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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Oh, yes! As of two hours ago, dd has moved one step closer to her short-term goal (a summer program) and her mid-term goal (having next year be her senior year). My brain is all :eek: while my heart is overflowing :)
  2. Training session today followed by as much cardio as I want. Dd15 decided she'll stay on campus/downtown until she gets picked up for Model UN :D
  3. I picked up umbrellas for the girls, the ones that are teeny when folded up. I always put in funny or crazy or cute socks, even for ds.
  4. We're still waiting to hear if dd made the semi-finalist cut for a summer program... Today, besides refrershing email and checking social media for news: --dd Arabic; me training at gym --dd Arabic study session 5 --dd MUN 6-8:30 --daily and Wednesday things --just a few emails --more decorating --planning for elementary team information sessions --post reminder about those ESO sessions --treat dd's new suede dressy boots
  5. While You Were Sleeping is one of my favorites, too :)
  6. I hate waiting!!!!!!!!

    1. quark


      Fingers crossed for good news!

    2. Luckymama


      Thanks :) Dd's concentration has taken a vacation.

  7. Everyone does it differently, just like teachers. I only grade tests and papers (which includes labs). Once in a while she might have a quiz if I want to make sure an important topic is solid before moving on to the next item. We decided this year to treat dd like she's taking college classes :)
  8. We use glass bottles dh uses for homebrewing (so we know they will withstand high pressure). Dh has a capper thingy. He also uses the bail-type bottles (like Grolsch beer comes in).
  9. Right now we're both refreshing our email and checking social media, on pins and needles waiting for semifinalist announcements that may be released today. A positive will move dd one step closer to graduating early, making next year be her senior year :eek:
  10. Today will be cardio st the gym while dd is at her class. I won't be able to "accidentally" go longer today since I'll have to pick her up promptly due to the rain.
  11. Gray and rainy today :( --dd to Arabic; me to gym --dd ballet 6-9 --dh and I to charity fundraiser 7-9 --daily and Tuesday things --grocery shopping --write comp gov test --emails --some decorating --upload picture for ACT --make faux Kind bars for dd
  12. A friend used to make teeny rum balls for a cookie exchange our moms group used to hold. They were so good! I just might dig out that old recipe card for this year ;)
  13. So sorry rieshy. All the best to your sister, and to you as you support her :grouphug: Yesterday I walked all around the mall and Costco, speed-shopping. I had 45 active minutes on my fitbit app when I synced last night :D Today was a training session. Lots of stretching before, during, and after. My shoulder was tight! I had wanted to go for a long walk before it gets dark but the weather is not the best. And it looks like twilight already :(
  14. Late today! Done: -usual daily and Monday things -emailed high school team -planned meals -wrote grocery/errand list for week -drove dd to/from campus (yucky weather) -worked out w trainer at gym To do: -get Christmas things from attic -plan informational meetings for new elementary Science Olympiad team :) -grade bio test -write comp gov test -take dd to ballet for 7:30-9 class
  15. I am so sorry :( I had a loss at the same stage.
  16. Yesterday dh and I bought a mattress to replace our 11?12? year old mattress. We finally bought a Sleep Number after trying them (b&bs, hotels) for years and years and years. Dh and I have a fundamental disagreement over what constitutes a comfortable mattress ;) We did some Christmas shopping as well. We've been very good at intentional shopping (and eating and exercising, too) this year :)
  17. Done: Church w dh--he was lector at the 10 Relaxing late breakfast of coffee and the last of the pies w the girls :) In process: Three loads of laundry To do: Go shopping by myself for things dh and the girls commented on yesterday :D Email high school team Prep school week Take dd20 back to campus Take decorations down from attic w dh's help
  18. My father-in-law is a chronic over-sharer. His mother was the same way. Like a pp, I think it's a personality trait, not a generational one. Perhaps the people who are attracted to social media are the type who like overshare.
  19. This was last year: Pre-calculus (with me, Art of Problem Solving, book only) Intro to Number Theory (Art of Problem Solving, online class, 0.5 credit) Chemistry (with me, using Chang) Ancient World History (with me, using TC History of thr Ancient World: A Global Perspective plus library books) AP Human Geography (with my approved syllabus) Honors English 2 (outsourced, Blue Tent Online) Arabic 1 (outsourced, Potters School) Arabic 2 (outsourced summer intensive, Concordia Language Villages)
  20. We're going shopping :D We will park in the most-remote lot conveniently located near a traffic signal so that we'll miss the nasty congestion getting in and out of the mall area. I have $20 in DSW rewards plus a $10 off $50 for the new store opening plus a triple points card! Dd needs new sneakers. Dd20 needs short/mid leather boots (all the campus walking she does is hard on not-leather boots---the ones she got last fall are falling apart). Then we're going to take a field trip to the Container Store and REI, just for giggles. And then we'll cross the street to look at the Christmas pretties at Pier One. And then we'll walk a bit, cross the crazy ring road for the mall itself, and hit the mall: Macy's for Model UN clothing for dd15 and maybe some sale open stock Fiestaware (I'd love 4 more luncheon plates); the awesome game store for cousin gifts; and so on. We'll treat the girls to linner/dunch at Panera, the only place where they both can eat with their various allergies and intolerances. At some point dh and I will split up from the girls so we can shop for them. Dd20 picked up an extra 6-11 shift at work so we'll leave one car in the mall parking lot for her to get home. She goes back to campus tomorrow.
  21. I lift heavy weights under the guidance of a trainer :D I now exercise 6 days each week. I love feeling strong and healthy :) I read lots and lots of books without feeling guilty ;)
  22. I love my KA mixer. My parents gave it to me for Christmas the first year dh and I were married, 24 years ago. Like a pp, I/we will be gifting our kids KA mixers if they want them (dd20 is counting down until she has her own apartment!)
  23. Dd20 is at the end of the kitchen table writing her second paper of break :)
  24. This is our first Thanksgiving without ds home (he works in Silicon Valley) :( His girlfriend flew out to visit him. They were invited to two Thanksgivings with my relatives who all live within two hours of Sacramento. My aunties were kind enough to upload pictures to facebook right away :) We took cousin pictures here with my kids and my sister's kids. Dbil photoshopped ds into a a few of those and into one of the pictures of everyone at table :lol:
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