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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Rest day yesterday for me as well. Today will be a training session plus whatever else I can squeeze in.
  2. Good morning :) --dd Arabic; training session at gym for me --dd ballet 7:30-9 --daily and Monday things --all the usual school stuff --check SAT and ACT dates --email teen volunteers --email SO team members about event choice --file lots and lots of paperwork --check college list for testing and homeschooler requirements --library? Today is our 24th anniversary :party:
  3. My situation is similar, except for the nights we have fish----I purchase what looks good on that day. Plus, cooking for three is sooooooo much simpler!
  4. Do you have something for math? And you need some literature?
  5. Sun: chicken/spinach/rice noodles for dh and dd; I'm going out with friends! Mon: homemade black bean burgers and salad for dd; anniversary dinner out with dh :) Tues: bagel and egg sandwiches, bacon, fruit Wed: tandoori chicken, naan, 2 veggies Thurs: homemade fish and chips (assuming the fishmonger has some thick pieces), broc Fri: foraging for dd; a charity function for dh and I Sat: chicken adobo, rice, 2 veggies The number of times we're eating out this week is highly unusual, like our monthly allotment in one week :eek:
  6. So why don't you share what you have found so far? We might be able to suggest better options or tweak as needed. And welcome :)
  7. Today: --plan week --grade some tests --prepare for school week --dinner out with my friends :party:
  8. Dude, get the Fiestaware. Like tomorrow!
  9. I vote for the online choice as well. Dd cried on my shoulder last night about fellow students who aren't excited/enthusiastic/capable in her in-person (university) language class.
  10. Clear thoughts and steady pencils to everyone! I have to decide when dd should take the ACT and/or the SAT...
  11. We're hosting a dinnner party for 21 people tonight. Enough said. See you tomorrow!
  12. Both :) The path, for us, has been full of regression bumps but has, in general, been smoothing out. We are treating dd like the college student she has been (almost) acting like. It helps that's she's finally over 5' so she looks more the part now. Stangers/acquaintances no longer give her "the look" when she speaks (you all know what I mean, right?). Unfortunately people who knew her when she was younger, especially before we began homeschooling in fifth grade, still treat her like a curiousity or an oddity. Dd gets so angry after one of those encounters :( She cannot wait to move away for school.
  13. On top of --dd considering graduating a year early --dd applying for a very competitive summer program (with common-ap-like parts for me. Too soon!!!) --trying to find strong future schools for someone already studying an unusual language who has a very particular major in mind --doing the good ol' merit scholarship search, The Boy is having a difficult time on the opposite coast. He's lonely. The job is challenging but good. It's all the other stuff,
  14. We have been very pleased with the English classes dd has taken with Blue Tent Online (Honors English 1 and 2, AP English Language currently).
  15. I love all the AoPS books. I'm in a bit of mourning this year because dd is no longer using them. Her plans changed over the years (hahaha). The time she used to spend on AoPS is now spent studying Arabic, reading about world affairs, and writing a lot more.
  16. Today will be as much cardio as I can get in while dd is at Arabic.
  17. Just a training session and gardening today. Well, de-gardening, that is. We had a frost last night so it's time to pull the plants out :(
  18. Yesterday--dinner out with all of dh's family Today--chicken seville, peas Tues--black bean burgers (scratch--ATK recipe), zucchini ribbons, tortillas Wed--jambalaya, sauteed bok choy (it looked good at the farmers' mkt yesterday) Thurs--crab cakes (scratch) or something salmon, baked sweet potatoes Fri--dinner party here with university Confucius Institute teachers and staff and administration (serving pumpkin-mushroom soup, a spinach-based salad, baguettes, either roasted chicken or pork tenderloin (depends if our Muslim friends will be able to attend), and apple pie) Sat--something chicken, broccoli
  19. One high school student taking a university foreign language class, $1900 per semester, plus an online English class, Derek Owens AP calculus... On the bright side, all her other classes just require a lot of my time, inexpensive used textbooks (with one exception), and AP/SAT subject test fees.
  20. My dd20 is rice-intolerant (as well as gluten-intolerant). Who knew there was such a thing? Now she eats corn pasta.
  21. 6.4 miles with a stop for our veggies and lunch at Chipotle :) A nice way to spend a few hours together!
  22. This is how I handle ours :). We don't have that many, an insulated metal one for each of us, two Brita bottles, and two travel coffee mugs. I donated all the freebie ones last year to make space.
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