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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. We had a lazy morning ;) No hike today! I'm going to do pilates videos for 45-60 minutes after I finish my Sunday tasks. We're going out for Chinese w friends tonight, which means we'll get the good stuff not on the menu :D
  2. She should do what bring her joy without thinking about "what looks good on an application." Colleges just want to see that the applicant does something, anything, outside academics.
  3. Our city is 36,000 which swells to greater than 53,000 when the university is in session.
  4. Boring compared to you guys----45 min elliptical, double my usual core routine, lat pulldowns to help my shoulder (up to 27.5 lb, yay me lol) and squats. For the first time ever I was the most-fit person working out :D Tomorrow I have an early meeting an hour away. I will come home to friends here homebrewing with dh. Not sure what/if I'll get to for exercise.
  5. Ahhh Friday! --dd Arabic; gym for me --dh and I charity event 5-7 --dd rehearsal 8-9 --daily and Friday things --all the school stuff --more college research --fix typos, mail form --emails o' the day --bed early before an early morning meeting an hour away
  6. D can get through each week's videos, practice problems, and homework in less than five hours a week (from the suggested syllabus). Any additional problems at the end of the section or chapter (pulled from past AP exams and practice books) take another hour or so, depending on how many problems there are. Sometimes she does them all; sometimes she does only selected problems if they are repetitive.
  7. This. My parents have been gone longer, Mom six years next week and Dad four years a few weeks back. I had no idea I would be "orphaned" at 45. :grouphug:
  8. Homeschool friendly? Merit scholarship for oos students? (I know what the website says, but I'm looking for what actually happens!) The academics fit dd's needs for international relations plus Arabic, at least on paper.
  9. Thursday is usually my complete rest day. However, I might go for a walk if the rain ever stops, and I will definitely do all my stretching. I'm not nearly as stiff/sore as I thought I would be after yesterday :)
  10. We're following on twitter (all the NPR folks, basically) :lol:
  11. Please don't make me twitch. OMGosh, a portfolio? What school?
  12. Oh my goodness, I am in your last-year's shoes, just substituting IR with a side of Arabic for the forensic science :eek: Congratulations :party:
  13. Training session today :D I did real, honest to gosh bench presses and deadlifts with the big bar. I had been using short, fixed-weight bars and dumbbells up to this point. Trainer said I will feel those 3-5 rep sets more than anything else I've done yet. I believe him! And all the trainers voted me as Member of the Month! I'll be in the newsletter and on facebook with a lovely post-workout picture :lol:
  14. Argh!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Chrysalis Academy
    2. quark




    3. Luckymama


      Thanks :) Combo of an ovethinking-her-essays dd, college searching, testing plan, and a volunteer potentially backing out of a commitment!

  15. Thought they have recently (September?) changed their regulations to be morre in-line with the rest of the industry. Alas.
  16. Today I squeezed in 45 min on the bike and 75% of my core routine while dd was at class :)
  17. Sorry Kim :grouphug: When it rains, it pours.
  18. So today at the gym I asked my trainer how long he thought it would be until I could deadlift the heaviest fixed-weight bar (110 lb----I can do 70 without thinking now). He looked at it, looked at me, told me to out my gloves on, and handed the bar to me. I held it, did one rep without a problem, and did a second one without a problem. He freaked out, and I got high fives from everyone in the gym :D I think I'll be able to up my weight training to four days a week now. My shoulder is back! :party: And he said bar squats will be soon... I swear, I'm going to have him takemy picture that day!
  19. It now looks as though dd will be graduating early. My beautiful testing plan is no more (one ACT and one new SAT this year as a sophomore, hit next year's PSAT hard in hopes of NMF, decide on either a second ACT or SAT as a junior, spread out subject tests). Should she even bother with the SAT since she won't be eligible for NMF? One university (so far) has a EA deadline of Nov. 1. I read that ACT scores can take up to 8 weeks to be out. That would make an ACT testing date of Sept 10 (2016) too tight, correct? She has conflicts with the Dec 2015 and April 2016 ACT dates. Would testing in February and then in June (if needed) work? We often have bad weather n February and would need to drive 30 minutes w/o traffic to the nearest testing site. Is the ACT 'red book' the best for prep, ignoring the old-style essay? For SAT subject tests-----A few schools "strongly recommend" 2 or 3 subject tests (mind you, she'll have 6 APs and 8 university Arabic credits at the end of this school year). Dd's language does not have a test. She is not going into a STEM field. She was going to take Math 2 last June after pre-calc but was ill that whole week. I had planned for US History after next year, but that would be after she applies. Bio E is a possibility for the January testing date, since she'll be done with her bio block in December. Suggestions? She would have to take the tests in January and/or June (no subject tests in March, May's date is smack in the middle of APs). Thanks!
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