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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Jean, your voice is missed around here. Thanks for popping in and sharing your update and encouragement with us.
  2. I would let it go. If you choose to lend something in the future, get a written agreement in place.
  3. Robin, we would miss your voice here, but I understand your reasoning. I find myself steering clear of the chat board and limiting my time here in general, but the support and info is something I would dearly miss. Best wishes~
  4. Alternative to removing the door is removing the door nob, and or the closing plate. You can still bam it closed, but it's very little bang for your buck; and most of the time it won't stay closed. That said, I have no problem with removing the door. I would give a calm warning not during a door slamming fit and follow through with what ever path you choose.
  5. :grouphug: I'm overwhelmed just reading all that, but I don't have any worthy advice to offer.
  6. It's hard, isn't it. My baby is 18 now and I have plenty of weepy times. Twelve can be an awkward age for boys while they separate from mom a bit.
  7. I don't think I've had a full 8 hours of consecutive sleep since I was pregnant with my oldest. I sympathize; I think getting older, medications for some, pms and diet can play havoc with many a good nights sleep. Also a good mattress is a must for many along with a little exercise and sunlight. I hope you find a way to feel well rested. Many nights for me, include a sleep intermission; I just make sure to get to bed early enough to allow for the hiccup.
  8. I'm so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you. :crying:
  9. Continuing to pray here. :grouphug:
  10. I would not choose them; sorry, hill I would die on. Imagine your children without you or your dh with them (esp. fil) as their parents; I believe people can change, but your fil imo...is like many people who age and their personality/out look on life/way of dealing with people/ decreasing patience and overall attitude just gets stronger vs. mellowing.
  11. Jmo, but you should consider test driving a Toyota or Honda of your choice. We are in the market for another vehicle and I wanted to love a Ford, but there is still a big difference imo.
  12. I do believe it is possible, but firmly believe both parties need a good attorney representing them.
  13. I hope she is able to find the strength to move on and make a life for herself and new baby. That is my hope, but as you fear and know the possibility of her going back with him is there. I hope she finds support and considers some sort of counseling; NPD people know how to manipulate people who care(ed) for them.
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: cont. prayers
  15. Does she poop standing up in the pull up? For some kids, the sitting down is a new skill that must be trained/learned. If training was really important, I would get rid of every single the pull-up.
  16. I totally sympathize with the two story heating and cooling nightmare; if we ever move it will be to a one story.
  17. I do this if the item is super delicate, but most often use the hand wash cycle on the washer.
  18. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Prayers for healing and strength.
  19. Tammyla


    I didn't read anything you posted as bashing. :grouphug: (Fil died 3 years ago last month; imo in a horrible way, and dh and I processed it very different ways and that caused confusion and conflict as time went by.) Teary for me was and occasionally still is one of my reactions or coping mechanisms; dh has always been uncomfortable with tears.
  20. Tammyla


    :grouphug: I'm sorry for your loss. I agree grief has no time table, but also feel counseling can be a blessing in weathering the storm.
  21. Op, I started taking fish oil on the rec from my eye doctor too. He recommends it for anyone (unless a medical or prescription prohibits it) (esp ladies) 40 and over or those with dry eyes. I really notice a difference in my eyes if I don't take it.
  22. I like Omega Brites or my local Hyvee grocery store brand. Both are not lemon flavored (I'm allergic) and neither give me fish berps.
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