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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :iagree: However, I also feel most people expect a gift.
  2. Help might work, but he is going to have to make some routines to develop his own workable system. The best thing for many is to simply do the reading and assignments now...not later.
  3. :iagree: We were phoned the day before (Sunday) RSVP were due by dh's sister. I was like:confused:..."Why is she calling us before the RSVP is even due?" Imo...fwiw...Facebook adds to the mess.
  4. Well yes, they are friendly...but their mail service is the pits; I've been waiting patiently for our check for almost two years.
  5. :hurray::hurray::hurray:That is wonderful news! I wonder if she knows just how helpful she was.
  6. :iagree::001_smile::iagree: I'm tickled you let her know she was rude.:D
  7. :grouphug:We get just what you mean .:grouphug:
  8. :grouphug:It sounds like your heart is aching, and I'm really sorry.
  9. Is this private rehoming? The fees sound crazy to me, unless they are a non-profit.
  10. Congratulations on the job! (I would expect a potential employer to google my name; that's the nature of just about anything these days.)
  11. I was hoping for an update...interesting. I hope the follow ups all run smoothly.
  12. :grouphug: My sister hasn't received child support for going on two years now. I really don't understand people not supporting their children.
  13. :grouphug:Prayers:grouphug: I hope you hear from them soon.
  14. :iagree: Sending in a card with the symptoms and concerns can help a patient get the information to the doctor. I don't understand why you couldn't go into the exam with him. I hope he feels better soon. It's ridiculous how long this diagnosis took.
  15. I always make it from scratch, like my mom = no recipe. However, I do often add in things to keep it moist or give it a twist. Salsa Mexican corn a bit of sugar the cream corn, sounds like Grandma's baked corn recipe and it is yummy. You can also top it with melted butter to keep it moist and yummy.
  16. :iagree: (And in this instance, if the delay was bothering me...I'd just go pick it up.)
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