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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I agree with Audrey. A white shirt and black pants are a classic/polished look. Good luck tomorrow...and prayers.
  2. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I think I might send a snail-mail card to your dad and mom; I'd even have the kiddos sign it. I get you are trying to keep the door open esp. w/ your dad. (I think my mil has NPD and now that fil is gone, dealing with her is getting more and more difficult.) You know the drill...she ignors we exist, and gets her knickers in a knot if we exist without her. She's like a dark-rain-cloud on a good day. I'm so sorry you mom isn't a nice mom, I can't imagine having my mil as my real mom. We just have to love em anyway, but it's heartbreaking some days.:grouphug:
  3. :grouphug:I'm so sorry for your loss.:grouphug: My fil, passed last year after a stroke.
  4. I would give the gift and pass on co-signing. That will make looking for something he can afford easier to begin with vs. falling in love with one that is over his budget.
  5. This to the tune of stayin-alive, stayin-alive.
  6. Mine have always loved raw veggies of most any kind. Growing veggies helped them try a bunch of new ones.
  7. :party::party::party::party: Happy Birthday, and congratulations momma.
  8. I'm glad I opened this thread, and so happy it went well.
  9. I drive less and less and feel like being sick at the gas station. Our city bus system is next to useless.
  10. Our purchase will not be soon, but we'll get the Ipad3. I'm just waiting for the money tree to bloom.:glare:
  11. :iagree: I do enjoy reading the high school rigor threads and appreciate the buried nuggets, but some posts are not for the faint of heart. Homeschooling high school has reminded me that I’m not going to get this 100% right or perfect, but I’m really focused on doing an excellent job overall.
  12. Magnet... You might find the missing screw with one.
  13. Congratulations, and prayers for a smooth move.
  14. We were busy yesterday, and I missed the yesterday's announcement. Congrats, break a leg...:hurray::hurray::hurray:
  15. :confused: That policy is crazy. (I'm sorry for you brother and his students.) Kid's aren't held back here for any reason in elem; just promoted year after year until it catches up with them. Our test scores contine to drop and graduation rates follow them.
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