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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. (She has a web site that explains it along with her book.) She recommends doing one drawer or small area at a time, while you set a timer for 15 minutes. Also the 27 item bag-boogie is an excellent tool. Grab a garbage bag and another to donate, and quickly gather 27 trash or items to donate into the bags. Dump the trash, and put the donate bag in your vehicle immediately. I'm sure others can chime in, but that's what pops into my mind.
  2. Op :grouphug: I'm glad you were able to get an earlier appointment and hope all goes well. Kathy in R, :grouphug: .
  3. :grouphug: Vent away...So many people just don't understand. I think your smart to talk with your NP btw.
  4. I'm in... Taking a deep breath. Dh mentioned that my baby will finish his senior year this May and it's a good time to go through my homeschool stash/library/just in case books. I'm already in the middle of going through my closet, and getting rid of shoes and clothing is much easier than my books. I'm an old Flylady fan, but very much a KonMari want to be. (Flylady never made me think very much or very hard; KonMari, well sparking joy is a new concept for me.)
  5. I can't believe that I actually prefer a smoothie with greens in it now. My favorite is frozen peaches, frozen banana, ice, vanilla yogurt, milk and a big handful of fresh spinach and a bit of fresh carrot. If I have grapes, pears, cantaloupe, or apples I toss those in and blend. (Dh thinks the grapes make it taste weird.)
  6. If you haven't already purchased a cover, try eBay. I purchased a thin hard plastic one that is magnetic (turns itself on and off) from China for $8; it didn't even take long to arrive and I love. The cheapest local one I could find was bulky and about $40.
  7. Call her daughter and see if you can arrange shipping if she can find them. Do you think she might have given them to someone? I wouldn't normally suggest asking to get a gift back, but she isn't going to use them and it seems a waste. Good cautionary tale to all of us...clean up our ship-to auto fils.
  8. Poor kiddo...Would V-neck t-shirts lesson the chewing? A big pack of white ones wouldn't be expensive. It's easier for some to break a nervous habit by changing to another outlet.
  9. I'm glad you are both going to read BOUNDARIES...getting on the same page is an excellent plan.
  10. :iagree: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  12. Soniccare...get one of them if she doesn't already have one. The dentist gave her a tiny-tree brush and pretty much insisted on the sonicare toothbrush. Also have a portable toothbrush and supplies for times she is out and needs to brush. Pretty much all sticky foods are out, no popcorn; actually the list is pretty long. Your ortho will give you a big-old list to post of the refrigerator.
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. I would call and let them know you are a family member and concerned for his and the safety of others. It's too bad his wife isn't open to helping him and your (his) mother isn't able, but you are still closely related. You are not alone dealing with this and the clinic has worked with him and others experiencing these kinds of medical / mental conditions. They may or may not be able to directly discuss things with you, but they will be able to offer information and direction. Would your sister-in-law be open to letting you know if he is taking his medication as prescribed? Also taking other over the counter or scripts can cause some manic episodes. My family member had that and it didn't end well. You can pm me if you want to discuss specifics.
  15. Scarlett, can you focus on his medical providers and seeing what they recommend based on his emails? Your mom may know the name of his doctor and you could call the office and get some professional advice. Manic depressive bipolar can definitely be a threat to themselves, loved ones and others esp. if he is in a psychotic state. His doctor can help him. :grouphug:
  16. Scarlet, you said he was diagnosed manic-depressive and bipolar. He really needs to see his doctor asap. I would contact them and find out how to get him into care.
  17. EL, many hugs and a few tears for you and your dad. Thank you for sharing with us, you'll be in my prayer. :grouphug:
  18. :hurray: :grouphug: :hurray: You are an excellent mom and deserve a big hug for listening to your protective mommy instinct. Never, never be ashamed of it.
  19. I would get a treadmill. They make indoor exercise easy. For the food, I would try making snacks ahead of time for her. It's a pain, but she is still growing and maturing; the habits you help her develop today will benefit her for a life time. I struggle with getting my two to eat healthy choices, both will choose quick and easy. I make sure there are always cut or baby carrots, washed and ready to eat veggies and fruits on hand along with other easy (bagged) good choice snacks. Mine are pretty much grown, but I still have to work on this pretty much everyday.
  20. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: prayers
  21. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry.
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