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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. What a mess; I hope they come through for you soon.
  2. Consider checking with different services to find the best fit and deal for him.
  3. :iagree: February...What a long month it is for me...year after year. :tongue_smilie:
  4. :grouphug:Thanks for taking the time to update us. I'll continue to pray here for your dad and family.
  5. :grouphug:I always find your posts worth reading and this one is very inspiring this morning. (I wanted to pull up the covers and stay in bed.) It's refreshing to hear others share their imperfect homeschool journey and experiences. Anyway, I'm thrilled you worked through the difficult season and found your grove again:001_smile:.
  6. It's hard dealing with so many people who refuse to believe in food allergies. I figure it isn't my job to test them or question them. However, I do know many people who do and even sneak a known allergy into something to see for themselves. Btw...Just because a person or child doesn't drop dead in your presence, doesn't mean they didn't have a reaction. My mil, thinks people should take a Benadryl and get over it:confused:.
  7. We can wish she would give up, but the thing is...She will never give up, at least that is how my mil is. It's like she has some crazy vision of how things should be in her mind and pig will fly before she'll ever give up.
  8. :iagree: My sister's dd (8 at the time), was attacked and bitten repeatedly by her step-mother's chow; it was awful. and her dad was right there when it happened. He had to fight the dog off of her.
  9. :iagree:It sounds like maybe she was setting you up somehow or testing you to see how far she can go. I'm glad the two of you are a team.
  10. Oh, honey I'm so sorry. Your situations sounds a lot like what we went through with my in-laws. Fil had a stroke, and mil was focused on herself. What a horrible place to find yourself in; its just awful...kwim? Be there for your dad, he needs you. It may help to focus on him and revert to prayer when your mom is less than you wish. Many prayers:grouphug:.
  11. I wouldn't punish her for this. Everyone has their moments; I'd talk to her about, but I wouldn't punish her. (Btw, think about...Hormones...and prepare yourself.) You might try rewarding good attitudes, work and behaviors vs. punishment.
  12. Wow, it's so upsetting that so many people (for me it's the moms) that can be so mean. I mean, I just can't imagine being so hateful to my beloved children.:confused: My mil, is my only real experience with a narcissist and it makes me actually sick to examine her behavior at times. She is selfish beyond all reason and her mean can rip your heart out.
  13. Aww, he's so blessed to have you in his corner... I can't imagine how bad the itch is to peek, because even I want to know what's in that letter. ;)
  14. :grouphug:Aww, I hope she had a wonderful first day.
  15. Walmart and just about any store with a linen section carry the cases. Google how to detect them.
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