first and middle names (she's named after my grandmother and her older sister, both who never had girls). Her nickname, and the name she uses almost exclusively, is derived from her middle name. And huge congratulations! I am so happy for your family :party:
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