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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Congratulations on your new little one; I'm happy everything worked out so well. ( Wow, 9lbs 1 oz is a lot of baby) :hurray:
  2. I have to show this to my ds; that could be pretty awesome in the right place.
  3. I'm not sure about Henna going over dye either. Sally's Beauty Supply would be a great place to look for help to find out what your options are. I believe there is something called Oops that removes the dye, but please find someone other than me as your guide. I'm sure it will work out. You might also call a local salon and see what they suggest.
  4. Congrats, the right fitting one makes you look and feel better. I'm glad you had a positive experience; a good bra fitting is worth the effort.
  5. Sherwin Williams has paint sales...I think in July or you can find a coupon. Recommended here by a fellow boardie was their Harmony paint. I was amazed to be able to paint a room and sleep in that night; oh, and we covered a reddish brown (previous owners choice) paint in two coats. Good paint is worth the price, but I'm all for saving money with sales, and coupons. :grouphug: There are lots of good quality paints out there, I just liked the very low odor of the SW-Harmony.
  6. I wore Ecco sandals and shoes. The styles looked European to me, and were recommended by a shoe sales woman who worked on her feet all day. My experience was a good outcome, I wore them every day all day for a year. After wearing them and getting used to wearing shoes all.the.time, I can now wear a number of different shoes. My new favorites are Skeechers Gowalks. Hope you find the shoes that work for you; painful feet are awful. (Btw wearing shoes all day was very important. I also used a frozen water bottle to roll, but not often.)
  7. :grouphug: Don't feel too bad, those mistakes happen very often. I do hope they make it right soon for you.
  8. That stinks. :grouphug: Consider discussing or e-mailing (I think face to face would be the best option) the snippy (I'd use another word) e-mail with the sender. She may find herself with fewer and fewer volunteers. Expressing tone in e-mail can be tricky, but if you speak with her and she doesn't apologize...it may be time to devote your time where you will be valued and appreciated.
  9. I'm so happy for you and your baby; enjoy that little guy. :grouphug: :hurray:
  10. I would sleep downstairs until the heat breaks. I can't imagine how high my electric bill would be if I turned my AC that low. (Could you be hormonal; just wondering because when I'm having hot flashes due to pms, I feel crazy hot when no one else is.) :grouphug: I can't sleep when it's too hot. I get a small fan on my side of the bed for a little relief.
  11. :grouphug: My next door neighbor's youngest was turned just before delivery and made her way into the world the old fashioned way.
  12. Thank you for taking time to update date us on your ds. (post 1522) Sending prayers daily.
  13. :hurray: Congratulations!
  14. Sending more prayers for your ds, you, and his medical team. :grouphug:
  15. Good job! Wow, I'm so happy for you and all the future guests who happen to leave something so sensitive behind.
  16. I would get back to the buyers quickly, letting them know you are doing the safety repair. That may be their must have and the other two their hopefuls. Bluffing, whatever who cares? All that really matters is do you want this sale.
  17. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Praying.
  18. Wonderful. I hope and pray she finds the answers and healing to relieve her stress and symptoms.
  19. You might check with a rental agency. We used one when we moved here and I was happily surprised to find a nice executive (expensive) place on a month to month.
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