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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Dh and I are going to take a 6 (or is it 7?) mile hike, the long way around town, to the farmers' market and back home. It's a bit chilly still so we're enjoying third cups of decaf first :)
  2. Dh had a V. It was the best option for us.
  3. 45 min elliptical and 30 minutes weight circuit. My Romanian deadlift weight is now 70 lb :D Goal is 100 lb by the end of the year.
  4. Yay for Friday! --dd Arabic; gym for me --usual schoolness --daily and Friday things --errands: groceries, library, pick up contacts --yardwork as much as possible --very late Nutcracker rehearsal tonight for dd; dh will drive :) --some college research
  5. Parent-taught classes are not valid in all states for students under 18. As with everything, check your individual state's requirements.
  6. However, insurance rates vary state-to-state. There was only a $100/year difference in insuring a teen ds and a teen dd. Our state pays for drivers education for all high school sophomores. Kids who attend small schools and homeschoolers may take the class during the summer after sophomore year. The Y offers classes during the academic year for a small fee if the summer classes don't work. The instructor does both the classroom and on-road portion and certifies that the student has passed both portions. The student takes the form to the DMV and gets a learners permit. The first 6 months have certain restrictions and the second 6 months have others. After 1 year the student receives an under-21 license (it's printed in vertical orientation instead of horizontal). We did not have to pay insurance on our kids until they received their license. They were considered to be under our insurance until age 17. Dd15 will be taking drivers ed this coming summer.
  7. Update: I walked to/from the gym today. It was too nice not to walk :)
  8. My sisters! :lol: Dh got me the pain relief stuff. A keeper, that man. ;)
  9. I am grateful right now for an on-call doctor who calls back immediately modern antibiotics 24 hour pharmacies a dh who willingly runs out to the nearest 24 hour pharmacy, 20 minutes away Three hours since the first twinge ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
  10. This is my favorite thread of the entire year :party:
  11. The difficulty, at least here, is finding Arabic teachers. We live adjacent to a research university. There are 80 bazillion Chinese grad students. The spouses (the ones able to work) are being hired to teach at the two-year-old Chinese immersion elementary program at the school down the street and at other programs.
  12. Dd's PSAT ran really late yesterday so I had to move my training session to today. I'll combine it with either a walk to/from or a elliptical session. It depends on how much time I have this afternoon.
  13. D thought the questions had tricky wording so that one could easily make a mistake without close reading. She said the two language sections were easy. She was disappointed in the lack of geometry problems, one of her strong points. First words out of her mouth were complaints about percentage problems :lol:
  14. Have you considered Derek Owens classes? They are self-paced (though he does give a suggested syllabus) with teacher support and grading. I'd link but I'm on my phone--it's www.derekowens.com
  15. Katie, there are multiple reports of the PSAT running long this year, because of the new questions asked before the test actually begins. Dd finished more than an hour late. So that part might very well be true. :grouphug:
  16. D likes to pace herself (she learned that taking AMCs). She puts the watch on the desk or table in front of her.
  17. Sooo --dd PSAT this am --dd MUN 6-8 --dh Chinese 5 --me astronomy lecture at the university 7:30 --grocery shopping --Arabic; gym --remaining school things --daily and Wednesday tasks --some gardening, if possible --reply emails
  18. Squeezed in 40 min on the elliptical before dd's Arabic class let out early...
  19. From the official student guide (p 32): "On the Math Test--Calculator portion, all scientific calculators are permitted. A four-function calculator is acceptable but not recommended. The following graphing calculators are permitted:" (listing) The TI-30 is fine :) I don't know if dd will take that or the TI-84 she's been using for calculus.
  20. Well. We ended up homeschooling for high school. The original plan was just for grades 5-8. We visited all the schools in this very competitive area. Nothing fit dd. And it's even worse now for tenth grade. (Got to go drive her :lol: Will be back to add)
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