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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. In our neck of the woods, money is expected. The amounts seem to be; $20.00 to the graduate of people from the office that we don't know $20.00 to graduates we kind of know $50.00 - $100.00 to a closer kid, like a nephew $100. + from grandparents We get so many graduation announcments from graduates we have never laid eyes on:001_huh:. I have to try to line the last names up to the parents, but many times they aren't the same.
  2. :hurray: Your update sounds like an all around happy one for everyone. Your real life wisdom and insight are missed around here.
  3. HPB.com, oh my! I had no idea they were on-line! Thank you:D. I've never heard of the other sites either. Thank you, thank you.
  4. In your case, I'd consider using a computer based program or basic spreadsheet that could simply be printed. (I detest making copies:tongue_smilie:>) I think Homschooltracker still has a free version.
  5. :grouphug:Prayers for you and the little one. Come out baby; your momma is waiting;).
  6. Oh, what a beautiful GS. My sister's has had two (rescue) Sheps and they are the best of dogs. If I ever get another dog, it will be GS. The white is awesome.
  7. DD will graduate in December, and this is the first year in a long time that I have no planning done:confused:. I'm going back and forth with dual enrollment options. I'm in desperate need of a motivating thread to kick my rear into gear. Thank you all.
  8. I think it's true of most kids in general. There are days when they are sponges and days when it all flies over their head. To be honest, I have those moments myself.
  9. Too bad you missed the mailing deadline. Could you sneak it to him or have your child deliver it, while you wait in the car? I don't think it's bad to feel that way; some people suck the life out of you, because they just can't help it.
  10. My ds is older, but we find great deals on used games. Our malls have two different chains that sell used games; they guarantee they work or give a full refund. They also purchase used games if you outgrow one.
  11. (Canada may be different.) But...I would caution you towards using a mortgage broker that isn't tied to a bank. Many times they don't show you all the available loans and programs and can actually have hidden points & %s back that you will never know about. (This can lead them to steer you towards a higher rate, special or fee loan in order to get the cash in their pocket.)
  12. Different stages in life can make leaving easier or more difficult. My kids nearly grown, I've been married for so long; it would take danger to make me leave. Where I would have gone 20 years ago would not be the same today. I don't go there in my mind either. I know plenty of younger mothers who have no good options waiting, but staying is dangerous. They go to shelters with their little ones.
  13. Wow, you are so talented; what an amazing cake. (I don't know who that character is, but it's adorable.)
  14. :lol::001_huh: Snort...I think that's funny, but it kind of isn't. I hope your pizza was worth the wait.
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