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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. My life for so many years! January was always brutal :lol:
  2. Rest day today. I am running a large science event for elementary-grade homeschoolers this weekend and am taking advantage of the "free" time to do all the last bits and pieces of preparation. I cannot wait until Sunday...
  3. Dd is taking AP English Language through Blue Tent Online. They have had more than 80% of their students score a 4 or 5 in the past three years. I'd say that's an impressive stat, even for a self-selecting group. http://www.teacherweb.com/USA/BlueTent/Thompson/apt26.aspx
  4. Today will be my usual training session plus either extra core work (depending on what I do during the session) or a bit of frantic cardio before picking up dd on campus :)
  5. I wasn't able to fit raking in after our dentist appointments--not light enough. At my training session I dead-lifted105 lbs and bench-pressed 55 lbs :party: And then my trainer tortured me with core exercises :eek:
  6. Rieshy, I love my Fitbit HR... Today: training plus leaf raking!
  7. Su---grilled tuna steaks (caught Friday by one of dh's clients!), bok choy, noodles, salad w soy-ginger dressing M---ground turkey tacos, sweet and hot peppers, salad Tu--eggs, fruit, some baked good W--chicken pieces w sherry-rosemary pan sauce, potatoes, 2 veg Th-- homemade potstickers, something w broccoli F--mujaddara (lentils and rice), roasted butternut squash Sa--either pan-roasted chicken breasts or ATK's chicken fingers, broccoli tots
  8. Still raining :( so I'm heading to the gym to use the elliptical or bike. Treadmills are sooo boring compared to walking outside.
  9. I'm waiting for rain to stop before I head out on a long walk. By myself. With no one talking to me. It's been a long week :lol:
  10. My dh is helping with the university's homecoming game parking until noon (a charity receives a donation in exchange for his service). Our old fridge is being picked up this morning between 10 and noon. Dh and I have a concert and dinner out tonight :) I need to --exercise after the fridge is picked up --hit the grocery store to stock the new fridge --write a psych test for dd --finish writing the bio test for dd --check on dd's progress --work on the event tests for next Saturday's elementary science competition
  11. Add me to the Charge HR fan club! I've been wearing mine since January.
  12. Today is a rest day. I'm not sure of it will be active or total rest. It depends on when the new fridge will be delivered---sometime between 2:30 and 4:30, so if it comes on the early side I can go for a walk before dark. I don't know how motivated I would be to exercise indoors after dinner, you know?
  13. Have you considered Derek Owens for precalculus (and calculus as well)? Self-paced, $58 a month, videos, email help, all grading done for you.
  14. --haircut 2:15 --fridge delivery 2:30-4:30 (dh works from home Thursdays) --dd ballet 5 --daily and Thursday things --school --write psych test for tomorrow --work ahead in calculus --start writing event tests for next week's elementary competition --find, order medals the the competition --hit one grocery store for sale items once fridge has chilled
  15. I hope you feel better soon, Kim! Today with the trainer I did more bar squats, focusing on correct form. I also did a lot of (angled) pushups, more than I have ever done, in addition to several other things. I can feel the strength in my body :)
  16. Regular exercise has helped me, too. I haven't had any hot flashes or anxiety in more than two years (I'm 49). I lift heavy weights with the help of a trainer, do cardio like elliptical and biking, hike with dh once a week, and do pilates at home. I don't take any supplements or vitamins. I eat as close to a rainbow as I can each day. I have no underlying health issues, thankfully.
  17. Dh and I spent two hours refrigerator shopping this afternoon. Our new one will be delivered on Thursday. I am tired of dealing with the coolers!
  18. --fridge repairperson comes between noon and 1 pm; hopeful it can be fixed today --dd Arabic; gym for me --school --daily and Tuesday things --email state-specific rules to team members --recruit a few more teen helpers --some yardwork since it's so warm today --dinner is dependent on the fridge repair --dd ballet 6-9; dh class, meeting 5-9:30
  19. I can feel all kinds of muscles in my body this morning thatI don't normally feel. Today will be 45-50 minutes of cardio while dd is at class.
  20. Major milestone at training today: I did squats with the bar! I had to use straps to assist my arms (the left shoulder still doesn't want to rotate far enough) but I did four sets :D :party: Oh my gosh, I was so tired after! My legs, my abs, my arms, whew.
  21. 1. Wait for return call from appliance repair person about the non-chilling fridge. 2. Take dd to Arabic class and work out at gym with trainer. 3. Fret about fridge. 4. Make lunch and dinner from contents of cooler and chest freezer. 5. Repeat #3. Pretty much it!
  22. I am waiting for an appliance repair person to call me back about my non-chilling fridge so this is all tentative. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday will be chosen from things I have premade in the chest freezer (kefta, black bean burgers, taco meat), grilled chicken fajitas, or tandoori-spiced chicken (can't do proper tandoori because dd is dairy-intolerant) plus veggies and coordinating starches (naan, tortillas, rice, whatever). I cannot make anything that produces leftovers! S--Chinese out w friends M-- T-- W-- Th--fish, dependent on what looks good at the store that day F--homemade potstickers! Sa--monthly dinner date after a concert :)
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